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Miscellaneous updates

I have been fairly absent from here lately - being a co-community leader doesn't wipe out all of our other life events and duties and lately there has not been enough hours in the day.  

I have returned from the orthopedic doc, who determined my hip problem is an inflamed bursa.  I would agree with him - after having the points in my hip pushed enough to prove it was REALLY sore.  I was given three options - nothing and take OTC anti-inflammatory drug; do therapy and hope it would heal (at $40 a visit) or 3) get a cortisone shot and hope it helps.

I opted for #3 - made sure I didn't look at that long needle before it went in - did some deep breathing while he did the deep injection, and walked out feeling somewhat better.  The ortho and I discussed the possibility that my gait problem has inflamed the bursa.  And it's always possible that my gait has deteriorated because of the bursitis.  It is kind of a chicken/egg quandry.  It does feel better and I hope the depo-medrol was worth it.  

I was thinking it was MS but didn't  want to pop more baclofen until I knew for sure - I'm glad I had it checked.  Another lesson learned to reinforce the message that it isn't always this MiSerable disease.

Shell is at the hospital waiting for her grandma's surgery - open heart - to be done. I know she would appreciate any prayers or thougts you can send her way.  

Quix is still working through knitting all those scarves and booties for the cats and raccoons for holiday gifts.  She is still troubled by the ankle but not like Ess.  Ess had her surgery Friday and is concalescing in the rehab unit at the hospital .  She hates it and wants to go home but realizes that this help is necessary right now.

Ren has been here more than us old-timers to get through -thanks, Ren.

i thought I would get in some replies this afternoon but now I'm yawning like crazy so  I think a bit of a nap is in order instead.  I'll catch you all later.

be well,

3 Responses
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739070 tn?1338603402
Lu- I too had bursitis as dx by an orthopod after the dingy rheumy never could clear it up. The difference was the cortisone shot AND a round of PT to address the weak hip flexors and gait. Without a change in gait, the bursitis it will continue to return.

Shell - Glad to hear that Granny is out of surgery and doing well. I'll keep you both in my thoughts.

Ess - Behave yourself in rehab. No throwing the bedpans at the nurses, LOL.

Quix- Still sending good thoughts your way for a speedier recovery and that the raccoons haven't taken all of your underwear.

Ok, this post took me almost 30 minutes to write because of so many typos, Guess that's my clue that the ketamine has not worn off as much as I thought. Probably time to call it a night. Not that I didn't cat nap about the weirdest things this round of treatment. My daughter said I  swore my pillow was made of cement and I could not feel any part of body except my face. I could move body parts and know they were there but soon forgot...weird stuff but it's helping with the pain a lot.

Stay warm and well,
Helpful - 0
738075 tn?1330575844
Hey, Lu!

Hope the cortisone helps.  I get shoulder bursitis (30 years of performing ultrasound catches up with me now and then, LOL), and arthritis in my hands.  I've tried cortisone injections and have had a good 6 months of relief at a time.  Acupuncture and a Chinese herb combo prescribed by my Acupuncturist called Du Huo Ji Sheng Wan has been SUPER effective on my hand arthritis.  

Speedy recovery to your Mum.  If she's as tough as you say she is, she'll be back on her feet soon!

Glad to hear your recovery is going well.  Don't give those folks too hard a time ;-)

Helpful - 0
198419 tn?1360242356
Lu - Very glad you opted for the shot - hope it does you right. I opted to work while Granny went under for surgery - nothing I could do.  She was in great spirits yesterday and she's tough as nails. She's out and surg and was a success. Onto next phase.

Take your nap. All are taking good care of each other here!

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