2078115 tn?1333926565

what IS this?!

Let me see if i can accurately describe this sensation...

It started several days ago on my scalp, at the base of my skull, on the left side. This sort of radiating "itch" that can't be scratched... as in, if i do scratch the area, I get no sense of "satisfaction" or relief as one would get with your standard itch when scratched. As though I can't |reach the itch because it's UNDER my skin. I feel compelled to grab the area, and rub it or slam my head down into my shoulder... as if someone just tickled/irritated the area by blowing in or around my ear... you know, not unlike that familiar knee jerk reaction.

It has since spread toward my neck, my ear, right underneath my ear, and along the area below my jaw... all on the left side. At one point, at its most intense, my left ear noticeably appeared inflamed (red) and felt hot. Other than that the skin in these areas appears normal, but feels hyper-sensitive. It comes and goes, and it's not as bad now as it was at first (or maybe at this point I'm just getting used to it, and trying to ignore it) Still, it's driving me up the wall.

ANYWAY, for all intents a purposes, I'm not sure how relevant the elaborate details of "this" are... ultimately my question is, could this very well have something to do with my MS? In other words, a flare? I'm not one to unwittingly attribute any and every ache and ailment I may feel to MS, but this is bizarre, I've never experienced it, and would like to know if anyone else here has experienced something similar.
13 Responses
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738075 tn?1330575844
I have an area on the right side of my scalp that itches like crazy, especially during and after a shower.  Uthoff's phenomenon at work!  I've also had the "bugs crawling" and all kinds of tingling on my scalp.  Again, happens periodically for a month or two at a time, and then goes away.  One of the many symptoms I blew off for so many years....sigh...
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Our son had shingles at a very young age - he was in 1st grade.  Poor kid was miserable with it around his waist band and down his thigh.  He had been exposed to Chicken Pox as an infant and had an extremely mild case - 16 pox spots total.  He had just enough immunity from the virus when chicken pox were going through the school and instead his body reacted with  shingles.

A couple coworkers have also had it but nothing near as bad as our son's case.
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2078115 tn?1333926565
lol - me too! from what i've gathered in reading about it, the current symptoms don't really fit shingles at this point (thank goodness)

it's helpful to be aware of all the possibilities, though; however remote.
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My shingles comment was based on you said your ear was hot and red.  Hope it's not.........
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2078115 tn?1333926565
Oh boy. Well, thank you for your responses, everybody. It's looking like this is a classic MS symptom. And it goes on and on... fleeting, but there. I think a week now. Definitely fits the rule, Jen. I'm not sure it's worth mentioning to my MS nurse though. It'll try icing it... thanks for the suggestion JJ, couldn't hurt.

And for the love of god, Lulu: shingles?! It doesn't LOOK like shingles as it's described at this point... no fever or rash. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'd almost prefer it to be a mild flare than shingles. Here's hoping! :P I think a call to my GP is in order.
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338416 tn?1420045702
Well, you know the rule - if it's a symptom you've never had before, and it lasts for more than 48 hours, then it's a flare.  I wouldn't say continuously over 48 hours, but for several hours a day.

Part of my very first flare involved this horrible bug-crawling sensation on my scalp - mainly the back of my head, right above my neck.  It was a bizarre tingling sensation, a little like electricity, and a little like goosebumps.

Anyway, having paresthesias on your head are pretty common.  Lots of white matter up there, and more stuff to go wrong (nerves coated with white matter, and more MS disease activity in the head.)
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I would also mention the possibility of shingles - they tend to follow the nerve pathways, which sounds like the areas you are experiencing.  I hope its not shingles because those can be uncomfortable and last way too long.

I have had the strange paresthesia on my scalp that was painful if I touched my head at a 90 degree angle  Extremely strange.

be well,
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987762 tn?1671273328
Hmmm i am so loath to mention mine in case i jinx my self lol fingers crossed! Anyhoooo, for almost a year, i had a daily none stop drive you mental itch, not on my head but in 2 areas on my face, 1 just under my right eye and running up a little of my nose. No 2 was just to the side and under my mouth, on the left side of my face. The only head thingy i seem to get is a hot spot, strange but doesn't last long enough to get into my head space lol

The face itch was a bugger and a half, if i could keep my hands busy enough when i was awake, i could leave it alone but at night i seemed to scratch like crazy whilst asleep. I ended up at the dr's after waking up with a face like a boxer, after a round with mike tyson lol I basically tried everything to stop the itch, and nothing worked. The swelling went down pretty quickly, but the itch was relentlas no matter what i used, rx or over the counter, it made no difference.

Actually the thing that worked to some degree was ice cubes, i'd literally freeze those areas until i was numb enough and id get a bit of relief. Not sure if it would do the same on your head but if your desperate enough, well it couldn't hurt so probably worth giving it a try. :-)

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1734735 tn?1413778071
Hi Dianna,

I have this itch just below my chest at the top of stomach, also down my legs occasionally. And then there's a strange feeling over my upper back as if bugs are crawling over me, especially after a shower.

I don't think this is flare related just 'normal' everday ms stuff unfortunately.

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645800 tn?1466860955
I go through something similar but in a different spot. Mine is on my lower right leg just above my ankle which will have a maddening itch. At times I have scratched that area until I drew blood and nothing seems to stop the itch other than time. I also have noticed that when I take a shower the water will trigger the itching if I get the water too hot. As such I am sure that it is just one more of my MS symptoms and so far none of my doctors have come up with anything to stop the itching.

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2078115 tn?1333926565
I should add, I've been under a lot of stress lately.
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2078115 tn?1333926565
Thank you for your reply, Ren. If I find that I'm only one person of many with MS experiencing this, I'll be able to come to some sort of answer as to the cause and have a better idea of what I'm dealing with. I doubt it would just be a coincidence. Although that's just me playing doctor... I should probably leave that conclusion up to the professionals!

I have absolutely no cardiac history... and I'm not sure if I would classify this sensation as "pain" per se... more like, extreme irritation. (I have cut myself a bit with my nails in an attempt to get some relief or make it stop)

And no, but for the birth control I've been on for months and vitamin supplements, I am not on ANY medication as of yet (if everything goes as planned, I'll be on Rebif within the month)

This just came out of the blue...
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739070 tn?1338603402
I have had similar paraesthias but not in these areas. You mentioned jaw line, so you have a cardiac history? Cardiac pain can be felt along the jaw line, especially in women.

My "itchy" spots have been a the crown of my head , on my right side of my face and all the other areas I have TN start with just a small itch then proceed to full out TN symptoms.

As for the paraesthesias , do you take gabapentin or other similar drug? If so you might need to adjust the dose. Call your neuro on Monday and see if that won't give  you some relief.

Feel better,
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