1896537 tn?1381900009

A question about ms fatigue

Hi everybody, hope you're enjoying the start of the weekend.
I'd just like to ask a quick question about fatigue please:
Basically, for the past three evening's I've started with a worsening of the pain in my right arm & tremor in my left hand and then started feeling quite unwell with foot cramps, a headache and heavy, aching limbs. Just a general feeling of illness really. By the morning I'm back to feeling fine again though. It's just starting up again now (for the 4th day) so I've taken ibuprofen to ease the aches and pains.
I have increased my daily pilates by an extra 10 minutes this week and I do walk a lot (between 3/6 miles a day when my legs allow it!) on top of the usual housework, busy looking after kids kind of day.
Is it possible that what I'm experiencing is due to my ms? I'd assumed fatigue was just tiredness?
I'm due to start Rebif very soon (like in the next couple of weeks) Will this help or make things worse with the ill-feeling?
I was wondering whether I have something else, such as fibromyalgia? I did suggest this a year or so ago to my gp but he said the pain was more likely to be due to ms.
I'd really appreciate some suggestions!
12 Responses
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1896537 tn?1381900009
Yes, that's what I would call fatigue too...I'm mystified now as to the aches & pains! Hope it stops soon though!
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1831849 tn?1383228392
Maybe it's because were on different sides of the Atlantic, but I don;t associate "achey and unwell" with fatigue :-) For me, fatigue is not being able to keep my eyes open at 7:30...

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1896537 tn?1381900009
Kyle, see to me your symptoms would be what I'd expect of fatigue, as in you can feel problems with your leg and by 8 you were in bed. With this, I don't feel particularly sleepy, just achey and unwell. It's happened yet again tonight and I've had a really chilled day sitting in the garden. I did my 10 mins of pilates but nothing else...how lazy! ;-)
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1896537 tn?1381900009
JJ, I do lots of walking (briskly when possible!) and pilates. Nothing excessive! I find I go through periods of feeling rubbish like this then I'm fine for a while.In the past this evening illness feeling has preceeded a relapse but that's not the case this time.
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1831849 tn?1383228392
It's unlikely that Rebif will help with your current symptoms. DMD's like Rebif, are designed to keep new MS activity/relapses form occurring. They are not intended to easy current symptoms.

There is a definite connection between overdoing it and fatigue. I proved it yesterday :-) I went for a 3 mile walk yesterday. But the end of the walk I had great difficulty controlling my left leg. This is an old/existing symptom. It's also an indication that I've over done it a bit.

After the walk I went clothes shopping and wander around the mall looking for something. I got home and had an early dinner and was on the couch watching TV by 6:30. I could not keep my eyes open. When I did have them open I had nystagmus related double vision. By 8:00 I was in bed!

It is important to identify, and respect, our limitations :-)

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987762 tn?1671273328
Yes! You do 'have to' work out how to pace your self because if you don't gf, by nightfall you're burnt out and crashed out (burnt toast), sure sleeping it off will get you bouncing back to your norm but all that's giving you is enough back so you can do it all again!

What type of exercise are you doing?

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1896537 tn?1381900009
JJ, this comes on in the evening's and starts with the pain in my right hand/arm then I get a headache and start feeling achey, feet cramping up. I head to bed feeling awful and wake up right as rain! I can only assume it's from too much exercise. I've felt like this before relapses but I don't think I'm getting a relapse this time. I'm seeing my gp on tues so will mention it to her but I guess she'll just say what my ms nurse always tells me: "pace yourself"! Easier said than done sometimes!
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987762 tn?1671273328
Q:Is the 'feeling unwell & achey' something that everybody gets with ms if they overdo it?

A: I think that depends on what 'you' mean by 'feeling unwell & achey' , i've definitely thought i was coming down with some bug or flu and i've ended up dealing with a relapse. Its not uncommon for me to feel muscle aches from repetition, especially when i'm pushing 'my' boundaries, but i dont feel ill as such, more like a body part has been run over a few times by a mack truck lol

I doubt its an infection brewing, if your back to normal in the morning, it sounds more like activity levels to me.

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1896537 tn?1381900009
Hmm, yes that makes sense. I live a reasonable distance from my daugher's school so do lots of walking before I even start my exercise routine! I don't think I have an infection etc but will get a urine test done just to be sure. It's difficult to find how much activity one can do before feeling the effects! Is the 'feeling unwell & achey' something that everybody gets with ms if they overdo it?
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987762 tn?1671273328
An alternative thought....is that your experiencing psuedo's, which can be brought about by infections, heat or activity levels. If after you have rested, and even with your sleep issues, your basically back to your normal at the start of each day but by evening your sx's are at there worst again. I would be thinking  psuedo being brought on, because your doing too much, it might be a good idea to cut back on your activity levels until you find your tipping point.

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1896537 tn?1381900009
Thanks for the advice. I appreciate it! I think it probably is ms fatigue then. It's almost like the sensation that I'm coming down with something but the illness never materialises. I think I will ask about the provagil. I do have terrible issues with sleep disturbances which I've told my ms nurse and neuro about. I'm dreading starting rebif as I have felt so unwell these past few nights and I'm worried about feeling even worse! Thanks again
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429700 tn?1308007823
I do not take Rebif, but from what I understand about DMD like Rebif, it is unlikely to make you feel less ill.  However, if it is working for you, it will slow down your attacks and allow your brain to heal.  

After being on Copaxone for a while, I noticed that I do not feel as ill as I used to.  I am also walking without problems and my outlook is positive-- something it wasn't before starting the medicine.  I know I would be in a wheelchair without the medicine because I had the prescription for one just as I was starting my medicine.

Fibromyalgia does not cause brain lesions.  I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia before my MS diagnosis (even though I didn't meet the criteria for FM).  

It could be that the extra 10 minutes in your exercise routine is making you feel unwell.  When I over-do activity or exercising, I pay for several days if not weeks with an overwhelming fatigue I cannot describe.  I feel quite unwell.  

I'd ask your doctor about medicines for fatigue like Provigil.  I take the generic of this one.  There are other medicines for fatigue.  Some people say Provigil doesn't work for them, but I think it's worth a shot.  It made me feel weird at first and started on half the dose, but after a while, I noticed a huge improvement with the fatigue, attention, concentration, etc.  

Sleep disorders in MS can also cause fatigue, too.  Let your neurologist know what you're going through.  He/she can help you with the fatigue.  It's one of the most common symptoms of MS.  
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