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Where is everyone? Roll call check in time!

It has been a very quiet week around here, and I hope that means everyone is off enjoying life.  It feels like we need to take  roll call to see who's around, so count off!!

37 Responses
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we all need to take a break from this disease and we should celebrate when we feel good enough to walk away and not think about MS.  I'm glad you could do that.....

So sorry to hear about your husband's aneurysm - I hope it was caught early and little damage was done.  As one of the people here living with the knowledge that I have a brain aneurysm, I am always happy to read about people surviving a rupture.

best, L
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1637739 tn?1371688706
It's been awhile since I've been on here.   I kinda took a vacation from my MS! Lol. I've been feeling really good.   This winter my husband suffered a brain aneurysm but is doing well.  He's a walking miracle!  More than ever now I truly believe you should today like its your last day!.  I do feel like I've neglected my MS family though.  I appreciate you all and am blessed because I know I can come to you in time of need.  

Missed You, Jeny
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Thank you, Sandy. It's really rough watching my tiny Kia fading. I lost Sydney almost 17 months ago, she was almost 15, Kia is just 13 and 1/2, so I thought I'd have more time.

God Bless you for rescuing that sweet cat! I will never understand how people can dump a pet, and just not care what happens to them.

No, afraid with chronic renal failure, Kia won't be ok, but if God is merciful, maybe He will allow her another year with me.

My Vet told me that dogs can live for years with 25% of their renal function.
And I have a friend with a 19 year old Yorkie that has been in renal failure for a year and a half.

So, I have hope.....


P.S. My DH and I are making the most of her life. We are taking our travel trailer over to the IN Dunes on Monday, for 3 and 1/2 days. Kia loves it there!
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2112931 tn?1335098402
Thanks Sheila and I'm sorry you're going through this rough time with your furry baby. I can't imagine what that must be like to see them suffer.

I have a beautiful cat that I rescued last year. She was dumped near a friends house and I took her in at 7 months old. She has been the best cat I have ever had. Very sweet and so smart. I hope your yorkie will be okay.

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Hi, Sandy.

This is the exact place to share our fears, but I assure you, that you are not stupid!!!

And no one gets sick of reading  about VER and brain lesions.

It's important to post those things, because you never know when you might be helping someone else. And it helps us to talk about them.

I'm sorry that you are still living in Limboland. I lived there for 6 long painful years.

Oh goodness, I'd almost forgotten the years when my son went through that stage. Hang in there, for this too shall pass.

I'm glad you're migraines are gone. I suffered with them through my 20's.
And then, again, when I hit the 3 and 1/2 mark on Rebif, but thankfully, they ended last week.

This forum truly is the best! We are a family here, everyone truly cares about each other.

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2112931 tn?1335098402
You all probably know I'm here cause I'm still one of the newbies showing my fears and stupidity on here.  LOL.

You're probably sick of reading about my VER and brain lesions.

Just still in the early limbo stage and feaking out but not as badly as I was a couple of months ago.

Going through major drama with my youngest daughter. She's going through a phase of "I'm an adult and you can't tell me what to do so everyone back off and leave me alone."

I'm doing very well on the propranolol for the migraines. Haven't had one since I started taking it. Yay!

I just want to say I sincerely love this forum and every member in here. Thank you all so much for helping me deal with this. You really do help.

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1689801 tn?1333983316
Hi all, I am here checking in nearly every day. Pretty busy these days. Wishing the best for all of you.
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I've not talked to DJ in almost two weeks and we are overdue.  Her daughter was finally dx'd with an autoimmune disorder - Crohns - and hopefully knowing the problem will help with the treatment.  She was still doing treatment for the thyroid cancer - thanks for the mental jog to call her.  We normally talk on Thursdays....
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I've been lurking, I reckon I've gone into a secondary progressive stage, had to buy a wheelchair, that was a big step that I hoped I would never have to take. :(

I have been keeping up with what is going on with everyone here, my struggles are nothing compared to some of you and I remind myself of that daily.

I saw that DJ popped in recently, have I missed her visiting again? Maybe you have heard from her Lulu, I hope she is ok.

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2063887 tn?1337829746
Audrey, I'm so sorry about you losing your mom.  I think my birthday was the hardest day of that first year with my mom.

I think I'm dealing with a relapse, but my neuro told me to just watch my blood pressure.  I'm not thinking that would cause all these symptoms.  I'm back to driving an automatic transmission because the strength in my leg and balance are way off.  The tingling and shocks in my arm, leg, and face are driving me insane.  They're much worse than normal.  Just hoping at some point I can drive "my" car again.  

Hope everyone else starts doing a lot better too!
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1475492 tn?1332884167
*waves hand* I am still here. Just busy with a job change (me), job loss (hubby) and trying to enjoy the craziness summer brings.

Hugs to everyone
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2015036 tn?1332997788

I'm still here, but reeling from my latest relapse.  I'm back to being scared again, but I expect that this will pass (at least somewhat) too.  How is your latest relapse going, Laura?

I am sorry to read of all the problems, and sad times that are going around. I'm sending out warm thoughts to you all.  (I know that won't do very much to to help, but my intentions are honorable.)  

I am going to look into Dragon Speak software too.  It's a good idea Ren.

(((Hugs to all,)))
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721523 tn?1331581802
I have been one busy stay-at-home mommy.  Starting up a new mothers group, husband having surgery, pelvic floor PT, Vacation bible School... Well, you see, there is nothing Stay-at-home about it!

School starts here the first week of August.  I am not ready for my boys to go, but life will slow down, a bit.

the Pelvic Floor PT has helped with the bladder symptoms.  unfortunately, there are some other problems from the birth of my first son (7years ago.)  anyway, it is improving, and I am happy about that!
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Thanks, this all makes me feel better, even if some of you are sharing not so good news.  At least I know you are still around anda  part of this special place.  I was afraid everyone had gone off someplace else and forgot to come back! LOL

hugs to all,.
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I'm so sorry that this is your first birthday without your Mom. Definitely makes it bitterwsweet-but please try to celebrate your day, to honor your Mom.

Thanks for your kinds thoughts for Kia.

I hope you get your diagnosis-not that I want anyone to have MS, but I understand, wanting the diagnosis so you can get on treatment and move forward in your life.

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1710955 tn?1309446473
Nautical a fyi, I'm on my cell phone and for some reason I can only see the first so many comments.  I hit get more results, and all it does is think and think.  Ot wont go through, so I'm not intentionally ignoring anyone I just can't see the comments.

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1260255 tn?1288654564
I've just come out of "lurking" and have to fight the urge not to monopolize the forum!

Today is my birthday, and a bittersweet one at that. It is my first birthday without my mother, who died unexpectedly on December 30. I love you Mom, and thank you for giving birth to me and raising me to be the person I am.

I have just submitted FMLA papers to my employer. On Monday I go for another MRI. I hope that this time around, I get a diagnosis. This has been going on for two long and has a significant impact on so many aspects of my life.

Something funny...I'm sure many of you have experience that "bugs crawling" on your skin sensation. Well, I'm going through this one again, but I also have some uninvited carpenter ants in my house, so I have to look to see if it's a real bug or just the system going whacky!

JB- my lawn has not been mowed in more than three weeks, but unlike you, we have had rain and it needs to get mowed before the neighbors start to complain. One neighbor (my birthday twin!) plans to do it today. TY!

Jen- I'll have to look into the Wii Fit Plus.

Sheila- sorry to hear about your buddy. Hope all goes well.

Ren- My sister has permanent partial disability where she can no longer type and Dragon Speak works really well for her, so go for it with voice recognition software...all that much better if it comes with your computer!

Alex- glad your fever broke...what was it from?

Hope everyone's week is the best that it can be!
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Hi, Mike.

I'm the same way. I don't post often. But I try to read & learn. My eyes get too blurry.

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Hi, Jen.

Thank you, I am hoping I will have Kia longer.....

When Sydney was diagnosed, we lost her in just 5 short months.

But the most important thing my DH and I are watching is her quality of life.
We won't let her suffer.

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Thank you for your kind words about Kia. It really is stressful to watch her go through renal failure.

When I lost Sydney on 2/28/11, to renal failure, the stress was so bad, that my MS progressed.

I'm trying very hard now, to remind myself, that I have been blessed to have Kia for 13 and 1/2 years, and maybe with her homemade renal failure diet, it won't progress too quickly.

I'm very glad you found this group, too.

I joined, long before I was diagnosed. And it was a rough road to my diagnosis.....

I don't post often, my eyes get too blurry looking at the laptop monitor.

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Hi, Kelly.

I'm so sorry that you may have a possible relapse. I hope the medrol dose helps you.

Thank you for your kind words about Kia. I'm sorry that your Husky has cataracts at such a young age. My son and his wife have a beautiful Siberian Husky.

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1979418 tn?1432135441

Kat -

Good to hear you are keeping busy and taking the bull by the horns :)   Makes all the difference in the world!

I found that basic yoga was amazing for my balance issues.  My neuro convinced me to get the Wii and use the Wii Fit Plus.  I've pretty  much resolved my balance issues...  they do the age based on balance and coordination type tests.   I'm 43...  when I first started I was in my 60s I think...  now, outside of goobering up a test, I typically am around 32 :)  Think I've been 32 the last 4 or 5 times I did the body test.   So definitely has helped me :)    And some of the games are fun too :)  still a big kid at heart!!!

Have a wonderful day at the beach!!!  

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1710955 tn?1309446473
I'm here!  Mostly reading posts, but I'm here. Just sick of talking about me and my problems.

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1088527 tn?1425313375
well its been a week since diagnosis and its been a busy one had a phone call yesterday with MSlifeline to set up my Rebif it will take about a week or so to get the insurance straightened out but the most I will pay is $50 no matter what the copay is I am so grateful that there is finacial help out there for these expensive meds.

I started PT again this week need to gt strenth back in left leg and work on balance.

I had my urodynamics tests this morning can you say ouch but no results yet but she did say I am retaining urine so we will see what happens next

goig to the beach on sunday to hang with friends other than that keeping cool

take care
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