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Diagnosed toxic reaction what should I eat/drink to help with symptoms?

I am a 32 yr old female. I have posted on the symptoms forum for sever nausea, lightheadedness, low blood pressure, body tremers, abdomin pain... etc, etc. It has been going on for two months. I was treated with flagyl for a possible giardia infection. The flagyl wrecked me. After every blood test came back normal- I finally was sent to poison control and was diagnosed with a toxic level of Flagyl in my system. According to the toxicologist I should have taken 250mg twice a day for 5 days and i was on 500mg three times a day for 10 days. I am in a terible state.... The advice i was given was to stay hydrated and eat six small meals a day and hold on tight it may take 4 months to fully leave my system. Any advice out there in terms of what foods/liquids could help detox my body faster? I appreciate your help. I have lost 30 pounds and am not hungary at all. I'm trying to force myself to eat, but not interested in anything. I need to get back to work... is it true I just have to wait it out? Thanks again.
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No good new here.  With Flagyl, you just have to wait it out.  Be sure you keep up on the foods/vitamins and eat healthy meals.  If you don't feel like eating, try adding a liquid supplement with vitamins like Pedisure (low grade vitamin supplement) or one like it for adults (for a higher amount of vitamin supplement). Don't drink these as a meal replacement, but as a healthy addition to your diet while the drug wears off. Both contain proteins as well.  Get a moderate amount of exercise, but overdo or you will feel very tired, and a good night's sleep. Drinks lots of water to stay hydrated and keep the kidneys in good health. This is a terrible thing to go through, but at least it will pass without long term effects on the body.  Good luck.
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Thank you for your advice. Is ensure the same basic thing as pedisure? This drug was nasty- it's very calming to know that the symptoms will not have any long lasting effects. I just keep ending up in the ER for fluids and its getting old. But I will sit tight and see it through - thanks again!
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they are not the same.  you can learn more about the different supplements here:


if you want an oral supplement that is sold at most grocery stores and has the most calories per can for weight gain, Ensure Plus (or it's generic equivalent) is good.
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143952 tn?1237864541
the previous poster is correct - make sure you purchase ensure PLUS.  when my mother was sick last year, we were giving her regular ensure until a neighbor (who is a nurse) told us to switch to the PLUS for additional calories.  i made it taste MUCH better by adding bananas or other fruit and ice cream to the vanilla flavor, and bananas and vanilla ice cream to the chocolate.  just whip it up in the blender.  it made a huge difference in the flavor and added even more calories and nutrients!  good luck :)
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Thank you very much.... I am stating to slowly feel better the ensure plus helped me to gain a little bulk back and Ive been getting out walking and moving around a little. thanks for your help.
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