1979418 tn?1432135441

Late in week update... its been a nightmare...

Hi all,

Been missing for a week again...  had a nightmare thrust upon me with my almost 75 year old mother...  She has apparently turned into the crazy old cat lady.  She moved to WV away from family years ago because of my jerk stepfather.   She has been miserable, and we've been begging her for three years to come back near family.  

She started with having a couple cats, then two kittens (oops, boy and girl, and I sent her money to have the girl spayed, but guessing that never happened, cause last fall a littler of kittens)....  so 3 or 4 turned into 10, then I found out she took in other strays and the end count when it all hit the fan was apparently 16 cats.  When authorities got involved, she agreed to surender all but the original 3 and one kitten she was very attached to, which was agreeable to the shelter.  Last saturday was the surrender day, all was setup, 11 cats in carriers, one cat hiding and other 4 safely in the bedroom room....   suddenly my mother and the crated cats go missing, she returns, picks up the calico kitten they were keeping the drives off into the sunshine.  She ends up in Baltimore acting beyond irrational.  None of us will let her bring 11 cats with no medical histories and we're all presuming fleas into our homes.  No talking sensse into her, so she decides they can live in her mini van...  she diappears again, drives to my sister in law work where two cats apparently jump out the window, so we are down to 9 cats in the cat van parade....   She ends up back at my aunts and spends the night there, cats int he van and I am able to arrange with animal control to investigate.  But, they get there and can't seize the cats cause its on private property.  Thankfully my brother shows up, and without my mom know what is going on, he removes the cats one by one and walks them onto the public street where the animal control van is parked and hands them over safely.   Mother believes she left her van open and the cats got out...  the doctors tell us to let her continue believing that since she was not reasonable that her behavior was not rational.

So, I drive down last Tuesday to get my  mother into the ER and in for an emergency geriatric pysch eval as directed by social services...  but oops, after waiting for 10 hours, they can't do that eval there and since its so late now, the social workers who could help have left for the day, even tho I've been asking since the morning for a social worker to see her....   yeah, stress is not my friend....

By Thursday, i was barely functioninog, but had to keep pushing thru...  got her to her regular doctor appointment where we have our suspicions confirmed, she has lost 40 pounds and yet not one weenie doctor is adjusting her meds for diabetes, high blood pressure or congestive heart failure...  lets run some tests, get her taking her meds and see where we are next week...   By Sunday night, she crashes with a sugar of 21 and is rushed to the hospital where it bounces back up to 198; then by morning crashes down to 7 (yep that is a single digit)....   And yesterday, while her sugar was slightly more stable, she thinks its 1975, my father is still alive and my dead brother was just in visiting...  and the hospital is the city block where she grew up and kids are in the backyard trying to break the sliding door...  I am next door and need to let my large wet dog in because its raining and my brother is out on the front porch cause the kids are fighting in the street....   anyone else want to scream along with me....  

They have no clue if we are looking at truly alzheimer's, diabetes related dementia or just a bad acid trip of all the meds clearing out of her system.

Its stressed and affected me to the point that I finally agreed to my first round of infusion IV steroids...  they only did 2 days, but the hope is that it helps to for lack of a better term, carry me thru this nightmare without rendering me a total puddle of mud....

If only I could drink.....  

So that is my rant and whining....  thank you for listening...  always feels good to come here and rant away and have people understand its not about giving answers, just the ability to rant and you know what this kind of thing does to the MS symptoms.  

And its driving me nuts my brother feels he can't tell me anything that is happening cause apparently I'll just fall apart...  I appreciate his concern, but hey, I've got thru all this so far, we can deal...  

Hope everyone is having a better week...   looks like the heat is returning, so stay cool!!!


6 Responses
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198419 tn?1360242356
Holey stinking Schmoley!!!!!!

What a nightmare! I hope they can stabilize your MoM, and  oh my the cats, she must of loved them so :(

I suspect the diabetes has done some damage, and I hope she is in good care and that you are able to enjoy some down time after all this.

((((((((((big))))))))) (((((((hugs))))))

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oh my, I am so sorry you are having this added stress but your mom is lucky to have you trying to help  What a mess - I know the stories of people who hoard/shelter lots of animals always has something else going on that starts the chain.

I hope it quiets and you are able to get your mom the help she needs.
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667078 tn?1316000935
What a nightmare. I am so sorry.

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2063887 tn?1337829746
What a mess!  Sometimes life would be funny if we weren't living in the situation.  Remember to take a few minutes for yourself each day to just meditate on good health returning to your body.  My massage therapist says to picture a river running through your body filled with positive energy.  It always helps me relax a little.  Hope it helps you. I'm keeping you in my prayers!

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1337734 tn?1336234591
Hi Jen,

You sure have so much to deal with and it sounds like you sure are handling it well. Good for you to get some steroid help before reaching a stress flare up.

My thoughts and prayers are with you. Hang in there!

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    Hats off to you sister!!!!!! Yes I think we can handle more than what people think as well...I'm sorry to hear that info about your mom. Good luck and my prayers are with you....By the way, you did a    ( GREAT JOB !!!!) with your mom  AND making the decision to take care of yourself so you can press on...
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