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One Pupil Dilated

I went to a Sleep Center yesterday for a sleep disorder, and the Dr. examining me noticed that my left pupil was dilated about twice the size of the right one.

He asked if anyone had told me that-and they haven't.  I have never noticed that to happen ever before in my life.

I asked what it meant, and he was rather dismissive and didn't seem to take it too seriously.  But he was interested enough to make his two residents look at my pupils.  (This was a University affiliated Medical Center, a teaching hospital).

He did tell me that if it was sudden onset, it could be something dangerous like a brain bleed or a stroke.  He rather offhandedly suggested I might want to tell my Dr. and have an MRI done.  But again, didn't seem overly concerned.

So naturally this scared me and I did research online.  Almost every case with my symptoms seems to indicate a ruptured Aneuryism or stroke.  But, some research did say it could be due to stress and sleep deprivation, both of which I had a great deal the last few days due to anxiety about this appointment.  But I noticed I was having a lot more physical anxiety than usual the night before and day of this appt. yesterday, and a great deal of confusion and trouble processing information.  I felt horrible.  My mind was very confused and perceptions distorted, as in physical anxiety being acute.

I am guessing it's probably more due to stress and sleep deprivation.  I tried a Lunesta the night before, and it only gave me 3 hours of sleep before causing so much anxiousness I couldn't sleep the rest of the night.  I later found out a great deal of the physical anxiety/confusion I have been experiencing is likely due to side effects from the Lunesta, as a lot of people have the same problems and it was noticeable compared to normal.

Should I be worried about the dilated pupil?  It's still there.  I am also having a really bad headache, but feels more like sinus but it's painful.  I am very dizzy, and eyes are extremely light sensitive all of a sudden.  I can't tell how much of this is stress/sleep deprivation and/or side effects from the Lunesta, which can cause similar symptoms.  My father currently has a bad head cold, and I figured I was catching it as some sort of URI or sinus thing.

Any ideas?  I did try calling my main Dr. to ask his opinion about the pupil, and whether I should check it out with a Neurologist but he never called me back yesterday.  I am leery about spending a lot of money on a Neurologist and  MRI without health insurance (2 to 3 grand maybe?) if it's not really necessary.  But the pupil is lasting a long time, since it was diagnosed this morning so I am wondering.  Also-the research said sometimes higher doses of antihistamine could cause one dilated pupil, and I did take two doses of Benedryl to sleep that night.  But it's never done this before and it wore off hours ago.

What should I do?  Just watch and see what happens?  If it were something as serious as a stroke or brain bleed, wouldn't I know by now?

Thanks for any help.
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Any updates?

I'm curious to hear if anyone has had any luck finding anything on this.  I have found that my left eye is not dilating normally in dim light.  It constricts normally in regular light.  I also have a pain behind my eye, near the top of my eye lid.  Kind of a pressure.  I've been researching like crazy and have not been able to come up with anything.  MRIs have ruled out MS and Neurologists have rules out Adies and Horners...  I still have not received any answers from any of the professionals I've visited.  
It has been very comforting to read these posts because I do not feel alone.  

Thank you.
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I'm 17 and my right eye keeps dilating bigger than my left. It happens randomly, every 7 to 8 times a month, for the past year. Do I need to get this checked out? Because from what I reserched, this doesn't look good at ALL. I'm really scared.. Other sources say it can be the cause of a brain tumor, Horner's Syndrome, Head tramma... Someone please give me some answers??? :( I'm a really worried teenager here...

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the negative note: would be a result from stress, among the other endless possibilities known and unknown. I reread what i posted and it wasn't very sound but I think my main points were put across. good luck
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im 21 and had one eye dilated after i crashed a bike into a sandwich board trying to get onto the curb and out of traffic when I was about 14, yes kinda ridiculous, but it was still a hard hit.  I was lucky to be in the vicinity of a medic who had responded to someone else and she looked at my eyes since i hit my head. One was more diluted than the other and she said some words very similar to what cfiles stated.  I had never noticed the dilation before and I had never hit my head and become very worried like that before.  nothing ended up being wrong with me, i was a little bit shooken up and disoriented, but thats it.  Now, i am having identity crisis and trying to gather up who i am and be myself amidst what feels like adversity.  Through my fear, anxiety, perception, etc. I have noticed my left eye more dilated than my right eye.  It has not bothered me since my memories of the results when I hit my head, thus I did not think anything of it, but I wanted to learn some possible interpretations to see what makes sense. so on the positive side I think no issues/problems, of course I am not a doctor or neurologist even though i have been to the hospital enough times in my life already, to pick up a checklist board and start directing patients.  After reading most of what people said I believe that the issue may be a result of stress. Stress causes a lot of issues in the body, a concept that is similar to a computer, you can overclock it to make it run faster, but if you do not do it the right way your whole system may be messed up until fixed.  Thus, figure out where your stress is coming from and that may be an alternative to solve your problems similar to eye dilation.
Good luck, don't freak out either way, you will learn it doesn't really help out in any aspect that I have noticed before.
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I had the same problem today. (That's why I researched this article.) This morning, I woke up, and didn't notice a thing. Maybe I just ignored it, like my subconcious like to do, or maybe it wasn't there at that time. I went to school and my friend asked me what was wrong with my eye. She showed me, and I started freaking out. My right pupil was dilated most of the day. Only now, ten hours later, is it looking normal. I'm afriad to find that it happens again. I'm glad to have read this information. It might be that I'm not getting much sleep. I've always had a sleep problem, like my dad. It could be the medication I'm taking because it's sinus season. However, I only took one dose of it, and I've taken it before. I'm not sure, but this article gives me a little insight. I was just wondering, if the problem persists, should I consult a doctor? Like I said, I do have trouble sleeping. I am just curious.
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Same things were going on with me.  I had a CT scan and MRI this week.  No stroke, no tumor.  Eye doc says it is Adei's Syndrome.  Happens to females mostly at the onset of 32.  It's kind of like there is a lesion on one of your ganglion nerves in your brain.  I was assured there is nothing life threatening about it, however; it can never fully be explained.  Idiopathic.
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