667078 tn?1316000935

OT Bad News

CT Scan showed my Cancer has spread. The good news is they think I can get into a clinical trial.

27 Responses
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352007 tn?1372857881
I'm sorry lo have learn this and to let you know that you're in my thoughts and prayers.

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3986919 tn?1352125983
I'm so sorry Alex, you are in my prayers...

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1637739 tn?1371688706
Fdyyhcsaddsdbjjumve, Ugggggggg!  I'm sorry to hear this but glad they are doing their best to get you the help you need.  I will most definitely keep you in my prayers!  

Sending HUGS,
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1781490 tn?1318651465
Big bear huggs
Horse Winnie's
Dog kisses
I am a horse and dog person
So huggs of all kinds to you!
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Oh no! I'm so sorry, Alex!

You have my prayers too!
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739070 tn?1338603402
SO SORRY to hear this news Alex! Of course, you will remain in my thoughts and prayers!!!!!!

I am so wishing that the clinical trial works for you!!!

Sending you and DH my best!!!

Hugs and ripples of good thoughts being sent your way!!!!

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Oh, more sad news this week.  I'm so sorry Alex, keep faith and hope.
Lets pray the clinical trial works for you.
Hugs and well wishes
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I am so sorry Alex!! Hoping the clinical trial is helpful! You are in my prayers.
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382218 tn?1341181487
Damn it.  I'm so sorry Alex.  I'm glad though for the trial, and hope you will benefit from it.
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987762 tn?1671273328
Alex, so sorry to hear your news........thinking of you!
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1734735 tn?1413778071
Dear Alex
You're a fighter and no reason to let this news knock you over. I'm very sorry too but I can only think that you'll deal with this latest bad news the way that you have previously and that is with enormous courage and fine humour.  

Go Alex, go Alex, go Alex!!
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359574 tn?1328360424
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1689801 tn?1333983316
Dear Alex, I´m so sorry to hear that :(. I sure hope the clinical trial will help you. Keep on with your great spirit, it helps you through so much.

My very best wishes and hugs,
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198419 tn?1360242356
Alex, I'm sorry to hear this. I will pray on the trial and treatment that stops this. Please know I'm thinking of you always and hope you are able to endure your next steps both mind and physically.
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1831849 tn?1383228392
That surely sux Alex! You gotta beat this stuff 'cuz you're my hero!

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1088527 tn?1425313375
Alex sorry to hear the news but your a fighter and your not alone we are all here praying and supporting you.

Go kick cancers ***

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1168718 tn?1464983535
Hi Alex.... I just saw your post.  I'm so sorry sweetie, that your cancer has spread.  I will pray really, really hard for you that you get into this trial.  

You are the epitemy of strength, and you will conquer this one too.  !!!!  

Kick *** Alex, and don't let this get you down.,

Easier said than done... ( I know) .... but, maybe hubby can kick it for ya,

((gently hugging you )))
take care my friend, and keep us posted..
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Alex, from what you have written lately, this is probably not a big surprise to you.  Now that this hunch is a reality, you again have to focus your energy toward the cancer.  I am so sorry this battle is still on - you're a tough fighter and I know you will give it your best shot.  Here's hoping the trial come through for you.  very gentle hugs, Laura
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667078 tn?1316000935
Do you know that I have to pay for the whole clinical trial and I might get a placebo! I think this is criminal.

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1088527 tn?1425313375
So if your rich you may have a cure if your poor forget bout it. That is absurb wrong in so many ways. And you may not get the medicine. Alex thisbis just wrong call your congressman let them know even if its just your voice it needs to be heard.

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Crap! I'm really sorry to hear this Alex. I was hoping for better news.
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1637739 tn?1371688706
It's ludicrous! Just crazy how it works out depending on your income. For example, Tecfidera can offer you $10 month copay but not for people on Medicare or Medicaid.  Aren't they the ones especially that need it?!  I am so angry this is happening to you.  

Whatever your next course, know that many people are praying for you.  The power of prayer can do amazing things!  

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what a crazy trial but we'd rather have you here with us and know you are more of a fighter than any of us..............go kick butt...........tell them you don't want the fake drug.......LOL

back to my recliner where I've been selfishly sulking for days and feel worse because my problems are nothing compared to yours!

go Alex go (am still reading Team II....)
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738075 tn?1330575844
Alex!  Big hugs to you, girl!  I'm so sorry your cancer has spread - this just rots, and I hate that you're going through this!!  It also rots that whoever is sponsoring this study has the nerve to charge participants! Grrrrr!

Big hugs to the doggies and Clara, too.
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