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382218 tn?1341181487

O'Reilly on medical marijuana

Bill O'Reilly talked about the recent DEA ruling against medical marijuana tonight.  He said the DEA says medical marijuana is a "ruse."   One of the guest  lawyers agreed with him, when he asked if they support medical marijuana, say for glaucoma, and the one lawyer said "No, nope, it's baloney, zero tolerance on marijuana, its a gateway drug, the feds needs to stay strong on this."   O'Reilly teased "uh oh, Montel Williams isn't gonna like you" with a wag of the finger.  

The other lawyer disagreed, said she believed there are certain benefits of medical marijuana, acknowledged there is some abuse of the state laws by recreational users, but that can be dealt with.  They discussed the gap between federal and some state laws.

O'Reilly then said, and I quote: "We don't believe there is any medicinal thing here, you can always take other prescription drugs to do the same thing."  

Hmmm, I wonder what qualifies him to make this statement, I'm guessing not personal experience.

He said he thinks the states will prevail and will do what they want, though the feds could raid the clinics as it's a federal crime.  Then they all cackled and cracked jokes about 10 DEA agents tailing Willie Nelson's Cheech and Chong bus.  

Oh, he opened the segment by asking "Have either of you ladies' ever smoked pot?"  and they smiled and giggled and said Oh no, absolutely not, never.

Wow, ignorant on so many levels.  I sent an email to correct him and provide him with some facts, though I doubt he will air it.

The remark about Montel Williams, totally flippant and unnecessary

I find it interesting how he most often seems to have no confidence in your federal governement and thinks the states should have the balance of power, until it comes to this issue, and suddenly the DEA are the experts and the states are wrong.

You can be sure this is not about medicine; it is entirely a political issue for the U.S. government.

Thoughts, anyone?  I don't aim to start an argument here for or against, I'm just interested in how you think he handled the segment.
26 Responses
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1312898 tn?1314568133
I don't make sense allot of the time.  I'm on too many drugs:(
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I just asked some questions....I never judged you....You just don't make sense and I wanted to know why....

Now I know why...

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1312898 tn?1314568133
Good Grief!!  You don't know the first thing about me or what I have been through the past three years.  My PCP does know about my MM card.   The university health system has taken a political stance against MM at this point.  Doctors can't approve.  

Medical marijuana is prescribed in a clinic as long as you have a medical condition.  

This has been a new thing I have tried, I visited a clinic on May 1 and didn't receive my card until 3 weeks ago.  

I signed a contract that day in April when that particular doctor was angrily writing a prescription.  I didn't have time to read it and wasn't given a copy.  When I went for my second visit, I grabbed a copy.

I could go on, but I won't.  I just don't have the energy.

If there is anyone here that you have known throughout their ups and downs of treatment and non-treatment.....then go judge them.

When did you become God?
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1453990 tn?1329231426
It depends on your doctors and who they work for.  I was honest with mine and they agreed MMJ might help with the spasticity.  My neuro stated that the university hospital docs could not recommend, but an outside doctor could.  My PCP would not, but had no issue if another doc did, so I spent $70 to go see one of the doctors who works with the MMJ dispensaries and had a card within a few mins.  

For the most part, it is the PRN (take as needed) pain medications that it reduces.  My doc said even if it was the "placebo effect," MMJ via a vaporizer was safer than the narcotics.  No one ever dies from an MMJ overdose, and people die every day from prescription medication overdoses.

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I am a bit confused....But what's new....How did you get a MM card if your PCP and the pain doc are NOT recommending it?....If they are not recommending marijuana, why are you using it if it jeopardizes your medical care?

Another question: Prescription medicines that I take are not suppose to be reduced because they won't work as effectively...So if some of the meds you are taking work like this, marijuana will actually be hurting the effectiveness of those meds.(That's if you are reducing your heavy prescription meds)...So why are you going this route?....I mean why are you using pot and not following your prescription regiment?...If you were honest with your doctors they might not have prescribed the drugs you are using currently...In other words, you are not getting the best possible treatment because you are not being honest with your doctors.....

I feel that honesty with your doctors is imperative for good treatment...How can your pain doctor help you if he/she does not know what you are taking (especially for pain)?....I feel your pain doctor is a waste of his/her time and your time....

Also, you signed a contract not to do this....Marijuana is considered a street drug so you are breaking the contract....

Dont' get me wrong....I do sympathize for your pain....And for others that have to deal with the pain....BUT, I don't feel sorry for someone who is not following the treatment plan setup by the doctor AND the patient...Remember, you agree with your doctor when you pick up your prescriptions...
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1312898 tn?1314568133
Hi everyone!  this is a great thread.  I have been very quiet about my new MM card and use becuase I didn't know how it would be received.  

I have been able to reduce my use of heavy prescription meds, the only problem I have is that it is difficult to measure how much of the marij. I am receiving.  

I asked my PCP if she thought MM would help.  She believes it would cause more problems and that there isn't enough data to back up claims.  I asked her if she thought my pain doc would drop me if he did a urine test and she said yes.  

This university health system has a policy that MM can not be prescribed or approved.

I had to sign a contract at the pain center and while it doesn't specify MM, it talks about street drugs.  So, if they called for a urine drop I would fail.

Have some of you been through this type of situation?  Did you stop out of fear?  

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382218 tn?1341181487
more musings from Bill:

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Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts on this.

Wow, so the federal gov't sent notice for the dispensaries to shut down in Spokane? We haven't had any sort of federal intervention here in Colorado (at least none that I've heard of). Maybe our legistature and police dept support the legalization, so they're not asking the federal gov't to step in to help.

I'd really rather the police to spend their efforts taking care of what I view as more important crimes, since I know most state & city gov'ts are hurting for money. I'd rather see them spend more time on murders, rapes, and other violent crimes.  

As to not having enough research on the long term medical costs of using marijuana - I can kind of see your point, but many prescription drugs carry all sorts of side effects with them as well, including death.  If they can figure out an optimal dosage for people and if they can use a vaporization method, then maybe it will cut down on the negative health hazards of the marijuana (ie lung cancer).

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I don't agree with legalizing marijuana...I believe in legalizing for medical use only!...I don't believe that our government should interferre with state legislation because that is why states were created....And that's to prevent federal intervention and to prevent the federal government for becoming too strong...

BUT, there are too many people abusing the medical marijuana program and California is the most obvious example....

I have tried marijuana several times....It doesn't work like a charm with me....When I hurt it doesn't help me....I dwell on the pain more and I actually get anxiety attacks....I am not against marijuana..I think we don't know enough of the long term health care costs of using marijuana...I don't think the govt will make money legalizing because anyone can grow it so why buy it....And why would you promote people to become more stupid...

But if it works for someone and they have a condition that requires relief and marijuana helps-a doctor recommends it- then absolutely I agree with it....

But for now, the federal government is saying no to dispensing it...All dispensaries were shut down in Spokane a few months ago...

Now I ask all of you this:  Should the federal government intervene on a state using the DEA to shut down legal businesses created by that state?  In other words, couldn't they just cut federal money to the state....

And a pot card puts you on a list that I don't want to be associated with....

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738075 tn?1330575844
I, too, have a medical Pot card, and I find it indispensable for spasms/spasticity. Works like a charm!

I agree with all the comments on B O'R. I just don't even go there. One night I examined a patient in her room while sh watched Fox. I was really shocked!  Since then, I've asked pts to turn down the sound so I can hear the Doppler signals. :)
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Hi metalbender,

I agree with Ess - several of the people on here are taking medical marijuana for their symptoms, and several people on here would like it to be legalized because they think it will help their symptoms.

As for me, I always welcome a difference of opinion and I would gladly listen to yours.  I feel that we can all learn from each other.  We all bring our own experiences to the table here.

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We never get into political discussions here just for the sake of politics. There are plenty of other places on the web for that, and plenty on MedHelp, for that matter.

But where health policy is concerned, that's a different story, because that affects us very personally. Certainly medical marijuana is a good issue for discussion here.

If you disagree with the pro-stance here, feel free to let us know. You will NOT get booted off :-)

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I didn't know we were in a political forum....If so, I think I would be booted for what I have to say
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Thanks for correcting me. I agree with the legalizing.

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338416 tn?1420045702
I don't know if I could get going in the morning without it.  I get up, and feel like crud.  I barely have enough energy to get a glass of tea and make it to the couch so I can take my morning meds.  Then I partake, and suddenly I feel like I can go to work.  So how is this a bad thing?  Just don't get it.
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382218 tn?1341181487
BTW O'Reilly makes an argument, unwittingly it seemed, in support of legalization.  

When they laughed about Willie Nelson's using pot, he joked "I understand there are like 10 federal agents following Willie Nelson's bus, but I don't have that confirmed.  While 80,000 iillegal aliens come through the border, we got 10 agents on Willie's bus."

Legalize marijuana and free up all these agents to work on the border issue.
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382218 tn?1341181487
He didn't call marijuana a 'narcotic,' he said 'other prescription drugs' could be taken instead.
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I agree with you! So many people are running around acting like marijuana is so bad. It helps many people with disease. I think it should be legalized and treated the same as alcohol...you shouldn't drive while on it.. O'reilly said to find another "narcotic" instead? Marijuana is not a narcotic..it is habit-forming, not addictive. Cigarettes are addictive.

It's very irresponsible and ignorant to suggest we take narcotics over a natural plant. I don't need the marijuana at this time, but when or if that day comes, I would use it. It's NOT that big of a deal. If it was legalized that would get rid of all the drug smugglers and Mexican drug cartels. This country might actually close some of this deficit. Ok, I'm stepping down off my soapbox....

BTW- it's good to see you Red!!!

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1312898 tn?1314568133
O'Reilly should have stayed with 'Current Affair', he is more suited for that because he is unethical and lacks honesty or knowledge in regards to politics.  He misleads the public with his dishonesty.  He is basically a bully and a political satirist like Rush Limbaugh.

Marijuana is not a gateway drug, at least according to professionals who are licensed in the field of addiction.  And drinking milk is not a gateway to drinking alcohol.  

I recently obtained my license for medical marijuana.  I have used very little so far, but I can tell you that is completely eliminates my daily nausea and I have been able to reduce my muscle relaxers and Klonipin.  I also get a sense of well-being that feels good.  

My fear is that if I continue to use, I would lose my pain doctor.  I really don't understand why this is such a big deal.  It has helped the economy here in this depressed state.

The DEA has a vested interest in facilitating raids with their 'storm-trooper' uniforms and barbaric behavior. They remind me of little boys playing 'cops and robbers'.  

Hopefully, Obama will stop the DEA from bothering patients.  

I know you didn't ask for all of this, I just feel strongly about the topic.  As far as O'Reilly, he is a bully.

Maybe I can be the medical Marijuana tester for us:)
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LOL, I like some of your thoughts on this - well, not exactly on this, but on Bill. :-)
I don't watch him either. But, it's good I guess to hear different perspectives; although I disagree with him.

Medical marijuana is legal where I live, which is Colorado. Yes, there are people that abuse it, but why deny the people who need it because of them. I really think the feds are not interested in pursuing anyone who's buying it for their personal medical use.  

My brother-in-law is a police officer here. He says that it's such a waste of gov't money arresting anyone for possession. I think he said that it costs them about $1500 from beginning to end to charge someone for possession of marijuana.  I can think of a lot better things that my tax dollars could go to within the gov't.

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338416 tn?1420045702
I have a hard time watching ol' Bill.  I want to throw things at the TV.

What I got out of the whole DEA thing was that we need better research, preferably state or federally funded.  We've got to have several studies that show positive benefits.
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382218 tn?1341181487
Sigh, I know watching him is a waste of time, I'm not sure there is even one issue I would agree with him on, actually I guess that IS why I watch.  I occasionally watch Fox and usually feeling like pulling my own hair out afterwards.  Fair & Balanced --- ha!  But I've always been curious about what the Other Side is thinking on such issues and what propaganda they're slinging.  It's like coming upon a train wreck, I just can't seem to look away.  :)
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1710955 tn?1309446473
First, you should never waste a moment of your life watching that man because it's a moment you'll never get back!  He is a waste of space and I can't believe that anyone would listen to anything he has to say. That being said, (lol) if marijuana helps than of course people should use it. Even states that haven't passed medicinal laws have loosen their possession laws. One day our govt will see that if they would just legalize it, that big ole deficit would be wiped out!
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Our State legislature has just passed a law that gets around the Feds very nicely.

If anyone is arrested for marijuana possession and can show the medical necessity for it (doctor's certification of illness, etc.), charges will be dropped in court.

I do hope this is just a stopgap, a foot in the door, so to speak, because it begs the question of actually obtaining it in the first place. That would be from a drug dealer. But next year and in the years to come, there is likely to be a push for a more thorough solution.

I never watch Bill O'Reilly or anything at all on Fox News. Can't stand that smug, know-it-all attitude. But in this case, it just mirrors the attitude of so many clueless non-MSers. Shelly's thread on an MS simulator allowed us to vent in a humorous way, but we all know it's really not funny at all.


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