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Had my LP!

Well, I had the LP.  Honestly, it was HORRIBLE!!!  The doctor couldn't find a good position to drain the fluid and after several attempts, managed to find one that sent pain shooting down my right leg.  This in turn caused me to tense up all my upper back muscles, so I ended up being in bed flat on my back for 5 days because of back pain.  Then when I finally managed to be able to get up, I had the spinal headache.  If it were not for some serious meds, I don't know what I would have done.  I will NEVER have it done again........and this after the dr said he wasn't sure he was able to get enough fluid out and I might have to come back.  Over my dead body!  

Sorry to complain.......I just had to get it out.  I don't think people truely understand when I tell them why I'm in misery right now.
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Thank you for the well wishes.  I am doing better now.  I still have the headache, but nothing like it was.  I am actually getting ready to go shopping.  I have a lot of catching up to do and don't want to be doing it on Wednesday.  

Soonermom- I can't believe that a doctor would do that to you!  I hope you found a new doctor after that.

I am very blessed to have a wonderful support system both at home and now here.  
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648910 tn?1290663083
Your experience sounds like a nightmare.  I am sorry it happened.

I haven't had one...yet...and I don't want to.

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373367 tn?1246402035
My neuro INSISTED on doing the LP himself (instead of having it done at the hospital)....yeah, that didn't work so well for me.  

****Most people don't have these issues, so don't read the following if you are scared of having an LP!!!****

It took at least 3 "tries" and different needles and his comments were "Boy, I've hit a patch of bad luck doing these lately....I am really sorry, this is ridiculous....and then went into stories about how they used to reuse needles and sharpen them and how bad it was to use one that hadn't been sharpened in a while...and as he was wiping blood off of my back he was talking about how "juicy" the spot was that he couldn't get to work.

I mean SERIOUSLY!!  I was just laying there in a fetal position trying to find my "happy place"

To top it off, when they sent the phlebotomist in to draw blood from my arm, he spent at least 30 minutes and couldn't find a vein...after numerous sticks.  He was about to leave the room and tell my neuro that he couldn't do it....and I informed  him that I WAS NOT redoing the LP again because he couldn't draw blood from me!!  He (like the neuro) was finally able to do it.

It was at least 2 hours of my life that I will never get back.  My back hurt (in those spots) for quite a while after that.  I didn't get the spinal headache, but I really layed flat on my back for about 5 days or so.   YES, I called in sick to work!!

Anyway, just wanted you to know that you aren't alone!!

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378497 tn?1232143585
I've had two LPs and they both went very smoothly, but I know exactly what kind of shock you mean b/c the anesthesiologist hit that nerve cold when I was getting an epidural once. That's a BIG shock.

I hope you're doing better. I've been checking to see if you've posted any results. I know that they can take as long as two weeks, depending on the lab that processes them.

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I'm so sorry you had such a bad experience.  I'm scared to death about having an LP, but know it will come around soon.

I hope the pain meds keep working and you get over all this soon.  I also hope they got plenty of fluid and you won't even have to consider having another LP.

Take care,
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620048 tn?1358018235
OMG!! thats all i needed to hear..I am already terrified !  But i have heard it before, I am glad you can talk freely on here.  I hear the good things too.

But I am so sorry you had to go through that.  I hope if you do it again, it will be better.

hugs, meg

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198419 tn?1360242356
Oh how I do feel your pain.  This is the pits! But, it happens, and I'm sorry it happened to you.  I hear you on not getting it done again.  That is how I feel too.  I hope they got more than what they needed so you don't have too.

No, your friends will likely not understand what you are going through.  This is horrible, but I'm glad you've informed us...

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I had a not so painfull LP. but ended up off my work for 3 weeks flat on my back with what can only be descrived as a 24/7 Ice Cream headache!! i hated the after effects, i have still got pain in my lower back, im sure its from the LP but the Neuro said its just a sore back..... im not so sure...

Anyway, i digress. I feel your pain and the thought that they might need to do another one on me this week makes me feel sick sick sick!! but they need it to make me better ill go with it...

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I am so sorry your experience turned into this nightmare.  Here's hoping you don't have to consider ever doing another one.  - Lulu
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98474 tn?1240105274
I am so sorry for your bad experience. I have had three. I had the same experience the first time with a radiologist who couldn't get "in". I was laying on my stomach that time. I had to have a blood patch done after 5 days of horrible headaches that would not go away. The blood patch was not a picnic but another anesthesiologist do it.Now I only let a friend that is a anethesiologist do them. He does them in the infusion area of the hospital and I always make them bring me a caffene coke while I lay there.I insist on staying three hours flat. I haven't had a problem since. The electric shock thing is pretty normal when they hit the spinal fluid. It is just nerves reacting. If you find the right person to do them they aren't too bad. Hope you are feeling better soon!
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338416 tn?1420045702
Yeah, I think they hit a nerve - they did that with me, too.  Got an electrical shock down my right leg, which made it straighten out.  I was supposed to have them both pulled up to my chest, but with a needle in my back, I was afraid to move.  But the electrical shock wasn't so bad - the anesthetic that they injected into my back was worse.
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559187 tn?1330782856
How did they do your LP?  Were you on your side or stomach?  I just cringed when I read you account of the shooting pain down your leg. It was more like an electrical shock, right.  I had the same thing happen and didn't get any warning from the doctor.  I have to have another LP soon and asked for the "sleepy medicine" they give kids because really don't want to do it sober again.  I sure hope he got enough fluid to run the necessary tests.  Have you heard anything yet?

Take care and trust that the symptoms will go away soon.  

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486038 tn?1300063367
ooo... I can commiserate, mine was terrible too. If you do need to go back, have it done by another dr? Okay? I hope that you are ok now and that everything heals up okay.
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293157 tn?1285873439
Sorry you had such a Horrible LP... that does happen at times... was he a new Dr at doing it??  Hope you feel better soon and they don't ask you to get it done again.. take care of yourself and rest...do not move around too much..

take it easy
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494672 tn?1254152672
I am so sorry for your bad experience!  That sounds really aweful.  I am glad you had soe good drugs to help with the pain.  I am praying that they got enough flluid from you.  I hope that you are all healed & that you can enjoy the holiday season.

Take care

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