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Normal mri w progressive symptoms

I was referred to a neurologist in 2001 after experiencing tremor in both thumbs/hands, sudden onset of blurred vision in one eye, and balance problems.  Neuro exam found gait ataxia, tremor, left hand weakness, and optic neuritis. He ordered mri, veps, and emg to rule out MS or MG.  All tests came back normal. I declined LP.  DX: Essential tremor.

In 2002 routine trip to optometrist revealed a small blind spot in field of vision test.  He sent me back to neurologist.  An ocular MRI came back normal.  

In 2003 I had frequent falling episodes during pregnancy - after pregnancy I began seeing bright flashes of light at the edge of my field of vision, triggered by sound.  Neuro noted loss of sensation on shins in addition to previous symptoms.  No further testing was done, dx of essential tremor remained.

In 2006 went back to neuro again after another round of frequent falls, difficulty walking in extreme heat (100 plus temps), fatigue, cognitive issues and noticeable atrophy of left hand muscles. Neuro ordered cervical spine MRI, again normal. Dx of essential tremor remains.

In the past few months I've now had several episodes of difficulty w/bladder & bowel issues.  My question: my neuro won't dx MS with normal mri.

I know a small percentage of people have ms w/normal mris... but other doctors dismiss this.  I know ET can cause symptoms other than tremor, but atrophy and visual probs are not among them.

I would like a doctor to comment.
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I am 29, female in good health(was) except 60lbs overweight.

27 days ago I developed numbness in the tip of my two big toes and the tip of my tongue, I also had a backache.
Day 2 -- a little more numbness, and sinus and lymph node soreness
Day 3 -- numbness and soreness increased noticed tingling in hands and back pain increased
Day 6 -- all of toes numb, tingling hands, and all of tongue and roof of mouth numb, soreness in glands had decreased, back pain same, weaker than usual.
Day 10 -- developed bell's palsy on the left side of my face, numb tongue, most toes and part of foot numb, hands tingling, back pain same
Day 12 -- Went to ER diagnosed with Bell's palsy and other numbness and high blood presure.
Put me on steriod and norvasc for bp ----- numbness spread, weak, tired, and in pain

Day 14 -- saw neuro, put me on Valtrex saying that a dormant zoster virus had caused all of this numbness

After 7 days of steriods and other drugs my face is better, but everything else is worse. The steriods made me even weaker and more tired.

Day 27-- today -- some face and mouth numbness, back pain and numbness, hand tingling and numbness, abdomen numb, butt and rectum are numb, vaginal area numb, from the knee down on both legs are numb and my feet are really numb. Tiredness is better after getting off steriods, but I am still weaker than before all this happened.

I have trouble walking, climbing stairs, and I can't complete my normal everyday task of taking care of my one year old. Doc says give it 2 weeks if we have not missed something. MRI and CT were negative.  Doc says I have post viral numbness from a dormant shingles virus.??

Have you ever had this disease? disorder? And did you recover????
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I have the same exact symptoms and had every test done. I finally had a sinus ct scan and learned that my sinuses were in pretty bad shape. This will cause all the other symptoms, including headaches, trembling, neck and muscle aches. You will at times feel like your equal librium is off and you are constantly feeling weak and tired and not as normal any more. All of those are anxiety caused by sinusitus. I have constant headaches and pressure in my head and ears. I am having sinus surgery soon to correct all that is going on...
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Do you know how I got convinced I had MS? I went to see a neurologist just because I had a numb right thigh and the numbness lasted for 3 weeks. She said it could me MS and after my MRI showed a couple of non-enhanced lesions in my brain and spine, she had no doubt. I refused to believe and didn't want to start taking drugs because I wasn't sure. Then I read about L'hermitte's sign in this neurology forum and I called my doctor the same day and asked to start MS therapy. I brought my chin to the chest while I was sitting and reading about it and my right leg caught fire that lasted as long as I was holding my chin that way. I never read about this symptom anywhere and only after a long research I found out it's a very common symptom that MS patients aren't even aware of. I am so grateful to this forum.....Good luck to everyone !!!
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Hi all, I am shaking as I read some of these posts.
I have so many of the same symptoms numbness (all on left side) face, arm, leg, foot, hand. I have left sided shoulder pain, hip pain, leg pain, buttock pain, tenderness, and weakness. I cannot even lift a gallon of milk from the frig. I have had MRI of brain, neck, and low back ALL NEGATIVE I have had and continue to have blood work regularly checking for anything my GP can think of. I have seen an internal medicine Dr
Neuro surgeon, Orthopedic surgeon, neurologist, I have had a nerve conduction study, numerous EKG's- I have tried Lyrics, Celebrex, and many other nerve and inflammation drugs. I now have an ulcer and am not taking inflammation drugs in effort to heal my ulcer. I have finally started taking muscle relaxers that knock me out but do nothing for the pain (at least I can sleep) and vicodin. I am a teacher and if a student bumps me I am brought to tears, I work with children who have learning differences and diagnosed with PDD spectrum syndromes. I cannot let them see me cry, they think they have hurt me and feel badly for days. I now take two different antidepressants. I am only 37 years old! I have a graduate degree and love learning but I cannot think clearly enough to get through a continued ed class. I feel like I am loosing my mind, and my life. I do not know what to do. My GP said well you don’t have MS, great!! But what if I do? And if I do not, then what? I cannot continue to live this way, it has been over a year. I live in the Phoenix area if anyone knows a good MD in my area I would sure be grateful for the info.
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Another MRI of brain with and without Gad. contrast.  MRI of cervical spine with and without the contrast.  If these are normal then evoked potentials.  Spinal tap as a last resort.
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i have has ms symptoms for about 2 1/2 yrs now, my gen dr is now sending me to nuerologist in a
few wks had a mri done about 1yr ago about 6mths after have baby this was norman my pins in needles in my face and hand went away during pregnancy, i have not had very bad attacks but seem
to have continued pins and needles w no explantion of where they are coming from also have some dizziness but not all the time headaches no real loss of muscle control have ran into things at different times dont know if there can be different levels of ms mine doesnt seem to be to bad at this pt but would like to get a diagnosis before things get bad i have 5 children at home and need to be as well as i can, is there any other test i should asked for when i go to the neurologist in a few wks
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