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Visual Disturbance? Tremors?

Hi!  Limbolander back for more advice  : )  You all have been great and thanks for all the listening you do and the advice you give.

Although he is quite suppportive, I think my husband is probably a little tired of hearing about every new thing that presents itself.  Most of all, everything, but the fatigue and pain, has really just been annoying so I try not to harp on it.  

That being said, here I go:  : )

VISUAL DISTURBANCES?  First, I have not had any eye pain, but my right eye ball has been paritally numb off and on since October with the onset of all my new symptoms.

Blurred vision in the right eye also comes and goes.  Recently, I've noticed that my vision also gets blurred and I am a bit disoriented when I see PATTERNS or just a lot of objects in one place - for instance - the black and white checkerboard tiles on my bathroom floor;  the carpet at a children's party place which has a black backround and a confetti design in bright colors;  my white stone driveway;  ground coverered in leaves;  paragraphs of text on a page where the type is too close together; a street map where I can focus enough to read the names of the streets but it seems like everything keeps jumping around and I can't pinpoint something. . .

I have also have had numbness on the right side of my face;  my hearing has worsened in my right ear;  my right eyelid twitched most of the day for about 2 months, but is gone now;  numbness on the right side of my mouth when I brush my teeth, comes and goes; and and small twitch on the right side corner of my mouth that comes and goes.  Although my numbness "migrates" it is predominate in my right calf and foot coming and going.

TREMORS?  The "tremor" is new and I'm really sure if it really is a tremor?  I first noticed it when holding up the newpaper to read and it was swaying back and forth - just slightly, but noticeable to me.  Then I noticed while sitting at the computer the last couple of days, my trunk of my body and head have the same "sway" back and forth.  Again, it is slight, but noticeable.

The shooting pain in my right heel is new, and I get electric shocks in my toes if I try to wear heels or walk on my toes.  The buzzing down my legs and feet mostly, but sometimes also my arms is also back.  Popcorn "twitches" all over, especially after a walk on the treadmill.  Involuntary movements of my fingers, hand and legs are more frequent.  

Some of this is new since I was "re-diagnosed" w/ FM at Mayo in February - and I'll be adding it to my timeline.

My medications include Provigil 200 mg/day and Amitriptyline 10 mg/night.  I had the buzzing/involuntary movements/twitches before starting these meds, but maybe the "tremors" are related to the meds?

I clearly had an "episode" or "flare up" which started last October and lasted about three months.  With the FM I have chronic pain and fatigue, but NOTHING like it was back then when I also had weakness.   All of these other disturbances have been to different degrees since then and I am SO much better.  I'm just hoping I don't have another "episode" that might be more indicative of MS.

I probably should post this on the FM board, but it seems like people come and go there and you guys really know your stuff!

Thanks for your care and concern,
(dx Fibromyalgia; Open MRI without Contrast - normal; (Brief) Neuro Exam - normal;  Lupus studies - normal; ANA positive)

11 Responses
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429949 tn?1224691579
I will let you all know if I get the VNG test and the results. Thanks for the support and good wishes too!

I am not DX with MS. I am being watched for it though. For now my neuro has dx me with ADEM since I have only had one attack two years ago. He has been running MRI's of my brain every six months for this two years and so far no change to the origional 10 white matter lesions, No enhancement, no new lesions, and no 2nd attack!

He says that it could still end up being MS, but he would have expected to see some kind of a change in two years, but still thinks I require frequent monitoring both in clinic and Radiologically!

All blood work was negative, LP was negative with no O banding, but my VEP was possitive showing slowing!

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No problem!  Your question certainly pertained to mine and it didn't cause any inconvenience.

I actually like when a thread gets started and is followed up by lots of different input.

One of the great things about a forum such as this one is that we can see just how differently MS and other illness manifest themselves.  

I think maybe that is one of the reasons that doctors have a difficult time diagnosing autoimmune diseases.

I hope you have gotten some relief regarding your visual disturbances - I know that it can be very unsettling.  

Let us know if you do get the VNG test done - I'll do the same!

By the way, are you diagnosed with MS?

Best wishes,

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429949 tn?1224691579
Sorry I accidentally posted my question on your post. I meant to post it as a separate post and question for Quix, but got mixed up and forgot to go to the main page! Also, I will try to put the white spaces in to help it be more reader friendly. I thought that Quix ment to double space it before, but now I have a clearer understanding of what  your requests are! Again, sorry for any inconvienence that It may have caused! I have a little bit of orientaion problems with text since the attack!

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It's not like I really need to add to my already "way to long" post, but I forgot to refer to the BRAINSTEM problems you wrote about.

I did have three months of unexplained facial pain in my cheek and teeth two years ago.

Before having a CT scan of my sinuses, that was normal, my GP had me on several months of antibiotics thinking it must be a sinus infection, although I had no drainage or other symptoms except for the pain.  The pain finally resided.

After researching the brainstem I was wondering if these would be related to it as well? I'm really not creating new sx's a this point - just trying to put all the pieces together.

I frequently choke on my own saliva, and occasionally have trouble swallowing food, but again, it seems so minor and I manage to get by.

-- and also sometimes I feel numb deep down inside my chest when I try to take a deep breath.  I actually do get plenty of air, but it is just a numb feeling.  

Lastly,  I have always had trouble projecting my voice.  I taught a tennis clinic 20 years ago and remember that far back not being able to project loud enough to get the kids attention - I also noticed during my last "flare" that my voice was hoarse and really weak at times - I thought that maybe it could be attributed to the prednisone, but my doctor didn't think so.

Ok, I've taken up too much of your time - Thanks again!  I'm signing off now ~ Julia

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To all - Thanks for your comments!  

Deb, thanks for bumping this up!

AMO, you've been in limboland for eight years!  I think YOU are the strong and courageous one!

Quix, once again you've provided some valuable info. and advice!  I think I'll save up and maybe try the mail order Neuro from Carate & Barrel if all else fails!

To answer some of your questions:

I'm not sure what Telsa power my MRI was on.  I can probably find out with a call to the imaging place.  I still have possession of the films, would it be indicated on them?

I did not get an MRI of my cervical spine.  The MRI of my brain was done shortly after I first presented with numbness in my toes and face.  It was ordered by my GP - I think he was really only concerned with stroke or a tumor at the time so it was not done with MS protocol.

At this time, as far as testing goes, I feel we have really just begun and that I can really be dangerous with all of the info I've learned here on this forum.  : )

My first neuro totally dismissed any neurological illness because of the fact that I put down on my list of symptoms "numbness all over" in addition to numbness in specific locations.  

I tried to explain that I have this decreased sensation all over my body - its difficult to describe - i can feel touch on my skin, but it is just below that where I am numb.  

This goes back years, I can remember hardly noticing the injections I had in my backside for the invitro process I went through - the same injections that most women describe as being so painfull!  Could this numbness be attributed to my FM or maybe years of taking high doses of Ibuprofen?

The "new" numbness is much different in that it comes and goes to different degrees, is more apparent, and associated with heaviness/novacaine feeling and weakness.

Neuro #2 at Mayo (who happens to be a Neuro-opthamologist) was very pleasant and spent time asking me about different things on my timeline.  You may remember from an earlier post that my exam was normal and that the report said to return for further testing should my symptoms become more OBJECTIVE in nature.  

He went on to say that I would benefit from physical therapy, the use of Provigil for my fatigue, and suggested trying Neurontin and Baclofen to relieve some of my other symptoms.

The "flareup" I went through that started in October 07 had subsided by the time I got in at Mayo in February - so they really didn't see me at my worse.  

Although I've never given birth, I almost liken it to that and the saying that "you really forget how painfull or uncomfortable it was" - I remember having terrible pain radiating down my legs;  having the "I better sit down now before I collapse feeling"; and more specifically barely being able to get communion up to my mouth at Christmas Eve Mass;  struggling to load the video camera with a new cassette the next day;  and holding on to the shopping cart and really having to think about making my legs go .  .  .    

Now that I have totally gone off on a tangent .  .  . let me address your question about my vision:

Yes, I get an "unstable in space" feeling with these visual disturbances.  I guess you could almost call it being dizzy, but it is not like I am spinning.  I do tend to walk slower and with my legs slightly apart to compensate.  

Two other comments on this note:  My husband has said for the past 14 years (and this is something he noticed on our first date) "could you stop doing that with your eyes!"  I'd say, "Doing what?" - He'd say "Moving them back and forth like that!"  "See you just did it again!"  This is one of those things that when I first read about Nystagmus associated w/ MS - I just couldn't believe it.

Also, when I was going through my "flareup" last fall I would frequently have the feeling like I was flying an airplane while driving my car.  First, there was little sensation coming from my feet and also when I would turn a corner, although I still had complete controll of the car, it seemed as if we were still turning once the turn was comlpete!  Boy did I hear the funny comments from my friends and family about that one!

I looked up the VNG that you wrote about.  Interesting reading!   I will definitely look into having this done.

Regarding the "possible" tremor - I think "sway" may have not have been a good word to describe what I am feeling.  

When it involves my upper body it is almost like it follows the beat of my heart - in fact I thought at first maybe it was heart palpitations, but my pulse seems to be normal and historically I have low blood pressure. I really don't feel jittery and it is also nothing like I see in my 82 year old father who has a tremor in one of his hands.  I am thinking it might be the Provigil as you suggested.

Ok, I am getting to the point where I have to finish this up and recharge my brain!  : )

The am finding whole MS - Fibromyalgia - Lupus - and Mimic connection fascinating!  There are so many crossovers in the symptoms.  

For me, the importance and value of the DMD's is really the reason why I want to pursue further testing and an accurate diagnosis if MS is indeed "lurking."

Thanks again for everything!


PS - I am a BIG advocate for white space!  : )

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429949 tn?1224691579
Hi, I saw where you were talking about a VNG to someone on here. Some of there visual symptoms are a lot like the problem I have been having with my vision since the onset of visual dysturbances two years ago. Especially the jumping around of text and objects that I am trying to focus on. This has improved, but still I cannot, for example track a straight line with my eyes without losing focus. I have been checked by an opthalmologist, a neuro-opthalmologist, and a low vision specialist, all of which say I have no nystagmus and normal eye movements. The low vision specialist did confirm the double vision that I have been telling my other doctors about all of this time. He documented that it was on extreme right gaze. He also documented that on cover test I have near-exophoria. Could I have nastagmus and it not been seen on ocualar exam, and would this test be more accurate to find nastagmus or tracking problems?

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hi julia,

i wanedd ot   say hello .LImbooland can be years long and without definded answers.
YOu arae curagious and strong.
I have not had a firm or definitive diaggnosis , going oneight years.
I realize my first symptom taking me to a doctor were  cerebellar ... trunckal and head tremor... nystagamus and my gait. I go to reach something and like my hand/arms havve thie rown minds dancing all over hte place  (dysmetria ). I sway. and can fall over  for no reason (liken to a cow tipper LOL).

QUix mention a VNG, that will be a good test to deterine how your eyyes move....ataxia can be caused by alot of diffent causes.
Thnings in my vision always move (oscillopsia) and my eyes move and jiggle(nystagamus).
I have wanted to make the worlds stop, but can not.
Words on the t.v. move and float... reading more than    a couple  sentence can be rather challennging.
What have you mri say? I hope you have a good neuologist .

I understand how you begun choosing how you talk to you r husband. Ecen though someone love s you, you begin to guard them and yourself, your relationship. We want to be open, honest, but it begins to   sound like too much.  So we keep it to ourselves.
I hope you have know you are not alone,,  annd in this wierd strange world or neurogic ****, you are not alone.
be wellll and kepp faith, amo
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486038 tn?1300063367
Hi! I'm a limbolander and DEFINETLY not qualified to give you any advice, but I do want to offer any support that I can! :) I'm relatively new here, but I've found that the people here are great in offering advice, support and "hugs" as often as you need it!
I too have many of your symptoms, and have just acquired the lovely "popcorn twitches" you mentioned and am jerking now as I type. I also noticed recently that I tend to "sway" if I stand still, which is rather disconcerting, and realized that is may be why i lose my balance and fall backwards. Is your balance when you are on your feet ok?
I hope you are doing ok through all this...
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147426 tn?1317265632
Oh, dear, Julia.  You need a good, attentive and thorough neuro exam.  I wish we could buy you one from Crate and Barrel or something!

The numbness or numb sensation of your cornea would be from the third cranial nerve, indicating a problem in the brainstem.

The problem with patterns getting all jumbled up makes me wonder if your eyes are tracking correctly and they get "jittery" trying to sort out complex or repeating patterns.  Is the effect just visual or do you get a sense of vertigo, being dizzy or "unstable in space" feeling also?  You need to see an ophthalmologist or, better, a neuro-ophthalmologist and have this carefully looked at.  Another idea if there is dizziness associated with the eye problem is to get a VNG (VideoElectroNystagmoGram).  This can analyze the eyes' ability to track and follow each other smoothly - it seems yours aren't doing it smoothly at all!

The numbness on the right side of your face is a dysfunction of the 5th Cranial nerve, the Trigeminal Nerve, again a brainstem issue.  Did you get an MRI of the Cervical spine?  That is what shows the brainstem the best.

The tremor I can't picture.  Tremors are usually fairly rapid back/forth movements, but I think of a sway as being slower.  Certainly you're not talking about a jitteriness.  The Provigil is a brain stimulant and I feel a little "rev'ed up on it, and it does make my left arm tremor (which I think I've always had) worse.  You could drop the dose of the Provigil to half a tab for a couple days and see if it the movement you are having lessens.  Is the swaying rhythmic or is it irregular.  You might be describing ataxia, which is usually a cerebellar problem.

The amitriptyline is a tiny dose.  I don't think it would be responsible for any of this.

Basically you are not describing symptoms that I know as those of Fibro.  Girlfriend, you need a real neurologist!

Did you tell us what Tesla power the open MRI was last fall?

You need someone (with an MD) to pay attention to you.  Sometimes I think they hear "Fibromyalgia" and their brains snap shut....and OFF!

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427279 tn?1210919821
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427279 tn?1210919821
hi im not qualified to answer your questions so im going to bump you up....tc ...deb
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