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Sarahsmom46 had a relapse.

Hi everyone!

I apologize if this is in the wrong place; this is my first post on the forums. :)  My name is Sarah and my mom wanted me to convey a message to the forum about a relapse she had Monday evening. As some of you may know, she'd been battling what was thought to be strep throat for several days now. Last Friday, she started feeling weak but put off going to the doctor until Monday (when she scheduled an appointment with her neurologist). He immediately recommended that she visit the ER, since her symptoms (weakness, trouble breathing) were so severe.

The good news is that she's doing well right now and plans to stay in the hospital at least until she can regain her strength--about three or four days. She's starting physical therapy soon and with a bit of hard work, I know she'll be back on her feet in no time.

Please keep my mom in your thoughts and prayers. She told me that she misses you guys and hopes to be back soon!

Thanks for reading,


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24 Responses
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739070 tn?1338603402
More recent update entitled Sarahsmom had a relapse -Part 2 was written after I spoke with Julie.
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738075 tn?1330575844
Hang tough, Julie and Sarah!  Thanks for keeping us posted.  Good thoughts coming your way!
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739070 tn?1338603402
Sarah -Thanks for update. I'm sorry to hear she isn't doing well. Especially after she had come so far in her recovery.

Julie- Hang in there girl. We are all pulling for you. I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. We are pulling for you!

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Hey all,

I have a pretty sad update. The doctors took my mom off of her Solu-medrol and since then, she's been feeling intense, crushing pain in her legs. They currently have her on Percocet to manage the pain, but I don't know much beyond this. That is all I know right now. I haven't been able to contact her and only learned this through my brother yesterday morning. I'll try to get some more info today.
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645390 tn?1338555377
I am glad Julie is in good spirits, and her MRI is unchanged.

Thanks for all the updates, and I hope the steroids will do the trick. Sending good thoughts and prayers her way...

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1230912 tn?1273492770
So sorry to hear about your mom Sarah, I was afraid she might go into a relapse since she didn't seem to be getting better no matter what drug they put her on for that "strep". I will be thinking of you both and putting in a couple of extra prayers with the big guy. Big hugs to you both!

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All, I spoke with Julie tonight - she is in good spirits.  The doctor has identified part of her problem as aspirant pneumonia - I know that can be nasty to clear up because my DH had the same problem last year.

Her MRI was free of any new lesions so the neuro (head one at the hospital she is in!) said she can stay on copaxone, which is good that she doesn't have to make a change for now.

They are going to do solumedrol tx and Julie is very happy that her insurance approved her to stay in the rehab unit.   This means she won't be at home alone supervising her own IV treatment like she did once before.  

She wishes the hospital had wireless and that she had a laptop there, but alas she has neither.  I'll call her tomorrow and I know Sarah will be in touch too so let us know if you have any wishes to relay.

be well, Lulu

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198419 tn?1360242356
AAAAAaaaaw, thank you so much Sarah!!!!

Relapses are the worse, but sounds like she's in good hands.
Please help (or make - ha/ha) her take it easy, tell her you and US all will not have it any other way!!!!

And, please do add on a big hug from me!

Keep us posted if you can,
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739070 tn?1338603402
Fantastic news about the brain MRI!! I will be sending good thoughts your way regarding the dizzy episodes. I know too well how they are, but hopefully PT will help in this regard, it did for me.

Sending get well wishes and hugs!

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Hey, everyone. Me again!

I wanted to leave a quick update on my mom's progress today. Great news: her brain MRI didn't show any new lesions. Because of this, the doctor suspects that her strep (which is now believed to not be strep, but most likely a virus) sapped away her strength and greatly contributed to her episode. All things considered, she's doing well right now. She gets dizzy when standing or trying to walk, but I'm sincerely hoping that the physical therapy people will give her the help she needs right now.

My mom LOVED hearing from you all. I read your replies to her by phone and I know that they really brightened her day. :) Nothing beats the support of family and friends when battling through relapses like these.
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1253197 tn?1331209110
Just to say thinking of you and I am sure that having a wonderful daughter give your Mum the strength to cope with all the challenges she has recently faced. it is probably in some ways a relief to be in the hands of caring doctors and nurses (hopefully) where she can get some rest..but I bet she wil be longing to come home again before long..there is n othing like your own bed. Take care and love and prayers.

Sarah x
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Thank you all so much for the kind words. I'm going to give my mom a call tomorrow afternoon and I'll be sure to relay all these wonderful messages to her! I'll post any updates that come my way as well. This is such a fantastic community. I'm really touched by the number of people who have left replies and sent PMs. Again, thank you. :)
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738075 tn?1330575844
Julie and Sarah,
Thanks so much for keeping in touch.  I send good thoughts for a speedy recovery.  Look after yourselves.

Big gentle hugs,
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405614 tn?1329144114
Dear Sarah and Julie,

Thanks for thinking of us and letting us know what's happening.  Very frightening, but now you're getting good care.  Julie, you rest and heal well; my prayers will be with you.

warm healing thoughts,

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987762 tn?1671273328
Sarah: Thank you so much for letting us know about mum, look after her for us!

Julie: What on earth, look after your self, be kind and not do too much once you get home again. I'll be hoping you get over this soon!

Thinking of you

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147426 tn?1317265632
I was afraid this was coming.  I am so sorry and hope she can climb out of it soon.  Please feed us info, Sarah, and thank you so much for letting us know!  You are her very light and soul, you know.

To all:  Scarlet fever is just the rash you can get with any strep infection, including strep skin infections.  It is very common.

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751951 tn?1406632863
Sarah, please let Julie know that we pray for her even more now than usual.  Take good care of yourself, too; she might very well need your help before she can count herself as recovered from this episode.
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Thanks for relaying this message.  Check for a private message from me, ok?

Be sure to tell her that we are all pulling for her - she has been in this slide for a while now and we've missed her around here.

take care, Lulu
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To Sarah,
Thank you for going on the forum and letting us know about your mum, Julie is a much loved member of our forum.

Between moving and strep throat, what a combo, I do hope you have a speedy recovery, sorry to hear that you have had such a severe relapse.

Thinking of you,
Hugs Udkas
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333672 tn?1273792789
Thank you for letting us know. I'm sorry to hear that things have taken a such a bad turn. I hope she gets good care in the hospital and has a speedy recovery.

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667078 tn?1316000935
I have been worried about her. Strep throat for anyone can turn into some dangerous stuff. Worse for an MSer. Godspeed her recovery.

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560501 tn?1383612740

   Thankn you for informing us about your mother. i am so glad that she was
taken seriously enough by her doctor to send her to the hospital !

    Is she able to walk at all at this point? I am just wondering if they said she had Transverse Myelitis?  Please keep us updated.
And....Yes Sarah, Your mother is in my thought and prayers.

TAke Care,
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739070 tn?1338603402

Thank you so much for posting this update. Please pass on our get well wishes to her!
I felt something was wrong when she stopped answering her mail.

Your mom and the rest of the family remain in my thoughts and prayers as she struggles through yet another bump in the road.

Tell her Ren said she was waiting to plan a trip to her area for cheesecake...she needs to get well!

Sending good thoughts and get well hugs,
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Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! Thank you so much for letting us know. Please tell you mom that she is in our thoughts and prayers, as always, but even more so now.

We'll be happy to hear progress reports, either from you or from her.

Sending big hugs to both of you.

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