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3079363 tn?1363273715

Question? Done anything dumb lately?

I'll go first. I stopped at the Kroger gas station after work tonight. The place was so busy but I got in line behind two other vehicles(12 hour shift on Saturday so I know I won't feel like stopping tomorrow). As I sat and patiently waited, pondering the mysteries of the universe while inwardly congratulating myself on my exceptional pre-planning capabilities, I finally pulled up to the pump to take my long-awaited turn.

I had a few seconds of indecision as I weighed the choice of paying at the pump(I always have trouble with my discount card) or going to the little man behind the glass. The little man it will be. I must make sure I get my 3 cent a gallon discount! I took the extra time to pay at the window while trying to avoid the daggers of Red Truck who is waiting for me. After all, I just spent 40 minutes in traffic for a 20 minute drive. We all must wait.

I saunter back to pump 5 and leisurely put my bank card back in my car. I nod to Mr. Red Truck letting him know that it won't be much longer. I fumbled around trying to choose my grade. I then remove the nozzle and turn toward my car and remember that I have not opened my gas cap yet. Challenge of the day! Can I do it? Do I still have the dexterity and finesse to one handedly open my gas cap door then turn and unscrew the cap? My mind is racing! I often struggle to unscrew the cap with two hands, can I do this with one???

I throw caution to the wind. I can. I will do this! MS be dxxxxd. But wait. Where is it? Someone has moved my gas door thingy! Is that Mr. Red Truck revving his engine impatiently? This is so stressful! I again motion to him as if to say "Sorry, I'm stupid. Bear with me". I tried to pull the hose to the other side of the car but it would not reach! There is no alternative. I must turn around. I sheepishly look up at Mr. Angry Impatient Red Truck and motion that I must turn around. His arms were frantically moving in a circular motion(his lips were moving too) as if he were my personal, sideline coach. I replaced the pump in it's holder, got back in my car and pulled forward and tried to get turned around. I'm back at the pump!  I mouth "Thank you" to Mr. Red Truck

I open the cap with both hands, then get the pump handle and put it in my tank. Nothing happens. Nothing. I select a grade again. Nothing. I try to avoid eye contact with Red when I finally realize that Little Man is talking to me from behind the glass. "What?" I mouth while holding my hands out as if to say "What in the World could I have I possibly done wrong?". Little Man summons me to the glass. I feel like a school girl heading to the principals office.

Through his speaker Llittle Man ask if I pulled on the pump hard? I tried to explain what had happened and he just shook his head impatiently at me and said "You have to pay again!" Apparently the transaction did not go through. "You can pay here or at the pump" said Little Man.

I had a few seconds of indecision as I decided whether to pay at the pump or pay the Little Man at the window, I could save 3 cents a gallon you know....Then I saw Mr. Angry Red Truck with the Big Frowning Chrome Grill.....
I told Little Man that I will get gas another time.

I avoid eye contact with Mr. Red. I put the pump back. I put my gas cap back on. I get in my car and drive away. I must wait. I can get gas another day.

PS I've been driving the same car for 8 years!

11 Responses
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6222380 tn?1380055745
I absolutely love readin the post it makes me feel so NORMAL/ This weekend I went with my husband to the .....ok so we went to a store because right now all I can think of is we went to buy tennis shoes. We stopped at a display on the way out to look at a bike that I wanted to buy and decided this was all I needed to do and began to walk out of the store.  He was gracious enough to remind me we have to not only shop but pay for our merchandise and led me back through the checkout. I just hope someday I do not land in jail....
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751951 tn?1406632863
I think I once knew about the arrow, but I'm not sure.  Good reminder!
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5538989 tn?1514398453
I never knew that about the gas indicator and will go check today :) While I'm fortunate that my husband almost always takes it upon himself to fill up for me, I've always thought that if I were ever alone and needed gas, I wouldn't know which side it's on!

I think all of us have many stories that can relate. I've been transposing things/images pretty frequently for the past year. I was blaming baby brain. I think some of it still may be......

Cheers to you all!
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1174347 tn?1380569370
Sorry, Cann...spell check changed my spelling of your name, to 'Canon'...didn't see it until after I posted (and I couldn't figure out how to edit!).  Sorry again...Jan.
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1174347 tn?1380569370
Canon...that is amazing, about the arrow...I just checked my truck out too, and lo and behold...an arrow!  How have I not ever seen that before??  I pride myself on reading the owner's manual thoroughly...apparently, it wasn't thorough enough!  Thank you sooo much, Cann!   Jan.
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645800 tn?1466860955
While reading your story I kept waiting for you to say you went to the wrong car and tried to fill it up or get into it. I have done that once, get into not fill up that is. I also did the pull in with the wrong side to the pump on my last trip back from ME. The funny thing is that every car or truck I have owned all have had the gas tank on the left. So why did I pull in with the right side to the pump? Anybody guess LOL.


  I never knew that and when I read your post I immediately went out and checked my pickup. Yep there it was an arrow to the left.

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5485096 tn?1375574235
Too many moments... lol my 7 year old is catching me all the time changing words. Never knew I did this before,

Anyhow wanted to chime in about the gas... If u look at the gas meter in the dash of your car it has a little arrow pointing right or left to where the cap is. :)
My husband told me this about a year ago and I look every time to be sure I did it right :)
That little arrow is my saviour!!
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3079363 tn?1363273715
Pastor Dan, if I fueled my husbands truck too, then my chances of getting it right drops to about zero. Too stressful to even consider!

Karryon, so sorry for your ordeal. Think of me this morning as I make another attempt. Sometimes I think I chose the wrong week to quit sniffing glue...

Supermum, I love mushrooms too! I always stress on the moving thingy also always comptemplating a semi-graceful exit. I think your on to something with your new mobility/crash aid. From now on, I will only ride behind xll's. Safety first!
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987762 tn?1671273328
hmmmmm I've got too many dumb things, the latest was telling my son, we had to go this way if we wanted to get mushrooms, we'd had a five minute discussion on what to eat and we both wanted doughnuts and we were looking for the doughnut shop, which of course was why I said 'mushrooms' now come on, everybody knows mushrooms are the new name for doughnuts. lol  

I just announced my arrival to my fellow shoppers, by stumbling off the moving ramp thingy, son's snatch and grab stopped me from executing a perfect swan dive. Did you know that mens undies can adequately brake your fall in an emergency, just make sure you reach the xxx large because there's more to grab, and if you grab enough of them they'll cushion your face too. Explaining why your face is planted in the mens underwear, may cause a few problems, but hold your head high ladies, if you don't make an issue of the jocks strap hanging off your glasses, no one will notice.......much! lol


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5887915 tn?1383378780
That was so funny to read & very close to what happened to me earlier this week. I'm in Australia & we have discount fuel dockets & a day where fuel is cheaper than the rest of the week. I of course need to use the cheap fuel day & my discount docket regardless of how busy & long the wait is.

I got to the petrol station were I could use my docket (4 cents a litre saving $$) & it was busy. The car in front of me just stopped instead of pulling up & choosing which line to join of waiting cars. My back end of my car is on the road & people are getting ratty with me. I decide I will give her a friendly toot of my horn so she can see my predicament.

Wow I was sooooo wrong because she gets out & is shouting what the f**k am I f*****g going on about. I just said could you please move up because I'm blocking the traffic on the road. She told me to get f***** & said she was keeping her options open on which line to join. Well she didn't quite say it like that but you get the idea. I unfortunately ended up having to fill my car whilst she was still slinging abuse at me. Everyone is looking & I've just got my eyes down & very red cheeks.

I was stressed to say the least & the stress of this Argo woman was making me more ataxic than usual. So I was trying to hurry & had picked up the pump in my right hand & then thought "yeah you can open the novel with your left.....wrong" I should have put the pump back & started again but no I'm trying with all my might to open the damn cap with my left. I'm just so unco anyway & I was stood there thinking what to do next.

Meanwhile a couple of cars are waiting behind me & I so wanted to just get in my car & get out of there. Long story short I got the fuel in the car but had forgotten my docket S**! I waddled to the cashier behind the glass with people staring at me & my buddy "walking stick" as if to say "can't she get her fuel another time" or "can't she just walk faster". I really wanted to scream give me a break I'm moving as fast as my body will go & someone please gag that woman yelling the profanities at me.

I didn't save any money & felt pretty stressed by the hole experience. I just love petrol stations. I'm pretty sure that is universal though. Karry.
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751951 tn?1406632863
I've been told that, at least here in Ohio, you can wave your handicapped parking placard at the guy behind the glass, and he's supposed to come out and pump it for you.  No, I don't have one of those, either!

Having spent an interminable time in the Kroger gas line around lunchtime today, I could really identify with your story.  It doesn't hurt that we have vehicles in our household with the gas cap on each side!
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