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Our dear Shadowsister, DJ - an update

Again, I am sharing this with DJ's permission.

She needs all the prayers, intentions, well wishes and hugs that you can possibly send her way.

Many of you caught her mention that her mother had emergency open heart surgery two days ago.  The prognosis was good, considering she is 85 years old.  Unfortunately, last night something went seriously wrong and they had to do emergency surgery again.  This time she was bleeding out (probably aortic aneuryism, but DJ's details were sketchy).  It was a lengthy, detailed surgery and her mother was deprived of oxygen for some time as well, as the nurses did heart massage in the ICU while they were waiting for the surgeon.

DJ's mama is her lifeline in so many ways, and lives in the same building and helps with the daily tasks that would be impossible for DJ to do on her own.  They truly are partners, and DJ constantly tells me how important her mama is to her.  The fear of losing her, on so many levels, is truly difficulty to begin to understand unless you were in DJ's position.

Getting to the hospital is difficult, because DJ uses her motorized wheelchair to get around town.  Riding in a transport is very difficult on her, due to the jaring.  Her mother also appears to be a carrier of the MRSA virus, and the medical folks have advised DJ to stay away for now.

And as she told me today, even if that weren't the case, she is so sick right now  she can't risk getting herself there.  

The followup with Dr. D this week was also not good.  He has told her the MS is progressing rapidly, and impacting her internal organs.  He is trying new meds with her to get the pain under control, and thankfully there seems to be some relief.  The bad part of the drugs is it is leaving her heavily drugged.  Hopefully that drugged feeling will leave her as she gets used to the meds.

Unfortunately even though the pain is a bit better, her eyesight has failed her.  She is unable to focus and can't see the computer screen to write this herself.  How much of this is a direct result of the stress of her mother's hospitalization is hard to tell.  Either way, it is one more serious complication that she doesn't need.

About the only good thing this week is her lovely daughter had her biopsy yesterday, and initial reports point toward this not being breast cancer.  DJ is celebrating that bit of good news in the face of everything else.

So dear forum family, there is the news of today.  I wish I had something better to write.....

Please keep DJ and her family close in thought today and in the days to come.

as always,

24 Responses
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634733 tn?1316625992
Sending prayers and hugs wafted across the blue ocean, you are in our thoughts and in our hearts.

Love Pat
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649926 tn?1297657780

  You are an inspiration. We all have our ups and downs and think that we couldn't handle life if it got any harder but you are the champion.

I think of you often and whenever you share what's going on with you, it reminds me that I can be stronger and endure more - just think of DJ.

Sending you hugs and praying for your family.

Erin :)
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620048 tn?1358018235
I am sorry i am so late in finding this out, i should watch more carefully.  But with all the prayers from your many friends, I know you are well covered.  You have become so important to me lately, I wish only the best for you...

all my prayers and  they are very good ones..

bless you, swetie

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Oh, sweet, sweet DJ, I am so sorry all this is happening with you and your family.  You are always in my thoughts and prayers, but I will add extra for these trying times.

You are such a wonderful and special lady and someone I consider an "earth angel".  All my best to you and your mom and your daughter.

Love and many many comforting hugs
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378497 tn?1232143585
They are all in my thoughts.

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198419 tn?1360242356
Sweet DJ, hope you can feel our hugs and love surround you right now and so sorry about Mom. I know the good lord will surely watch over you while you are there and guide you through.

Thinking of you,
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405614 tn?1329144114
Dear Lady,

You were in my thoughts and prayers all last night (I wake often) and this morning.  When I finally read this last night, MedHelp was shutting down for an update and I wasn't able to post.

I hope you could feel all the loving hugs I was sending south to you; stronger than the jet stream.  I've been praying for the best outcome for your Mother, the strength for you and your family to face what comes, that you adjust to your new medication so life is a little smoother, that you feel how much we all love you.

You're so much a part of my life, my family now; I don't know if I've ever truly expressed how much you mean to me. You have brightened many a day, given us all an example of how to except what life gives us, and still see the beauty and good.  

Sending you lovely bouquets of love, hugs, and prayers,

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923105 tn?1341827649
Just spoke with our dear friend DJ.  She is going into the Hospital now to see her Mother.  She is trying SO hard to keep it all together, she loves her Mother and needs her Mothers strength behind her, as she helps her so much.

DJ is a marvelous women, and I am blessed to know her.

PLEASE  she needs all the support that she can get right now, whether it's by prayers, or just responding to this thread, as she is reading everybodies comments.

DJ is so upset right now, and I am deeply worried about her, the stress of this is really taking it's toll on her.  She can't take her meds at the moment, as she needs to be able to get to the Hospital and back.

PLEASE everybody, keep DJ in your thoughts.  She needs our help, her Mother is terribly ill, and for her to just know that we are thinking about her, will mean the world to her.

Hugs to all, and prayers to DJ in the wind.

Debs xxxxxxxxxxxx
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645390 tn?1338555377
My thoughts and prayers are with you in this time of need for your family. You are such a special lady, who is very much loved here. I am sending you strength and hugs to wrap yourself in,
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611606 tn?1315517767
i haven't taken the new med yet today so i can at least get out a Thank You note for all your loving thoughts and prayers. You'll never know how much they mean to me. not just at this awful time, but always.
Lulu how do i thank you for all you do for me. i am so blessed you are in my life.
all of you have filled my heart so full it is over flowing with gratitude.
my dear Mother is in very critical condition, and i am not expecting a good out come, she has brain damage and might not be able to wake up. i am going to the hospital this morning has soon as my chair recharges. i know the Lord will watch over me, my mother & Sister need me and I need to possibly say good bye to my mom.

I am so sorry if I have missed anyones birthday, please know my wishes go out to all of you, and i know you understand.
love, hugs and many prayers of thanksgiving for all the blessing i have been given. i count each of you as a very special blessing for my heavenly father. i know he will give me the strength i need for the coming hours and day..
{{{{{~!~}}}}}} dj
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DJ, please add me too to your long list of friends here who wish you well. I know at this time you probably aren't thinking clearly, but you will again, and you will find a way for you and your mom to comfort each other again. Draw on the strength of all of us here as we pull for you and your mother. It is right for you to stay away from MRSA, and I know you understand that. With luck things will be better for both of you soon.

Sending hugs,
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195469 tn?1388322888
In case our Forum members have never heard of MRSA (like me)

MRSA is not caused by a virus. Instead, MRSA is a strain of the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus. MRSA received its name because this strain of bacteria is resistant to the antibiotic methicillin. It has since become resistant to a number of other types of antibiotics, including those within the beta-lactam class of antibiotics.

New strains of MRSA have recently emerged in the community that are capable of causing severe infections in otherwise healthy individuals. These MRSA infections are known as community-associated MRSA. MRSA infections that are acquired in the hospitals and healthcare facilities are known as healthcare-associated MRSA.
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My heart aches for you. May the Holy Spirit extend His healing hands to you and your mother.

Hugs & Prayers
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751951 tn?1406632863
DJ is one of the many on this forum that offer endless inspiration to the rest of us.  It is painful to see her suffer such distress.  Please pass on to her that there is an army around the world lifting her in prayer, and an invisible army at her side and her mother's, ministering to their spirits as the doctors and nurses do so for their bodies.
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195469 tn?1388322888
How can one woman be so brave and uplifting to others, and be going through what she goes through?  I have always told DJ how much I admire her and her inner strength is truly Heaven sent.

Things do not sound good for her mother.  I know that DJ is being realistic about her mother's prognosis.  It sounds like she may have gone without oxygen too long.  How awful for DJ to have to endure all this heartache, not only with her mother's illness, but her own.

Where are you Father?  We have prayed and prayed.  Hear us, oh Lord.  Hear our pleas for this obvious child of yours.  DJ needs every bit of strength you can give her.  Please Father, send your warring angels down from Heaven to do battle for these two precious women.  In Jesus name I pray.

I weep for DJ and all the trials she has seen in her lifetime.  I weep also, because I have never felt so helpless....

God Bless you DJ and your precious Mother,
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987762 tn?1671273328
Dear DJ

There isn't much anyone can say that will lift the burden from your tired shoulders, i wish like everyone else that we could help you through this, it isnt much but know we are thinking of you and your family with hope in our hearts.

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I am so sorry to hear this.  I will be praying for her situation!  I cannot imagine the sorrow she must feel.  I wish I were with her to give her a hug and let her know I'm supporting her.
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335728 tn?1331414412
My thoughts are with you and your Mother during this difficult time and I hope that things work out for the better for all involved.

Lots of Hugs.
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648910 tn?1290663083
I believe angels walk this earth in many forms.  I will pray one finds it way to you to help you through this difficult time.

You are important to so many ppl in so many ways.  You touch our lives and give of yourself unselfishly.  As I said angels come in many forms and you have been an angel to many.

I will hold you close to my heart and lift you and yours up in prayer.

LOVE and (((((((HUGS)))))))

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494672 tn?1254152672
Dearest DJ

You have sent me many gentle hugs & I am sending them back to you with additional ones included.  You have become such an important person to me & it hurts to see you in the pain you are in (physical & emotional).  At times like these I wish that we were not only cyber friends but next door neighbors!  Take care of you & know that you & your mom are in my prayers.  I am praising with you that Cheri's tests look great right now!  
Plenty of hugs & prayers from me to you!
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147426 tn?1317265632
You have become so important to us and to me.  I ache with the thought that things are not going well with you and your mother.  You will be in my thoughts and in my heart.  Remember you are loved.

We need to make sure that you have the help and services you need to stay in touch with the world.  I hope we can help.

Love, Quix
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739070 tn?1338603402
Sending only good thoughts and well wishes to you and your family.

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620877 tn?1282764097
Thinking of you & your family right now.  

Sending you gentle hugs,
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667078 tn?1316000935
  I am praying for you, your mother and daughter.

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