293157 tn?1285873439

My Eye Dr results...ummmmmm

well, I went to the eye Dr, she did the complete workup for my eyes.  I went to see her because I have double vision, blurry, light sensitive, sore eye lids. etc.etc...

they were bad a few months ago and got better, now they are sore again, so I thought I'd better check them out.

She said I do have a small amount of dry eye...not alot of dry eyes...so keep taking drops etc.  She said the symptoms I have would not be from the dry eyes and doesn't know why I have them....

She feels it's Neurological, but does not see any inflammation in my eyes or any thing else wrong??  

I guess I confused her again...and now I'm confused again....so does anyone know how these eye symptoms can be Neurological??  Thanks..

16 Responses
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429949 tn?1224691579
To wobbly,

The visual field is the whole area that a person can see when looking straight ahead without turning thier head.  A visual field defect is a scatoma(blind spot) somewhere in that field of vision. A cut in vision is simply another word for defect or deficiet. I only had virtigo for the first three months after my attack, two years ago. I am still a little off balance in some situations, but for the most part the virtigo is pretty much gone.
I Hope you find a doctor that will work with you


To, double vision

Well, I guess if it disapears when one eye is covered, then I must have binocular double vision too! Mine is worse when I look to the right. The visual field defect showed up in my left eye when tested separately, but I see the cut in vision on the right. The visual cut is to the right in both eyes tested separately.  That means that if I cover the left eye, I still see a visual cut on the right bottom corner when looking only from my right eye, and vise versa. When they do visual field testing they cover one eye at a time and test each eye separate. If you look at the test graph for my right and left eye it shows a scatoma(bind spot) on the bottom right corner on both graphs for both left and right  eyes.

I understand what you are saying about being able to almost force the two images to stay together. I can do this too! I couldn't   do this at first, but now I feel like I am regaining control. Also, when I first look at something I can actually see the two images trying to come together on there own. I have'nt asked my doctor yet but I think this is a sign that something is trying to  fix this.

When this first happened I couldn't read at all. I couldn't keep focused enough to keep my place. I got lost from word to word and line to line. I kept reading and now I can read a lot better.I still see a wave in the paragraph when I look at it as a whole,but my tracking is so much better.
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382218 tn?1341181487
Bincolular double vision is present only when both eyes are open.  The second image disappears when either eye is covered.  Mine is worse when looking to the left (the palsy is in my left 6th cranial nerve), and straight ahead at a distance.  My close up double vision has improved over time; I can read a book at a normal distance and see it clearly, although my eyes feel tired and strained much more quickly than before all of this started.  

I have found lately that if I really concentrate on focusing on an object, I can almost force the two images closer together, only momentarily and then they start to drift apart.  I believe this is indicative of some recovered muscle movement; a few months ago I couldn't do this at all.

At times my eyes appear to be mildy crossed (strabismus).  Do either of you have this presentation?

Here is some good info on both binocular and monocular double vision from Johns Hopkins:


My only other eye issue is nystagmus, which is often present with INO.  However unlike some people, I am not aware of the nystagmus, ie: things don't look wiggly to me and I'm not aware of the rapid movement.

My vision is 20/20 and I have not experienced the visual field defect that you describe, Santana.

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293157 tn?1285873439
Very interesting, but confusing..lol. Could you explain it again...but not so ummm hard to understand..I can't get it...?? what do you mean cut?    What is visual field defect??  Sorry?

My double vision is horizontal and vertical...like everything I see is two...side by side and one is abit higher then the other.  

My eyes feel like they are constantly being pulled apart and don't know how to fix it??  They want to fix themselves and can't...that is what the eye dr told me??

Also, when I have my vertigo spells I get Nystgma now, that is something new for me. Alot of my symptoms are changing and getting alot more painful.  


I took a few months off from seeing Dr and specalists. I was tired of hearing 'NORMAL' etc...but it's a new year and hopfully I will find a new specialist that can help.  

I understand it difficult for the Dr to find out what is wrong and I'll try to hang in there and not get to frustrated with the whole process again...
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429949 tn?1224691579
I am curious to know about the binocular double vision myself. I have double vision only when I try to merge both eyes together or when I look to either side (peripheral vision). When I cover one eye the second image diappears on the side that I have covered. Do you know what this type is called? Also it seems to be worse on close up viewing. Like looking at a drink can that I am raising up to my mouth. That's when I see the double image the most. Do either of you have a visual field defect(cut) that's been documented by a visual field test. I do. I have an inferior(bottom) harmoneous(in both sides of the  vision field) quadrant(1/4 of the entire vision field) defect. THis means that everything that I look at has a wedge shaped blind spot on the bottom right corner. IF you can take a piece of paper and rip a wedge shaped corner off of the right bottom side, then that's  what it looks like. THe bigger the object that I see the bigger the vision cut looks. The doctor has recommended vision therapy for  me. I am going to schedual this soon. It is a new treatment fot persons who have these sorts of vision dysfuntion resulting from brain damage. I saw on the evening world news today that they are seeing results from this therapy. Oh! by the way the neuro opthalmologist was not the one who recomended this to me. It was the hearing specialist that sent me for balance testing. He too said that this is most likely neurological, brain related. I personally did not get much help from the neuro- opthalmologist. He more or less wrote me off as being unable to be helped with this condition. I would go to another one, but he was a four hour drive and I seem to be getting more answers from my neuro, opthalmologist, hearing doctor, and balance rehab.
My hearing had no damage and they thought the reason for my virtigo and vision imbalance was from the cut in my vision.
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293157 tn?1285873439
Hi.. is binocular double vision when you close one eye it is still double with the other one?  That is what I have...and I have been to a Neuro Opthomo two years ago and he said there is nothing they can do for it...I have dry eyes??  I felt like he just wanted me out of there... so I didn't go back.

Now my vision is alot worse blurry, flashing lights, light sensitive, double vision...sometimes it's triple...hahaha.. if you know what I mean.  When I'm tired I can't read anything.  I've had this double vision for 5 years or more, but it wasn't that bad until 3 years ago??  Something like that...I will keep checking into this..thanks for you info..

take care and I'll let you know what happens..

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293157 tn?1285873439
she also said my eye sight is 20/20 except for reading glasses which I need to read..??
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293157 tn?1285873439
Hi...and I don't know if I have met you before either, I've been here on and off since Oct I think??  Hard to remember...but I'm on here almost everyday...not always adding things though...I'm not yet Dx...

Boy are you right on with what the eye doctor told me...she said to soak my eye lids everyday with warm water on a cloth to help with the pain and gritty feeling etc...it is both my eyes.

also use drops for the dryness, she said that my eyes seem to be pulling in the oposite direction to one another, (that can happen with age)??  

but she still feels it's Neurological. Who do you request to get a Sjogren's test..is it a blood test that a Rheum does?

thanks for any help

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382218 tn?1341181487
My binocular double vision is caused by a lesion on my brain stem.  This is an eye movement disorder, not a problem with my vision itself.  The disorder is called Internuclear Opthalmolplegia (INO).  Not an uncommon symptom of MS.  Sixth nerve palsy and lateral rectus palsy are other clinical terms to describe what I have going on.  I have seen an Opthalmologist once; and since then have monthly visits with his Orthoptist (this is not a doctor but an "eye movement specialist"), to chart my improvement.  It has been a slow process towards recovery; 6 months so far and I still have double vision, but continue to have gradual improvement to the degree in which my eye muscles are working together.

I'm awaiting an appt with a neuro-opthalmologist for a second opinion on prognosis and long term treatment options, should it not eventually resolve.  I have heard conflicting info regarding surgery and would like another view on that.  

I would strongly encourage you to consider seeing a neuro-opththalmologist, based on what you are being told regarding the cause being neurological.  BTW, how long have you had double vision?

Helpful - 0
429949 tn?1224691579
Hi, I don't think I have met you yet. I went through this same thing two years ago and I am

still recovering now! My eyes were blurry (both of them) and I had extreme light sensitivity.

It was like looking through a viel. My eyes were sore especially the top eye lids. I had

some kind of film over my eyes( looked like flem). I went to the optomitrist first and he

said all he could find was moderate dry eye and blephatitis( inflamation of the eye lids). He

sent me to an opthalmologist and I ended up going through three of them.All of them said

that my optic nerve was normal and basically my whole exam was too, except for the

surface findings listed above. They said no inflamation in my eys. But I could visibly see it

on there. They told me to do the warm eyelid soaks and scrubs and to use lubricating  

tears. My visual acuity was then and still is 20/20. I ask to be refered to an neuro-

opthalmologist, as I was already seeing a neurologist fot the lesions on my MRI of the

brain who did't know a lot about my vision. This neuro- opthalmologist was a four hour drive

away for me, but I wanted answers. He checked my eyes and told me the same thing that

the other four eye doctors had told me about my eyes. He said that It was not my two

eyes that were not seeing right and together with eachother and that it was the two halves

of my brain. It is all neurological. I have studied this a lot and have found that he is probally

right. This is entirely possible from brain lesions. The warm soaks and scrubs and the

tears have made a big difference. The pain is basically gone, but flares up if I let up on my

soaks and scrubs and tears. I do suggest for you to keep going reguarly to an opthalmologist.

I still go every six months to keep check on my vision. This is very important because the

dry eye can cause scaring on the cornea which may result in vision loss. If you need info

on the treatment that I do to help the dry eye and soreness let me know. I am going to my

opthalmologist soon and requesting a test for sjogren's myself. Hope this helps!

Helpful - 0
293157 tn?1285873439
thanks everyone, I'll let you know what comes from all this...
your a great help...

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335728 tn?1331414412
Andie...I was just looking around and found out that Vision Problems can be a side effect of clonazapam!  I think that it is something that you may want to speak to your gp about because while this is rare, it is still a possibility.  

Whatever you do though, don't try to stop taking this med without speaking to the doctor first because there can be very SERIOUS side effects if you do ok?

I hope that this might help you out and you can finally get over these awful vision problems...seeing double and blurry vision...I don't think there is anything more frustrating!

Lots of Hugs,

Helpful - 0
279234 tn?1363105249
Hi! I just recently went to an opthamologist because of double vision and my left eye was blurred. They dilated my eyes, tested my pressures, and gave me a peripheral test. My optical nerve looked good but he said that he thought it was neurological.

He said the blurred vision could be from lesions deep in the brain even though my MRI back in Oct. showed some lesions but they weren't specific. He said the double vision was due to muscle weakness in the eyes that line up vision. If your eyes aren't perfectly lined up you'll get a double of what your looking at.

I would make an appointment with a neuro soon to have a repeat MRI if you haven't had one recently.
Take Care
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293157 tn?1285873439
Hi Rena...I have been on Clonozapam for quite a few years to help me sleep or for anxiety... I think it also is for antiseizure as well??  not sure..I don't take it for that.  

I take Celebrex and Pariet for GERDS and Tyl 3s for pain.....thats about it for meds...but I should ask about the clonazapam...maybe???  Thanks Rena...

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293157 tn?1285873439
She is an Optomitrict...not an Opthomologist..I've went to a couple of Opthomologist two years ago and they said I had Dry eyes,

No one has mentioned Sjorgens, the Dr today said no inflammation (is the ON)...she did not refer me to an Opthomologist and I think I need her to refer me to one if I needed one...

right now my GP is sending me to a Rheumologist as my sed rate was high and positive ANA,

and the last Neurologist said there is nothing they can do and I have to wait for another MRI etc...I know my symptoms have changed and gotten worse since I saw the last Neuro a year ago. I see my GP next week and will ask for him to refer me back to the Neurologist as well....boy oh boy...

take care
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335728 tn?1331414412
Hi Honey...where have you been?  I haven't seen you here for a while and I missed ya!  So sorry that you are having trouble with your eyes on top of everything else my dear!  I have a quick question...are you on ANY meds at all?  I have experienced double vision and trouble with my eyes and I am on the antiseizure meds and Lyrica and wonder if even after I have been on them for a while if they are the cause for my problems?

Like my "doctor" said...you may have to live through the side effects of the drugs as long as you are not in pain...this coming from a VERY questionable doctor though!

Lots of Hugs,

Helpful - 0
393986 tn?1303825975
Is she an opthamologist? Or a optrician?  Has your dr ever checked you for Sjorgens? Did she say anything about optic neuritis?  I'm sorry I ask so many questions, I'm bad.  Honey, like I've been told and you'll hear it more you only have two eyes and they are nothing to mess with.  Call the neuro and get an appt ASAP!!!!

Big Hugs,

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