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Weak Hands and what does Spasticity feel like??

Hello everyone! I am Nicole, new here and super inquisitive about this new 'condition' I have going on.
I am waiting on an upcoming appt with the nuerologist (1st appt)...not yet diagnosed w/ MS...have been tested for Lupus, and many other things...MS possibility is almost a last resort. I have had my 'symptoms' for about 1-2 months now....and I feel like I am getting progressively worse.
This spasticity thing I am reading about...what does it FEEL like? This is what I am experiencing: Pain and stiffness mainly in my legs, every now and then my arms too. My knees and elbows feel sore at the same time my legs and arms are hurting. Also, I am having a hard time walking, hard to describe, I just walk funny due to the stiffness and soreness. Also, when my legs are lifted into a stretched position,when they come back down they hurt like crazy, like they just can't stretch that far anymore? I have found that it has become hard to climb the steep stairs at my house and I just basically feel and walk like I am disabled. It feels like it worsens day by day...not improving.
The other things that have me concerned is that my hands are losing strength, I find I cannot grasp things quite so well sometimes-this comes and goes, but like the leg pains, it feels like it continually gets worse. My hands feel so weak, almost 'shaky'. They also are red now most of the time (except my knuckles-they remain normal color) and if I get hot or emotional or use them alot they seem to "flare up" they start getting itchy, really red, a little swollen and the blood vessels in my hands look huge. This is daily, sometimes several times per day.
Also, when I am typing on my computer I have begun to get the keys backwards, is this an MS issue? I have to re-type alot because I get letters reversed alot. And I am so distracted, forgetful, just feel like I cannot process nor hold information well anymore...lots of mistakes at work...embarrasing :(
My last question is...if this is MS should I be concerned that my condition has gotten progressively worse since it started almost 2 months ago? Doesn't it come and go? My ANA is also positive. That is the only thing I know for sure so far...I can't wait to see the nuerolgist....I have many more symptoms: mood changes, anxiety, eyes titching constantly, left toe goes numb frequently, hands twitching, electric shocks in fingers time to time, hand tremors to the point where I cannot use my right hand until I "cool down" from sitting near a window in the sun, oh, and I have to DRAG myself out of bed every single morning, feel like I never went to sleep and I hurt all over, just sore and stiff-this also feels worse. Then I have to ruch to get my 5 kids off and myself to work, yay! LOL...oy vey...any advice would be so appreciated! Thank you and peace to everyone!
8 Responses
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1318483 tn?1318347182

Hello everyone! I am Nicole, new here and super inquisitive about this new 'condition' I have going on.

I am waiting on an upcoming appt with the nuerologist (1st appt)...not yet diagnosed w/ MS...have been tested for Lupus, and many other things...MS possibility is almost a last resort. I have had my 'symptoms' for about 1-2 months now....and I feel like I am getting progressively worse.

This spasticity thing I am reading about...what does it FEEL like? This is what I am experiencing: Pain and stiffness mainly in my legs, every now and then my arms too. My knees and elbows feel sore at the same time my legs and arms are hurting. Also, I am having a hard time walking, hard to describe, I just walk funny due to the stiffness and soreness. Also, when my legs are lifted into a stretched position,when they come back down they hurt like crazy, like they just can't stretch that far anymore? I have found that it has become hard to climb the steep stairs at my house and I just basically feel and walk like I am disabled. It feels like it worsens day by day...not improving.

The other things that have me concerned is that my hands are losing strength, I find I cannot grasp things quite so well sometimes-this comes and goes, but like the leg pains, it feels like it continually gets worse.

My hands feel so weak, almost 'shaky'. They also are red now most of the time (except my knuckles-they remain normal color) and if I get hot or emotional or use them alot they seem to "flare up" they start getting itchy, really red, a little swollen and the blood vessels in my hands look huge. This is daily, sometimes several times per day.

Also, when I am typing on my computer I have begun to get the keys backwards, is this an MS issue? I have to re-type alot because I get letters reversed alot. And I am so distracted, forgetful, just feel like I cannot process nor hold information well anymore...lots of mistakes at work...embarrasing :(

My last question is...if this is MS should I be concerned that my condition has gotten progressively worse since it started almost 2 months ago? Doesn't it come and go? My ANA is also positive. That is the only thing I know for sure so far...I can't wait to see the nuerolgist....

I have many more symptoms: mood changes, anxiety, eyes titching constantly, left toe goes numb frequently, hands twitching, electric shocks in fingers time to time, hand tremors to the point where I cannot use my right hand until I "cool down" from sitting near a window in the sun,

oh, and I have to DRAG myself out of bed every single morning, feel like I never went to sleep and I hurt all over, just sore and stiff-this also feels worse. Then I have to ruch to get my 5 kids off and myself to work, yay! LOL...oy vey...any advice would be so appreciated! Thank you and peace to everyone!
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hi my name is danny. i have been suffering with this numbness to my hands n feet for the past two months.seem like it getting worse. now im having trouble walking coz im losing balance. i could barely walk now.. i have done ultra sound, e.m.g polyneoropathy, full blood test. my bad cholesterol its little high..everything else its normal.. S.G.P.T 68.0 normal value 63.00 triglycerides 2.51 normal 1.70 cholesterol 5.60 normal value 5.50... i have been taking some meds like...rosuvastatin 5mg tamsulosin 200mcg silymarine 140mg suprauneuron. methyobal 500ml pentoxifylline 400..any suggestion or better meds should i take.. mam, sir
1318483 tn?1318347182

Hi, Nicole-

Welcome to our forum.  A lot of our members have vision problems which make reading large blocks of messages almost impossible.  I only got about 1/3 of the way through your post.  :(   I broke down your message into smaller blocks so everyone can read it easier.  This will get you more responses.  No need to apologize about this either, as so many others have done the same thing.  :)

You definitely have something going on with your body.  I think it is good to get things checked out.  With your first neuro appointment coming up, you are heading in the right direction, so far.  Have you had any MRI's yet?  If not, don't be surprised if your neuro decides to have it done, as well as some other tests, too.  

We have a bunch of Health Pages that cover a variety of subjects.  These were all written by people from this forum with firsthand experience with the topic.  With the exception of one, we are not doctors here.  We are a gathering of wonderful people from all over the world, joined together to help each other out.  There are ones dx'ed with MS, some with differential dx, and people in the testing stage, like you.  

You can access the Health Pages through the link in the top righthand corner of this page.  I urge you to spend some time reading in there.  Womderfu, easy to read info, including a page to help you prepare for your first neuro visit.  Also one explaining the tests involved in the testing for MS.  There is one explaining the different symptoms you are experiencing.  

I am sure others will be dropping in to say hello and welcome you here.  Are you on any symptom management meds?  There is relief for some of yours.  

Anyway, feel free to ask as much as you want.  You have found the best group of people by joining this forum!  Welcome again!

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Hey there!

Thank you so much for fixing my post :) I am so happy to be here...lots of helpful info here, I have been looking around and I am very impressed with the knowledgeable, kind, lovely group you all are.

I am not currently on any meds, the Rheumatologist I saw prescribed Gabapentin for "Fibromyalgia"...I explained to him about the above pain. He tested me for Lupus and a couple (literally) other autoimmune diseases (because of the positive ANA + my symtoms). Since none of those tests cam back abnormal, he 'assumed' Fibro. Ugh.

I know Fibromyalgia is a 'rule out' diagnosis, but, "Hello McFly!"...not everything has been ruled out yet, my gut + my symptoms tell me it's not Fibro, therefore I am apprehensive about taking this medication when I have not been diagnosed properly. Does this make sense?
I have not taken any of this medication yet.

I am only on daily thyroid meds,had a total thyroidectomy last June, due to autoimmune thyroid disease. I also take a daily supplement of Calcium,Magnesium, and Vit D due to low Calcium levels from parathyroid 'bruising' during surgery. No other meds at this time.

No MRI's or other testing as of yet. I am anxious as I am super worried, I have 5 kids ranging from 2-13 yrs old, and I just got a small promotion at work and will be resposible for some important stuff, and it seems I am making alot of mistakes at work recently (forgetting things and making simple, embarassing, mistakes).
I also don't get why I am feeling worse and worse. The pain is here with me everyday. It's amazing what a person can get used to dealing with. As you all know.

Thank you for having me!

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1318483 tn?1318347182

Hey, Nicole-

If it were me, I would take the Gabapentin.  This is a very common drug of choice for people with MS.  It helps for nerve pain.  You honestly may find that you have symptom relief...it is well worth a try.  Just my opinion.  Type in Gabapentin in the little search the community box and do some reading on it.  :)

Congrats on your promotion at work!  Hang in there and feel free to ask questions.  

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987762 tn?1671273328
The first thing i would be doing is seeing another Rheumatologist for a second opinion, your sx + positive ANA are highly suggestive of Lupus, its also not uncommon to have conflicting test results. If you have a look at the Lupus forum and their health pages you'll see why. The other thing to look into is your resent thyroidectomy, that alone can cause all manor of issues before and after its out.

I do think a second Rheumatologist's opinion is in your best interest, your sx dont really fit MS but there is deffinetely something, identifying which underlying autoimmune disease may take a bit of time so dont give up looking!

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Hi, I'm am also new here. I have been sick for two months. My hands have shaken since i was19. I'm 29. Throughout the years I have carried a flulike feeling with me that comes and goes. Also weird nerve pain throughout the years. Hands going numb and feet.Stabbing pains in my body, hot spots. Last summer I woke to a horrific muscle spasm in one leg. Then it started spreading through my legs over the months. It would come and go. Two months ago I found out my sister had cancer and I got very upset, two days later I got sick with a flu feeling, then muscle spasms all over. Severe pains in my hands feet fingers toes. I  was late to work a lot for having to stretch my muscles out and be able to walk, then everything increased with a sharp stabbing pain in my left eye, bruised feeling in my brows, swelling under my left eye. Pains in my head. Spasms, facial numbness , joint pain, chest pain, Just over all sick. I was at work and lost my balance and complete concentration and could not focus at All. I went to the er that night my left cheek muscles were spasming and tongue with slurred very slow speech. They gave me predisone. He told me I have ms or extreme anxiety. My pcp told me I need to meditate. All of my joints are inflamed and I have not been able to drive. My pcp gave me a shot of steroids in my hip for the joint pAin. The muscle spasms stopped for one week. They sent me to a rheumatologist. He said fibromyalgia and joint hypermobilty. I started on savella  and the spasm got worse.I went to neuro. She said she suspected ms. She did MRI. No lesions. She started me on gabapentin and lexapro.also xanex. I have been having small seizures that affect my vision the gabapentin helps. Also I am awaken at 4am with weird activity in my eyes and when I open them everything is very blurry. During this episode it's so scary I feel like I'm dying weird pains in my spine and head and eyes. My body feels very weird. And just sick. Then it calms down. This has happened twice   this week. I can not drink alcohol it makes me have spasms for hours and I have to pry my hands and legs open the next morning. My Ana test came out fine. Vit d fine. Kidneys liver all fine. I have muscle spasms in my rib cage and stomach. So many things going on. I have a nerve test this Friday also EEG and optical nerve next week. My neuro wants me to have a spinal tap. She said if she can't find out what it is she is sending me to Stanford. Does anyone think this is ms? Thanks for your help.
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Hey there..I was wondering, did you mean that when nothing else can be found it must be fibro? I'm not clear what you meant. Also, my daughter has similar symptoms and and was found (by symptom) to have sjogrens disease, another autoimmune disease. So many overlap that it can be a tremendous problem. She also has fibromyalgia on top of it. And of course, they now watch her for MS.

My one rheumatologist at Ohio State told me that you can have a positive ANA with fibromyalgia...limbo land is so not fun..was there for many years.

Just out of curiosity - for both Nicole and Rosey - were  you guys checked for lyme disease? Thought of it since it's summer and we watch for ticks on the dog. Like I said, there are sooo many overlapping things that can be happening that you don't always get an answer right away. And Rosey? Couldn't even begin to guess what you are dealing with, but I do know you can have seizures with lyme disease. I have a friend who is pretty debilitated from lymes.
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Hi there! Yes, from what I understand 'sometimes' Fibro diagnosis is given when no other diagnosis can be made, also known as a 'rule-out diagnosis'.

I know of a lot of people, like myself, who were given a false Fibromyalgia diagnosis. It seems to be the go-to label for many doctors these days.
Since I have written the above post-I had an MRI done-no lesions were found, and...my symptoms have changed, I still have so many neurological symptoms-but the leg muscle pain went away after about 2 months, then the joint pain and swelling started-and I have the malar rash on my face and arms-the sun/heat this summer has made me sick.

I have gone to another rheumatologist-actually just last week-so it has been about 4 months since I have had any tests done or seen a doctor.
She took me off the prednisone I was on for just a week (taper pack-1st time ever)-she needs me off meds to do a bone scan and re-test for Lupus and other more specific tests. When I took the prednisone I felt amazing. I didn't realize just how bed off I had gotten since the first of the year. So apparently a lot of what is causing my symptoms is inflammation, since the prednisone supresses the immune system which in turn stops the inflammation.

I am thinking it's Lupus, could even be sjogrens and APS too...could be them all...who knows, I had Hashimoto's-autoimmune thyroid disease, my sister died at 22 from a not so common auto-immune kidney disease-I am obviously genetically pre-disposed to autoimmune disease :(

When I had tests done in Feb (the beginning of my 'sickness') I had very low numbers of anti-cardiolipin, ssa (sjogrens), and ena smith antibodies. They were there, but barely. I am curious to see if all those numbers have changed and if there is an increase in those antibodies since Feb. I will be happy to have a firm diagnosis-mainly so I can get the right treatment and feel better.

As a mother of 5,and the only surviving child of my parents, this is so so important to me. It is my mission to get as well as possible. Also, working on ridding myself from as much stress as possible-this makes/keeps us sick. Sicker than we would normally be.
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"As a mother of 5,and the only surviving child of my parents, this is so so important to me."

Really?   What a condescending comment.   You sound as if you assume your family status somehow elevates your importance above the rest of us.  

You may not be aware but the person you believe made a condescending comment in the MS community back in 2011, was actually only meaning that being as healthy as she can be is a personal goal, being healthier because of her family situation is very important to her, expressing what's important to her wasn't intended to offend anyone....
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