281565 tn?1295982683

Thanks to you all

A big Thank You to all of you for your prayers and well wishes for my Daddy. It has been a bit of a rough ride and things have been happening very quickly. I thank you Sheila for updating everyone for me and Heather what a sweet post you wrote. I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends. Thank you all for the messages and notes, you have all helped me through a difficult time.

The dates they gave for the upcoming appointments for Daddy have all been canceled. The surgeon got the reports and  Daddy is being bumped up again. He sees the surgeon on Wednesday for a consult and the surgery should happen shortly after, no date has been given yet. I'm still not too sure if I will make that neuro appointment yet or not. We will see, but my Daddy is more important.

I finally got some sleep last night. Slept 13 hours.lol I am experiencing some new stuff with unexplained pain in my index finger and weird pain in my left foot. As soon as I put weight on that foot I  feel like someone is poking a really sharp needle in the bottom of it. My spasticity is really getting bad again as well but no duck waddling as of yet.lol

I hope that I will be able to be back on here more and be supportive once again to you all. You have all been in my thoughts every day and I have missed you so much.

Hugs to each and every one of you.
8 Responses
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281565 tn?1295982683
I appreciate your concern everyone about my appointment. It is not that I don't want to go but that it may not be possible. I've asked a bunch of people already and the problem is that it is a two and a half hour drive one way, so 5 hours driving plus the wait for me at the appointment itself. Everyone I know is working. I still haven't given up on it yet though.

I know my Daddy would feel bad if I didn't make it but he also knows how hard I am trying to find a way. I still won't be able to use their car though as they will need it if Daddy needs to get somewhere. If it wasn't so far away for the appointment then it wouldn't have been a problem.

The way I look at it now is that if I'm meant to go then it will all work out. But thank you all for your concern. I too don't want to wait another 4 months, now is the time as my legs are really not good.

Doni, you know I love you and thanks for always being here for me.

Lulu, my parents would love to spank me for a lot of things.lol  They do know though about this and are trying to help me find a way to go.

Quix, you are right as always, but the timing in this bites. I'm doing my best to go. I luv ya too Momma Bear.

Kathy, you are such a sweetheart. Thank you for the prayers.

Hugs and love to you all
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405614 tn?1329144114
I hope your daddy's surgery goes well  Glad you got some good rest; it really helps.

I'm very tired and not very articulate right now, but please (and I'm praying about this as well as for your dad) find a way to make it to your appointment.

I just had an appt with my ms specialist a couple days ago, and having her see me in the middle of a flare of symptoms made a world of difference.  I wish I could afford to wire you money to rent a car.

Bunches of hugs,

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147426 tn?1317265632
Now following through with your neuro appointment is the worst thing you can do at this point.  Your daddy would feel sooo much more awful if he thought that his condition was keeping you from the care that has eluded you for more than a year!!!  I am serious about this.  Getting your situation rolling will give your dad something to focus on and be hopeful about.  

I was faced with a similar problem.  I actually drove 50 miles to get my diagnosis on the day my sister was moved to the ICU after suffering a negligent complication form surgery.  When I got back, she was sooo glad I had gone and we had something to talk about.

Sometimes caring for yourself is the greatest gift you can give your family when they are unable to do it.  Do you see what I - and all the others - are saying?  If daddy  knew you waited longer for care because of him, he would feel great guilt.  As hard as it was to get him to accept more surgery, more guilt about doing it is no needed.

Just 'cause we luv you, Bear.

Momma Quix
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this is my sternest voice talking so feel free to tune me out -

You cannot turn your back on this appointment - do whatever you have to for the ride -

My basic understanding of MS is you cannot turn back the symptoms once you have them so you don't need to be messing around and delaying being seen.  

I think your daddy and mom would want to spank you perhaps if they knew you had this bad thought of postponing your appt . again... they would probably at least put you into timeout.  :-)

Please be honest with them about your dilemma - didn't you use to borrow the car when you were a teenager?  LOL You and I both know they will want to help you - that's what parents do.

My best to you, Lulu
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Sending you lots of huggie wuggies and prayers for your mom, daddy and you.

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281565 tn?1295982683
Shell, the clinic is the one who screwed up in the first place. They "forgot" to make the follow up appointment after the MRI and said it would be 4 months till I could get in again. I even faxed them that I was off work for the summer and that this would be better for me so I wouldn't miss more time from work. All they said was that they would put me on a cancellation list so I don't imagine that they will care that I have a family emergency. I would guess that if I need to cancel, it will be another 4 months till they put me in. Thanks for the prayers Shell, hopefully it works that I can keep the appointment.

Jo, it will all depend on when and how well Daddy does with the surgery. I also need a car to go this appointment as we only have 1 vehicle and it is basically falling apart. (afraid to wash it as we are pretty sure the dirt is what is holding it together) Daddy always took me to my appointments and they will need the car available to them even if things all go well. So now I am trying to find someone else who can either take me or lend me their vehicle. I would rent one for the day but money is tight and can't swing it. Thanks for the prayers Jo. Love to you to.

The numb neck is gone for now but numb in places I shouldn't mention.lol The waddle may be back if my legs keep going as bad as they are. Quack Quack

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333021 tn?1207759633

Ok..PLEASE explain why on earth would you not make your appointment with the neuro ?? You have been waiting months for this .  There is no one more important than you, and your Father would agree.   Don't make me come up there ..

Seriously , I hope and pray and wish only the very best for your Dad .

  I just know he's going to have a great outcome from this and you and your Mom will be huffing and puffing trying to keep up with him.  


Quack  quack  .. no more waddle , oh no ..    How about the NUMB NECK.?  .( that really was funny)     Thanks and tons of love

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198419 tn?1360242356
Hi Moki,

Still going to pray just as hard that something works out w/your appt. so you don't have to reschedule it.  Is there any way you can call your Neuro's office to see if there are any other options incase the date doesn't hold on your end?  You can express to them that you are really not doing well, however you are faced w/this surgery for your Dad.

Just a thought, but maybe the schedule has changed since the appt. was 1st arranged.

I'm glad you got some much needed rest girl, you need it.  Hope that feeling in your foot begins to fade honey, really I do.

Big Hugs back,
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