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Is this Spasticity?

Hi, Everyone.

   I'm having a bad time these past few days. My back and pelvic area, abdomen, and my inner thighs have this pulling sensation. Is this spasticity? I am absolutley miserable. Keep trying to stretch but nothing relieves it.

   Still awaiting the EMG results and Dr. K's opinion.


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It very well could be.Spasticity is increased muscle tone that causes contractures,muscle shortening ans spasms.
Yes,it can make one miserable,I'm effected daily by it.Tonic water with quinine in it may reduce some of it.

I'd call DR K's office,the EMG report should of been back,I had mine the same day
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T, thanks. I'll try tonic water with quinine in it. I am sorry you deal with this daily. It makes it hard to sit, stand, or walk.

I called Dr. K's office yesterday & spoke to Kathy. She said the EMG was finalized, &  I will receive a letter within 2 weeks. She said my Neuro will also receive a letter. I guess Dr. K forgot that she said she would call me the beginning of last week.
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My spasms are controlled by meds for the most part.Yes,it makes movement difficult at times.

Hopefully you'll get the results soon.

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Hi, T. Dr. K just called. She said oddly enough, the EMG showed the nerves in my legs are fine, but there is a problem with the nerves in my spine. She said this can cause the bowel problems I am experiencing. She wants to get me started on an I.V. infusion of steroids, then oral steroids and see if it will reduce the inflammation around the nerves. So, she is going to call my D.O. and get it set up with the nurse. She is soooo nice. Really explained what she wanted to do, and why. I have hope.
I dread the appetite increase, but I appreciate her warning me, in advance. I'll be sure to keep all junk food out of the house.

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Oh so glad you got somewhere at last Hopefully this treatment will help control your spasms and also help with the bowel problem > Yet again thank you to you as well earleir on just got myself in a right state !!   I will probably catch everyoen tomorrow as I,m really tired its been a heck of a day xxxx chris
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Thanks, I hope it does resolve the bowel problem, as it is wreaking havoc on my weakened pelvic floor. Chris, this is a good place to come when we get in a 'state', we all understand that feeling, it happens to all of us at one time or another. Please get some rest, the war ain't over. XXX Sheila
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Glad Dr. K called you back.Besides the steroids infusion did she recommend a mri on the lumbar to see what is causing the damage?

Dr.K is a real sweat heart and follows through with her patients.

The solu-medrol helps with reducing inflamation,how long on infusions and taper off.The steroids will leave a nasty taste in your mouth.Mints help.Drink plenty of fluids.The first round of steroids I had didn't increase my appetite.But the second and third.They can have a tendency to make ya a little aggitated.Me they made me meaner than a junk yard dog without the taper off.

I hope this really helps you.

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No, T, Dr. K didn't mention an MRI of the lumbar spine. I had one in January and it didn't show anything significant.

She was so nice on the phone, explained everything thoroughly, didn't rush. I told my DH that I would gladly make the trip back to Ohio whenever necessary.

Thanks for the tips about the Solu-medrol. I am really dreading it. I hope it doesn't increase my appetite too much. I hate that feeling of wanting to eat all the time. I'm also worried about getting jittery. We just listed our house for sale last Friday, and the last thing my DH needs is for me to be a witch, with a capital B.

For the second and third day, did you inject the Solu-medrol into your IV yourself, or did you have to go back to your doctors office?

Now I'm just waiting for my D.O.'s office to get it set up and call me.

It would be wonderful if it reduces my pain level. Yesterday, I wiped out the drawers & cabinets & linen closet shelves in the master bath, and I'm paying for it today.

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My first expeience with solu-medrol was a 5 day hospital stay.

The second was home health came to the house and put a port in and showed me how to do the infusions

The third time was at the infusion clinic at the hospital

I prefer the home method.

You'll do fine.

I'm paying for cleaning my gutters,oh the leg pain and I have slept all day.I feel a cold coming ,

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Hmmm...I can't imagine if they'll require me to stay in the hospital. I would prefer the home method, as well.

Oh my, I imagine you are indeed paying for cleaning the gutters. It's frustrating to end up in so much pain and so exhausted from doing chores that we used to do in the past, without a second thought.
Hope you feel better soon. Eat some chicken noodle soup, maybe it will ward off that cold.

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Hope you get the infusions done at home.

Have you heard yet when they are going to start them?

Yes,I have sufferred from cleaning the gutters.Oh,the pain.Dang I yse to be very active,not anymore.

The chicken soup didn't help,I was on cipro for 5 days for UTI and you think that would of warded of this sinus infection.

I'm sure the steroids didn't help.It probably kicked my immune system around the block and back.

Becareful being around anyone sick while on the steroids.

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We found out from our insurance co. this morning that I must be admitted to the hospital to have the infusions covered. So, now I am waiting for my D.O.'s office to call BCBS to give them the codes, and get it scheduled with the hospital.

Dr. K called my D.O. yesterday to have him set up the infusions. A nurse gave him the wrong Pt's chart, and he told Dr. K that my DH died 2 years ago, I sold my house and moved to N. Dakota.
I called his office and told the receptionist who knows me very well. She burst out laughing because it was so ludicrous. Said she'd get it straightened out. My D.O. called Dr. K & explained the mix-up. Dr. K called me back and said my D.O. had called her and explained the mix-up. She was really nice, laughed with me about it. Then my D.O. called me himself last night and asked if Dr. K explained. I laughed, and said yes, that I told her that I didn't think he'd forgotten me since I've been seeing him once a month for 5  years. I think he was a little embarrassed.

I'm disappointed that I need to stay in the hospital.

How how  you feeling today?

I've done it again, pushed myself too hard and now I can barley shuffle. DH took down the vertical blinds in each room and I wiped them off. Not sure this was the best time to list our house. I'm a fanatic about having an immaculate home. Don't think I can afford to be one with my body misbehaving. But there's just too much to do to leave it all on him.

Yes, your immune system must be very compromised since the Cipro didn't ward off the sinus infection.

It is so frustrating to be slowed down this way. My neighbors are older than me, and yet they run circles around me. My 86 year old neighbor came over to 'sit' with me while my DH ran an errand.

The thing that worries me the most is the irritabilty of being on steroids.

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220917 tn?1309784481
Hi, Sheila~
I'm so glad that you're getting somewhere with all of this, just wish it wasn't the hospital...  I know you'd rather be home, but for your first infusion, don't you feel it's probably best?  

I'm also glad Dr. K. was so sweet with you on the phone.  That makes such a nice difference!  Great!  Don't worry about the irritability thing.  My son used to be on steroids all the time when he was little, not, of course 500 mg or more, but when he was in the hospital once, on his 9th birthday, after cake at home, we let him sing, "Crappy Birthday to Me."  I say play it to the hilt!  Milk it for all it's worth, sister!  If you have any "legal" excuse to be cranky, GO FOR IT!

Hang in there!  

P.S.  Also--there is no code for "use of office" that I could find in the 2007 CPT book anywhere.  Do you know what # they used?  If they didn't use ANY number, they can't bill you for it.

Take care!  Be crabby!

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Hi, Zilla.

     Thanks, I just wish we knew the reason why the nerves in my spine are inflamed. I suspect a dx is coming.

     But, yes, I agree, I do think it is probably best if I am in the hospital for the first infusion. I am highly sensitive to meds, so I'm sure it's the best place to start it.

    Dr. K really was sweet. I am in awe of her, beauty AND brains! :)  And a doctor with a personality, to boot!

    That is so funny, we sing "Crappy Birthday to Me"  in our house, too. LOL

    Gosh, poor little guy, had to be in the hospital on his 9th birthday. Not fun.

    I hate being irritable, it is so unfair to my DH. So, I hope I won't be too awful. But, at least, I will be in the hospital, and if they see my mood shift too much, maybe they can give me something for it.

    There are no codes on my E.O.B, so I don't know what code they used. The description just says "Hospital Services" and my DH spoke to 3 different people in the billing dept. before anyone would tell him what it was for use of office. This bill is stressing me out. I've always paid my bills, but I really resent this one. It feels like such a rip-off, and I have REAL doctors to pay. I rec'd another statement today, and again, it says it needs my immediate attention. The Benefits Rep where my DH retired is calling BCBS again tomorrow. He hasn't had much luck either, and it seems to me, since the Gyne is in my PPO, BCBS should take an interest in this bill. I've made a few small payments on it.  I'd like to write and tell them I am not paying it, but I want to wait and see what, if anything, the Rep can do for us.

   You take care, too. and I'll tell my DH Zilla said it's ok for me to be crabby. LOL


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Its best for the first infusions to be done in a hospital setting.

Take some good books to read.

I understand having a house emaculate,mine use to be,now its a chore to do daily activities.One thing about the steroids they make you find renewed energy.When I was last on them I felt like the energizer bunny,but that soon wore off.

being a little grumpy is okay,your hubby will understand.Each time I've been on the steroids my local hospotal has given me a list of side effects and so forth.

Dr.K is a great and compasionate Doc, with all the looks and brains.

I hate the slowing down,getting a new pup on Sunday another newfoundland,boy I hope I have the energy to keep up with her.


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Good luck with the steroids t lynns right they can cause some irritability my hubbys had quite afew courses > You will soon be home and hopefully they will find out what is really causing all your problesm speak to you soon xxx chris
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220917 tn?1309784481
Just think~ If you get the "moon face" from the steroids it will plump out any fine lines or little wrinkles you may have.  I'm so jealous!

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My D.O.s nurse is having trouble figuring out how to schedule my infusion. I don't think they've ever had to schedule one as inpatient before. So, it looks like it might take some time.

I wish I'd had it already, I could have used the energy today. I worked on the kitchen cabinets and drawers;11 double cabinets, 2 singles, a Lazy Susan, and 9 drawers. I never want another kitchen this size again! Really making me re-think our decision to sell the house & move. Too much work.

I'm grumpy without the steroids. LOL

Congratulations on the new puppy!  I think she'll boost your energy! Nothing like a new puppy in the house.

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Hi, Chris. Thanks, I hope they the steroids resolve this stinging in my spine. I feel like I am on fire.
How is your hubby? XXX Sheila
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Hi, Zilla. That 'moon face' might not be so bad. LOL Of course, on the other hand, it might make a bigger target for someone when my irritability ticks them off. LOL
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God I hope they work for that as well yikes !!! sounds horrible . Hubbys ok still in hospital and hes grumps!!!! without steroids lol Reckon he will discharge himself tomorrow if they don't let him out . thats what he normally does ! No talking to him once hes set his mind to something . Sounds like youve been working like a trojan ? You shoulnt go doing too much at the moment you know !
Zillas right by hte way yoiu will go wrinkle free without surgery lol xx chris
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Chris, it really is horrible. Some days, the pain is so unbearable, I just ask God to call me home. So, I am really hoping the solumedrol decreases the inflammation around the nerves. Can hubby really discharge himself from the hospital? wow. If we did that here, our insurance wouldn't pay our bill. Yes, I cannot believe how much work I've done. Of course, now I am in agony. Maybe some time in the hospital will be good. Although, it looks like it's not going to be soon. Still no call back from the nurse. She didn't know who to call to schedule it. Said she'd have to ask the doctor. I don't know, I would think she should call the hospital scheduling dept.and ask them. I wouldn't mind wrinkle free if I could stay that way. LOL XXX Sheila
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Hi shelia yes its pretty common over her if you want to discharge yourseld you just sgn a piece of paper saying that you except if you discharge yourself anf anything happens to you its basically your lookout !!! We dont have health insurance in the same way as you do! Basically when your working you pay national innsurance contributions out of your wages healthcare is then free at the point of use . This is one of the reasons why its difficult to see specialists get tests done etc. The waithing list for the neuro I have is 18 months for example unless you have a stroke, brain hemorage cant spell it ect !  Thought you'd domne too much and yes a rest in the hospital will probably do you the world of good unless you decide to start cleaning their cupboards lol Sounds like your healthcare system has similarities to ours communication problems oooh! really \1 I wouldnt mind being wrinkle free either lol no chance whatsoever there !!! Have to keep taking breaks from typing shelia stupid pains in my hands wrists and fingers great isnt it !!! xxxxchris
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girl friend ya need to slow down just a bit.

I know when I get involved and set my mind to getting something done I go gung ho and then I'm down for a few days.

The other day I cleaned my gutters and I have paid for it since,terrible spasms in my right back side of my ribs,I feel like I hyper extended the muscles.

A hospital stay will give you time to recover and REST !!!!!!  That does do our bodies good.

Yes, the steroids do poof out the face and makes the wrinkles disappear temporarly.

The puppy has to wait until monday,I'm having my stomache scoped monday morning so we'll get her after that.Puppy's have lots of energy so maybe this pup will help me regain mine.

The DO's office needs to contact the local hospital and they'll set everything else up.

Give your body some rest.

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