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220917 tn?1309784481

OK. I need help...

Hey, everybody!  As you know, I don't have a diagnosis of any kind.  I have been posting on this forum since April, I believe.  Although my docs aren't sure what's going on with me, I have severe muscle cramps and tightness ALL over.  It's driving me crazy!

My neuro has observed increased muscle tone in all four limbs, so I know I'm not making it up, at least.  He just doesn't know the cause yet.  So my question is this~~

What do I do???

I know you all have given me your remedies before.  I need them again, please!  I'm in so much pain!  My jaw hurts, my toes are sticking out every which way, my neck is as hard as a rock!  My legs are the same as always -- like a gerbil is climbing around under my skin.  I'm naming him Goober.

I just sent my hubby to the store for tonic water.  Any other suggestions?

Goober's Mom*
41 Responses
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Sorry i did not get back to you sooner... been a little busy getting ready for the surgery but i did want to tell you that i tried tonic water & it did help and i heard that lyrica can also but i did not stay on it long enought to say it was worth it...

Have you seen a physical therapist?
Maybe they can help you with the spasms.  I went to mine months ago and they did help me to some degree... definitely let the neuro know that things are progressing to the point that it is life altering.

Hope you are feeling better. I will continue to keep you in my prayers.

God bless,
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I would suggest trying to see a physical therapist if you can. I was having alot of spasmic pain in left thigh for months. I went to a physical therapist and he gave me some exercises, to strengthen the muscles. I have seen improvement since. I am still doing them. So see if you can get in.  Karina
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Hey, Zilla,
I'm just spitballing here, but magnesium supplements, B-12 supps, and making sure I eat a few bananas every day seems to help me some.  Also, rest--good sleep--which is hard to get.  Tylenol PM works.  

And I second the notion of the magic of massage.  It's expensive (unless you have a willing partner), but it can really unpack some of that tension.

I'm sorry you're in no-man's-land in terms of a diagnosis.  It wouldn't hurt to visit a second neuro and get a second or even third opinion--even the opinion of great doctors can be augmented by a second point of view.  And consider a visit to an infectious diseases doc, even if it's just to see what s/he says.  

And hang in there.  :)
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320242 tn?1237481580
I just read this post...wow.  I am glad your feeling better today. I remember those days too.  I would stop each week back in 2005 at the soda distributor to get me some tonic water. I had toes and fingers going in weird directions, leg cramps and those neck ones are really bad.  I only needed a bottle  of the stuff  a week to keep it a bay for a while.  This time my left leg was so cramped up during this episode  and so painful and uncomforable the doc gave me Gabapetin 100mg at night for my leg pain.  I took it for a week then switched to Percocet 5/325 for 5 nights and now I only take motrin if i can't tolerate the pain of it.   Gosh, I hope these docs help you out with these cramps.  Goober, needs a real home.  I hope he naps like Rip Van Winkle and doesn't bother you anymore. Hope each day gets better for you.
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220917 tn?1309784481
Take it easy, honey!

I didn't get that vibe from him at all.  I know he knows I'm hurting.  He's not brushing me off.  He told me to take Advil, continue Icy Hot and stop wearing shoes with no backs on them (didn't mention those last two, did I?)  My toes aren't strong enough to keep mule-style shoes on.  I shouldn't have worn them to work yesterday.

I appreciate your indignance, I really do.  I get it.  I know Quix is going to be ticked off if she reads this, too.  But I think he's just saying that he doesn't know what's causing the spasticity (that's what it IS, right?) so he wants me to take OTC Advil until he can figure out what's wrong.  

I am feeling better today.  If I get bad again I'll phone my neuro's nurse.  My neuro isn't even in the office until tomorrow, I don't think.  I really have the feeling my endo is going to call my neuro.  They're close -- neighbors, even.  In the meantime, I do have some muscle relaxers from many moons ago.  I'll chase them with some vadka tonics!  Kidding!

So, keep your voice down, Goober just feel asleep...Thanks for your concern,

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That endo is maddening. Try calling the neuro again, and keep calling until you can talk to HIM and say what's going on. It's a sad reality that the squeaky wheel gets the oil. So what if they think you're a pest. Tough, you're hurting! Sooner or later they'll get tired of your calls and DO SOMETHING. I hate it when I have to be that way, which fortunately is rare, but when I do, I do.

I'm sorry to seem to be yelling, and it's not at you, of course. It's at life, and at these illnesses, and at doctors who need to be horsewhipped. Of all the smug, condescending and self-inflated people on earth, this bunch seems to be the worst.

Well, now I feel better, anyway. I hope you will too, and very soon.

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