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1678656 tn?1369233818

Something cool I'd like to share

Hey everyone, I don't have a question but yet something I'd like to share. I was recommended this band that promotes energy, balance, and a number of other things. I didn't believe it because it was one of those "too good to be true" things. But I tried it since the worst thing that would come of it was that it doesn't work...

I tested this thing with my blood pressure. Mine always runs a little high; I checked it and it was like 116/98 and with the band it was 112/68! I thought it was this machine at the pharmacy so I tried at the doctor and one at wal-mart. Every time my bp was lower!

I have also noticed a big difference in the every day aches and pains that I experience. My strength seems to be significantly better and I'm able to stay awake when I take my pain meds. I researched it and everything I found was amazing! So amazing that my husband applied for a job with them and got it. It's called "Energy Balance Gear". There are some little tests that they do for you to amaze you but what is really amazing are the things they can't test on you.

I could go on and on about the little things that I've noticed but I won't bore y'all with that. I've had my band for a couple months now and I just felt the urge to share it with others that may benefit from it. They go for like $30.00 online but since my husband works for them now he can get different deals on them and it comes out cheaper. I'd have to ask him the specifics on that if anyone wanted one. I encourage everyone who can, to check them out online and see what you think! There are a couple videos on their site and I found some on youtube as well.

Thanks for reading about my little bit of excitement. Check out the site and let me know what you think! Thanks! http://energybalancegear.com/

Hope everyone had a great memorial day and thank you to all of our troops out there fighting for our country...especially my brother! Love him to pieces!
Best Answer
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Hi, Im new here, but I just wanted to say that if this brings you comfort in any way, then I say go for it. No its not a cure, but any relief is welcomed. I believe you were not trying to sell for personal gain, but excited to share in your new found relief. Theres nothing wrong with that. Good Luck and I hope it continues to bring you comfort.
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I just got my records back from the eye dr, he stats that I have glaucoma and that my mri is normal. and no evidence of optic neuritis. on my other eye?ether  I had the same thing before and I had blurred vision and the red look gray, I know that its the same. and It cleared up and I could see fine. how am not to sure what to do next? I don't want my eyesight to get worse, I was told be one dr that look at my mri side some lesions that are stable but suspicious for ms, dr wants me to go to a ms clinic I just want not to loose my sight and I don't need anymore dr to say that I'm fine. I don't know what to do next just waste and see, lol I need you input please thank you.
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923105 tn?1341827649
Have to agree also, let the thread fade away (says she who's just added to it - duh)

I truly hope that you will stay with us - your an open, honest  and strong lady.  

This is me drawing a line also.


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749148 tn?1302860959
I have to say... I agree with Karen!
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1678656 tn?1369233818
@Sumanadevii--This is not my first post, I have made a profile, written journals, talked with others...why would I do all of that if I were just here to sell something? I don't care if anyone buys one, and if you like it you don't have to buy it from my husband, he makes no money if you buy it elsewhere...and like I said before, he makes $1 when he sells one...

I wasn't even bragging, I was sharing. Geeze, I thought this was settled. And like I said, if you do have swamp land that cures MS, bank on that one! No science on that though! And I didn't say this cures anything, I simply said it helps me and I wanted to share. I didn't have to tell you that my husband works for them. He started working for them AFTER I swore by it!

I could have lied, but I didn't because I wasn't trying to get over on ANYONE! That's not who I am. If I was trying to sell this, wouldn't I post on more forums other than just this one? This is the only forum that has my best interest at heart, so I thought. I'm not going to let your rude words steer me away. I'm better than that.

@Karen99--Thank you...enough said. :)
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562511 tn?1285904160
Actually, this is NOT  CvilleMamaOf5 first post or comment.  None of us really knows who is for real or not.  

Let this thread fade out, please.    Everyone who wished to respond has done so.

I hope that MaMaOf5 won't be pushed away because of an incorrect assumption that she's here just to sell something.    
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1394601 tn?1328032308
I am offended by any poster that comes here....mind you first time post....whose husband just happens to sell the item she is all bragging about.

Naw, don't tell me you were not here to sell.  Like I said, I have some swamp land that cures MS.
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1678656 tn?1369233818
Nothing you said offended me. But in a year I'm going to send you one! ;)
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704043 tn?1298056844
i hope you wasnt offened by me- i wouldnt hurt anyone for nothing!!  
hey if it helps some- go for it!!   hugs   cainer
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749148 tn?1302860959
hummmm... just need to go by it and look at the forward road!!!  
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1678656 tn?1369233818
"I hear what you are saying but do not feel you will be happy on the forums"

^^ This is the line that upset me the most. Was sent to my inbox. At first, since my eyes don't always read what is really there, I thought it said "I do not want you to be unhappy on the forums" It wasn't until my husband read it that I saw what it really said. That hit me and upset me. I'm bigger than that and I can get past it.

At this point, I feel like I'm beating a dead horse. It's cool, no hard feelings.
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1678656 tn?1369233818
Thanks for your honesty, but I thought my heading was appropriate. It was something cool I wanted to share :) Was simple and said what I was going to talk about. I'll just be a little more cautious what I share and what I say. I had NO idea that I would offend people with sharing that. As I'm sure everyone had no idea they would offend me by what they said.

Not all were negative but that's apparently what I focused on. Just didn't think I had to watch what I said if I was not hurting anyone or being rude. I'm okay, I'm over it. No big deal, no hard feelings. It is what it is. I'm a big girl, I can handle critisizm. :)
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749148 tn?1302860959
JJ is right, we are very kind and compassionate people who know what it's like to walk in the MS shoes!!!  You can't blame us for having our guards up... I know I've fallen for the scams before, as I'm sure may others have.  I think if the post had said something like hey I found this and it worked for me check it out, you would have received positive feed back.  I hope you will still feel comfortable reaching out if you need us.  
~live as if all your dreams came true~
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1678656 tn?1369233818
I did look at all the positive comments, and I thanked people for them. Maybe I percieved several to be negative. I'm not at all at severly sensitive person. Like I said, just a couple comments made me a little hurt. I cleared that up and was very upfront about what I was doing and how I felt about it. I'm not at all upset about it. I was a little at first, but I heal easily :)

You're right, it really isn't worth any of my time, but I felt the need to clear it up with everyone because I did not want people thinking I was something that I'm not. I thanked everyone for their positive comments before and after I cleared myself up. Some negatives have not been retracted. I recieved personal messages in my inbox that were hurtful. I was told I would not be happy here. And I wanted everyone to know that this one stupid misunderstanding will not make me an unhappy person!

I'm not too emotionally driven. I don't feel that this place is negative. I have talked to some very nice and positive people and I enjoy that. Just the few comments that I got that I felt were wrong that hurt at first. I know that they don't know me and probably never will. I can't take things too personally from people who don't know what I'm all about. I just forgot that for a moment at first, and for a second I actually cared that people thought badly of me. Shame on me. I'll think twice before I share things.
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987762 tn?1671273328
You are obviously upset but please believe me when I say that in the scheme of life its all pretty meaningless and really not worth any of your precious energy or waste of emotions. Stop for a moment and look again at the very very few negative comments and then the responses you thus received when the mistaken impression was cleared up, haven't the negitives been retracted?

I am truely sorry for your hurt, pleased dont let your sensitivities only focus on the negativity, you will surely miss all the positives and out pouring of concern for you. This place is not negative, it is filled with support and wonderful people who know, really know what its like to feel and experience MS, it really is a safe place to fall!!!

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1678656 tn?1369233818
"Anything to make a buck.  

I have some swamp land...that cures MS...any interested?"

^ That's probably the line that kind of set me off... If your swamp land cures MS, I'm in!!! I'm not trying to make any money and my husband doesn't make enough money from it for me to promote it! He does his job when he's at work. I wouldn't have spoken of it if there were no science behind it. I've posted links about the science behind it. I've never used any products like this before because, well, they don't work!

Thank you for the apologies. I don't feel they were all necessary, but thanks. I just wanted others to hear what I had to say and maybe look them up. But I thought it would be looked up before it was shot down. I was told by someone who did not post on this forum that I will not be happy in any forum since I talked about this and believe in it. That was upsetting.

No one knows what I go through on a daily basis within my family and friends and I looked over this site and thought this was a good place to learn what others go through and compare to what I go through, a place where people understand what I may be going through...so with that said, thought it to be a good place to share something that helped me and maybe help others.

If I had a way to give a free one to everyone...I WOULD! I know there are skeptics, as was I. But since some meds don't work for me and someone else swears by it, should I tell them that there's no science behind it (even though there is) and accuse them of trying to sell it? You can swear that this one med I'm taking works...but I have no proof! Doesn't work for me.

My husband didn't even know I posted anything until last night when I told him about all the responses. We are a very conservative couple, and I'm typically pretty shy. It was a long shot for me to say anything, but I did. It was also out there for me to join a group like this, but I felt it may help. Yesterday was probably the most negative day I've had in a while. Didn't expect that here.
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749148 tn?1302860959
After reading my first post... I don't think I said anything to offend, I hope you didn't take offense... we are one happy family here fighting the same battle with or without a diagnosis!  I am very happy you found help... if I decide to try something in that line I will share my experience.  I also don't speak much on this site, I usually read and only respond if I can help or if a question arises that I can't find the answer to so like Alex I appologize to EVERYONE if I said something hurtful!
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749148 tn?1302860959
Thanks for clearing up the sales end of this adventure... I am always leary of someone so excited then ending with and by the way.  If you think about it I think you'll understand where everyone was coming from... someone new comes in tells us how great something is and then tells us it's her husbands employer.  I'm glad to hear it works for you... my father-in-law told us years ago that he needed a magnetic braclet so my husband and I went out and purchased a very nice one for him... he's never taken it off and swears it works :)  My cousin wears the one you speak of and swears by it also.  I personally have never tried one.  I'm glad you are not trying to peddle on this site... I appoligize if I offended you!
~live as if all your dreams came true~
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987762 tn?1671273328
I'm not actually sure if I need to appologise to you or not, i thought i was being friendly and giving you a heads up when i wrote...

"I hate to be the one to tell you this but these bands have been scientifically proven to NOT work, think plecebo effect."  

We do from time to time get people selling under the guise of a personal anacdotal story but that hadn't occurred to me that that was what you were doing. I was actually letting you know that "......any anacdotal comments you say about it could be perceived as advertising!" again i was just sending a heads up. I promise I wasn't accusing you, just warning you! Though i suspect my words could be what set off the ball rolling down the wrong hill, hmmm i'm sending off the wrong signals left right and centre lately, i'll try and be more aware in future.

Being a keep it real kind of gal, please please please do not let the few of us that commented as skeptics derail you if you believe this or any other product is doing something positive for you. I do know a few people who swear by them, they dont care about the science because for them its working, for me the science matters so it wouldn't work lol thats me!


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923105 tn?1341827649
My Mother wears one, placebo affect or not, she won't take it off though:)

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667078 tn?1316000935
I was out of line and I formally apologize to you and the group no excuses.

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1678656 tn?1369233818
I did not at all find your comment offensive. I have done research on these particular bracelets and have found the science on them. I didn't talk about that because I didn't want to seem that I was selling them. There are many out there that even the companies claim do not work. I've played with several and there is no science behind them...just a plastic band.

This one is different. That's why I decided to share. It's one thing to not believe me but another to accuse me of being something I am not. That is what hurt. We are all adults here and I felt that was not adult like. I thought that I was going to be able to speak freely and I thought this was a good place to share something like this.

I know everyone is going through similar things that I am and I thought maybe some would appreciate the food for thought. The company my husband works for sells other products but this is the only one I've tried and the only one I've spoken about. It definitely does not benefit me to try and sell them...he really makes very little off of them and that's why it's his job and not mine. :)

One thing to have a different opinion, another to accuse. Sorry if I've stirred up trouble, that's not what I meant to do. But I guess I have to say that I'm not sorry for sharing...Won't hurt me if they don't like it. :)
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I'm so sorry that you feel let down here - if you reread what I wrote you will see that my position is it is not going to hurt you and if it makes you feel better, then go for it.  And I appreciated you being upfront about your husband.  

But you also know that what we deal with here on the forum is always rooted in the science behind the medicine and there is no science to back up the claims that these bracelets work.  As I said, my tai chi instructor swears by his, too.   I hope you won't take any of this personally - we're like any family and there is often going to be a difference of opinion.

hugs, Lulu
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1678656 tn?1369233818
Hugs back to you!

Thank you for that. You know, if these people would just look at what I said and before they say something back doubting me, maybe they would understand. Trust me, I'm a very quiet person and it even took a lot for me to post ANYTHING here. But I did because I felt welcomed. I was just encouraging others to look into it. The WebMD site is very uplifting to me. Puts a reason to this technology.

My mother-in-law can pretty much tell you when it's going to rain by how she feels. I think she's nuts but she's usually right! lol. So, what works for one may not work for all but it's not worth being a prude just because you don't believe it'll work. Some say it's all in your head, and with some things that may be true. But also, when you think something won't work, a lot of times it doesn't. Works both ways. If you doubt something so much it'll kill the effect it may have.

Like I said before, I would like to be able to give a free one to people if I could...if there was someone in my area that wanted to try one I'd be happy to get them one or something.

My bad for speaking out of turn I guess... Not going to let it bring me down too much. But it was sort of a buzz kill. Didn't expect so many to be so negative. I certainly am a positive person and I try to portray that as much as I possibly can. I go through a lot of difficulties and I make the best of them. If I try something that works I want the world to know. :)

Thanks girl. :)
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