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Fizzing sound in neck

Hi, for about a year now i have had this fizzing sound in my neck that occurs randomly, usually when i am just laying down. It doesnt occur when i am moving my head or anything, its usually just when i sitting still or laying down. It sounds like it is coming directly from the back of my neck and is starting to worry me. I also experience these weird pains in my head that come for about a second and then go and come back again every 10minutes or so. These pains are in 1 area in the back of my head in about a 1 square inch area.. Any ideas???
398 Responses
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I have experienced the same for years, a crackling, fizzing sound that seems to resonate from my neck/back of my head, but I believe I have found an answer!
I believe its caused by dehydration and low blood sodium resulting in very short bursts of tinnitus. My personal resolve is drinking warm water with 2 teaspoons of sugar and a pinch of salt (ORS - oral re-hydration solution) or a electrolyte replacement liquids like sports drinks.
Personally, I experience this static sound more when i'm overtired, ill or have eaten badly for a few days and the above always seems to clear it.
Interestingly, myself and sister both experience this AND both suffer from migraines. I wonder if the two are related and if you guys do too.
I hope this helps, please let me know if it does!
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Thank you I will look in to that for sure thanks for your help :)
Thank you so much. This has helped me a lot.
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I have had this issue since I was about 18, I always described it as the sound of a rain stick. Everyone always thought I was crazy, talked to every doc I've ever had about it, they never had an idea, and didn't seem to care for that matter.  I had an xray by a chiropractor when I was a teen who said my cartilage was deteriorating in the top of my spine in my neck, also my head wasn't attached to my spine properly. I told this to the docs but again they didn't seem to care. I'm 31 now and just found out my mother, sister and grandmother have hypermobility EDS, and I have essentially been diagnosed with it as well.  I am seeing some other people are saying the same. I am so grateful that I hear other people are dealing with this to, I was starting to think I was crazy. If you find any more info please let me know.
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This is going to sound crazy, but bare with me, has anyone ever had close contact with a u.f.o.? Seriously, this is no joke. I was contacted when i was fourteen.  The age of nineteen or twenty, i started getting the fizz go up my neck when i would get hungry, and it would go away fairly quickly maybe five seconds, i used it as a hunger mechanism, ok the bubbles are here time to eat. I am thirty three now and i still get the bubbles, the food doesnt help anymore. These are my symptoms now, the fizz is louder and more bubble like than fizz, i get headaches for a couple minutes after it goes away, the rear apex of my cranium and the front of my face to my lips go numb for a couple seconds, there is a growth at the rear apex of my skull. I dont know if my contact with e.t. had anything to do with it, maybe the radiation from their ship, idk. I have went to doctors a couple times and they just look at me like im crazy. I seriously thought i was the only one and i was gonna die quietly from this.
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You are ******* retarded
You are ******* retarded
You are ******* retarded
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hey pink my drs think i have chiari malformation with eds but they need to do the mri with my head up as i have bad hyper mobility issues my question to you is how were you diagnosed with it and the radiologist keeps saying he cant do it the way they need the test done please can you get back to me on this i know this post  is from 2011 but my mother and i need to know im getting bad symptoms and i get rushed to hosp all most every 2 weeks please can you tell me how?
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I've had the same sensations in the back of my neck/skull since I was 18 y/o. It usually happens when I'm hungry. Feels like my stomach is slurping on brain's spinal fluid. It really bothers me when I'm sleeping. I have to go to the fridge at night and drink some milk to divert the stomach "munching on my brainstem" feeling. I would tell my friends, family, and doctors; they all thought I was crazy. I'm not sure where we go from here, but I'm glad I'm not alone anymore.
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Hi. I am 16 & I have had the same probably for years. I honestly thought that there was something wrong with me. I'm glad to see that I am not the only one in this problem. But I have yet to find out what is behind the fizz like sounds. My theory is that it has something to do with like the trigger of stomach growling but at the neck and that maybe it occurs with abnormal eaters. Well, people who eat at abnormal times, & long distances away from each other. Let me know if you find something! L.
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Could it be mercury related, I have been experiencing this for a couple of weeks now. I am hypothyroid and have been looking into finding my "root" cause. I track it back to fillings I had put in. Have not been tested, so can't say. I looked up mercury poisoning and it was a symptom. Actually mine is in my brain, or base of skull.
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I'm a Fizzer / rainstick esophagus. It sounded like my GERD capsules (which feel like they are getting stuck and also feel like they aren't helping)so I thought it was something like Zenker's Diverticulum. I am surprised I have not seen that mentioned yet.
Good luck, I hope we figure this out.
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620923 tn?1452915648

  Hi...do u have Chiari or did u find info related to the fizzy sound to be Chiari?

Being hypermobile could be related to ur issue as it can also be Ehlers-Danlos which is a related condition to Chiari....

Stop by the Chiari forum here on MedHelp and I am sure we can offer some insights.

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Lately i have also had "pop rocks" sounds in my neck. For a while, I've had migraines as a result of stiff neck promblems. I figured it was a pinched nerve or something. But reading through these comments, i saw something about a Chiari Malformation.  Looking at this through wikipedia, it mentioned that one type of this malformation can be caused by hypermobility (double jointedness). Thankfully nonlethal, just annoying. I have several parts of me that are double jointed (shoulders, hips, arms) and i am wondering if those who are asking about the "neck fizzles" may also be hypermobile. Just curious, it could be a similarity we all exibit.
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I am a male. I've had this symptom since I was about 5. 8 years from that (13) I was diagnosed with JIA or Juvenile Arthritis. I've had this sizzling/fax machine sound whenever I occassionally got bored in class or sometimes when i rest my head against something.  The sound seems to originate from the base of the neck/shoulder connecting point. Everyone who gets this seems to be female or just given birth. This is probably gonna get buried by other comments but just trying to get answers.
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Everything you guys are worried about, everyone gets. The eye twitching, ask everyone you know. Bet they had it some time in their life. The fizzles, I get that too all the time. It is just another mysterious thing that your body does. It is not a health issue. Some people just notice or even get these thing more often than other people. There is no reason to be scared. I was worried at first about the fizzle feeling and found out that I dont know anyone who hasn't felt that. If you are truely worried see a doc, they will do tests that will come back negative and you will be discouraged unless you realize there is nothing wrong. But if you are having pain in your neck then dont fool around. There is a number of possibilities that only your doc can figure out. So dont worry...Good Luck!
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Hi, I've had this ever since I was a child.
It's random, and I notice it when I'm lying down.
To me, it sounds like a small stream of bubbles traveling up the spinal column in my neck.

In the several years that I've been frequenting health boards, I've seen other people with this symptom, although I've never seen an explanation.

Wishing you the best,
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I’ve had this same thing for as long as I can remember. For me it was always related to how hungry I was. If it’s different for you, see a doctor immediately since it could be serious. From my research, I found that scientists have found a neuropeptide called MCH, generated by the neurons in your brain’s hunger center (the lateral hypothalamus) at the base of the brain. This neuropeptide (MCH) stimulates appetite and is sent into the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to connect with the neurons in the brain, responsible for alerting your body of hunger. So yes it is the sound of cbs moving. If it is accompanied by headaches, pain, soreness, stiffness, or happens even when you aren’t hungry you may be leaking cbs or have some condition that is affecting it. These can often be serious if left alone for a long time so get that checked out. Wish you all the best of luck.
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I have the rain stick sound in the back of my neck that happens when I’m hungry or when my stomach growls. I used to think this was a normal thing that everyone experienced.

I have Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension (pseudotumor cerebri), pretty sure I’m hyper mobile and might even have EDS. A few of my doctors want me to get checked for Lyme disease and fibromyalgia too, but I haven’t gotten around to making the appointment yet. I recently got a shunt for my IIH so  my cranial pressure is lower and sometimes too low… and I still get the neck sizzling. I have back and neck issues too, but I forgot what the doctor called it. I noticed a lot of people on here have hypermobility and some    even mentioned Lyme. I wonder if that has something to do with it?
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Just an update and this could be coincidental so I don’t want to scare anyone but thought this was noteworthy. I ended up in the hospital last Spring with an unexpected brain aneurysm rupture, followed by SAH. I was in the hospital for weeks but luckily survived. I have had to manage a lot of post aneurysm issues but it occurred to me last week that the fizzing is completely gone! I had that fizzing my whole life so to be honest, I sort of miss it. But the fact that it is now completely absent can’t be coincidental and I am sure it was related!
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Did you have any other symptoms? I hope you've been doing good:)
Crazy you say that Mandad......I had an unknown 6mm rupture in my sleep 11.17.2020. Large craniotomy, 2 clips, 2 weeks ICU, the works. The found 2 other small brain annies opposite side at the time I ruptured. I've had this fizzing before and after my procedure. Now you've got me freaking a bit. Ugghh
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You are definitely not crazy. I have experience this most of my life. No one seems willing to entertain the idea that I might be telling the truth. For me, it  is a “sandy” or “gritty“ sensation - and is most noticeable when I jut my head forward or backward (for lack of a better explanation, the “walk like an Egyptian“ movement). I still don’t have an answer about what could be causing the annoying sensation and sound.
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I have the same thing happened to me. The sound of carbonation coming up from your neck into the base of your skull. It would happen more so when I was laying down, especially in the mornings. And sometimes throughout the day. I went to a chiropractor (having some sore back and neck pain, so I thought it would help.) And while she did give me a look like I was crazy when I said “oh by the way I have this weird thing in my skull”) she had never heard of this before… She did do some neck/had adjustments that did help. After going regularly (1-2 a week) for a few weeks The carbonation sensation did go away. But when I stopped going to the chiropractor it slowly started to come back.
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Hello I have had this problem for about 20 years I'm now 33 it's at the back of my neck often when I'm really hungry or have a stomach rumble.. it sounds like a little bit of gravel going down the back of your neck for maybe a little over awish a doctor could have this problem as they would have the recourses and knowledge to study this more it's a really weird thing that I don't even bother to tell people because no one ever understands I don't think it's life threatening and will probably have this for life  would love to get to the bottom of this
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I have had sam ething seems typical
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I have the same popping/fizzing sound in my neck when I lay down.  Have had it for years.  Sometimes it happens when Im standing.  I also hear a similar sound if I have an IV and they flush it.  So I thought maybe something to do with blood flow in neck?  Also, I was in a jacuzzi recently and when tje jet hit a certain spot on my back it created the same sound/sensation.  I asked the neurologist and je looked at me like I was crazy, said maybe some sort of hyper sensitivity or something.  I'm still confused as to what it is.  I just know Im usually feeling bad when it is jappening.
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This seems like it may be a decade old. Is amyone still here? Did anyone ever find an answer?
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Ha! Just made it to the bottom of the comments.
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I am so glad I am not alone in this. Honestly it scares me sometimes to consider that this could be some fatal condition no one knows about or the beginning of a schizophrenic break of some kind. From what I have seen on the internet, it probably isn't something to be worried about but I would definitely make an appointment, I know I am. I've had this my whole life and just about 15 minutes ago found out it isn't normal. (I mean I knew it wasn't normal, I just thought people had this).
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This is crazy. You can't even get to the bottom of the comment section it goes on forever. I have no answers but also have the same problem. I'm not sure anyone will read this for a while because it's so far to the bottom but I thought I would share my relative issues. I too felt crazy after explaining this to my boyfriend.(He flat out told me maybe I'm a hypocondriac.) I have the same "rainstick" noise always when I'm laying down when I first wake up followed by the hunger pangs. I have a pretty bad hump neck from bad posture especially when I'm sleeping and wondering if that could have any association. I have a bad habit of sleeping on my side with my neck slumped forward and head tilted back. It's a position that I feel comfortable and I've likely been doing all my life and hard to fall asleep in a proper position. I've noticed that when I sleep like this if I feel the back of my neck and the base of the neck is almost touching like the letter c. I also get headaches that I can feel coming on that primarily occur on the weekend of course when I'm off. My work is alot of standing and physically demanding. My headaches gradually worsen thoughout the day from a dull ache at the base of my neck to the point I feel like doing nothing because my head feels like it's carrying a heavy cinder block inside of it and slides forward and throbs when I bend over. I usually just sleep when I get these headaches and it doesn't eliminate the headache at all it just wastes my day. Sometimes depending of the severity advil helps. Also recently I was carrying heavy bags home from the store and noticed when I tried to stand straight I was getting a popping noise in the neck. I've also recently did bloodwork and diagonosed with low iron and am currently on iron therapy 300mg twice a day.
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