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I'm pretty sure my husband has hyperosmia.  His entire life (not a traumatic event), he has had an extreme sense of smell.  He can tell ingredients of perfumes foods pretty much anything.  One day at a work lunch at noon I had a rum and diet soda with lunch.  It is very rare (maybe once a year if at all) that this happens.  I didn't see him until I got home that night after 11 PM.  He could smell the rum on my breath when I gave him a kiss that night.  I had had lunch with the drink, later I had a snack ate dinner, drank water and soda in the time period since I had the drink at lunch.  He doesn't like to go into the city, since he smells the urine in the street.  If i need to give further examples I will happily do so.

His heightened sense of smell is affecting his life.  He would much rather be normal.  He works in sales, and if a client has halatosis or bad body odor he really suffers.  We live near the interstate, and depending on teh direction of the wind he gets sick sometimes from the smell of the asphalt/tires/cars on the freeway.  I have tried and I can't smell anything- I've asked friends if they could smell anything, and no one has said yes yet.  He always just thought it was something he had to live with.

His sense of smell is driving me crazy.  If we are talking he will ask me to go brush my teeth or use listerine.  I do not have exceptionally bad breath, I am normal- I checked with my dentist.  

He asked me if there was any way to lessen his sense of smell, and I thought cauterization of his nose might be an option.  I also saw online that Topamax could be used as well.  I haven't been able to find very much information about it- apparently Hyperosmia is not very common.

Are there any treatments?

If so, what type of doctor would be able to help?  ENT?  Neurology?  I have no idea.

Thank you for any help/suggestions you can give.

67 Responses
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Hello All, I thought I sent this msg a few minutes ago!  I knew on the first day of school--first grade, that my nose was different.  I smelled the stench of chalk all day, every day & can still smell it to this day!!  I smell gas leaks in the neighborhood, burned up coffee pots in the office, & advise my sister when her cat's litter box has gone absolutely too long...I don't care if it cleans itself & vacuums the floor...it still stinks!!  I have not been debilitated by my 'GoodSmeller,' although I do suffer from evil, nasty migraines.  I read somewhere on this site that some docs believe hyperosmia may be due to damaged areas in ones spinal cord. Kind of like a 'traffic jam' of sensory input.  I've had 3 low back surgeries & finally fusion with lots of shiny hardware...sounds plausible.  I wouldn't however, take back any of my spinal surgeries...I'm so thankful to still be walking upright, I'd undergo those surgeries w/o anesthesia if that's what the Neuro doc said!!  
God Bless You All
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Can you please share the oil you use on the q tip? Thank you
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I believe this is what I have too, however my situation is a little different. I've always had sinus issues and allergies (environmental). About 5 years ago my husband & I got a Pug Puppy. The second day we had had him, I put him on my chest and it was like something flew up my nose and I've never been the same! I can't sleep, it's like I'm so hypersensitive to his scent that my nose actually feels cleared out! I have not congestion what so ever. I've had allergy testing done and I'm not allergic to dogs. Has anyone experienced this. I don't want to get rid of my dog, I want to find the root cause. I've tried everything and nothing works. I take OTC sleeping pills to get some sleep.
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I am so glad I have found this forum, and so many people who seem to be suffering like me (though I wouldn't wish this on anyone). As I type this I am struggling with more cooking smells at home. My husband doesn't understand how truly vile I find these smells-particularly the smell of meat cooking for some reason-I think he thinks I am making it all up. I have suffered with migraines for many years, and wonder if this has permanently affected my sense of smell. At least I know that I am not alone, and not a freak! I also realise that there may well not be anything I can do about this. But thanks everyone, from a fellow sufferer in the UK.
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Unfortunately have exactly the same headaches and had temporary hypersomia due to being exposed to chemical warfare agent multiple times.I won't go into the details of the chemical right now because I'm not 100% sure what it was. Suffice it to say it was pretty nasty.

Hypersomia went away 34 hours later but have pain exactly as you describe.

Pain in nose and septum haven't. Feels a little crawly up through the sinus's is all I can say. Discomfort pain in morning. Exactly same headaches as you described. Started very bad in back of head then radiated forward. Now entirely nose , septum area.

MRI shows polyps through maxillary sinus.
Having nasal septum pain and painful eyes.

If you've had any new info let me now.
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I am a fellow bloodhound in Maryland and I am miserable.  I love that you whined and complained because I feel the same way and no one ever wants to hear it.  My ordeal began roughly 4 years ago after having a very rough cold and flu season.  I started noticing that my asthma, usually brought on by only cigarette smoke, cats and exercise, was worsening with laundry detergent.  Then air freshners.  Then lotion.  Then deodorants.  Then shampoo.  Now, I cannot tolerate any artificial fragrance - none.  If it is a natural smell, I am fine.  I, too, detect every smell in ever open window.  Honest to god I can detect febreeze with the door closed as I approach a home that uses it.  My hyper smell is destroying my ability to work and have any type of normal social life.  The doctors think I am in need of counseling and anti-anxietymedication.  I am at the end of my rope and Wilma to try anything, but I just wish they would realize that I now my own body and this is not what is going on!  I feel for you and am so happy that I am not alone!
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