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Teen Doesn't Eat-Never Hungry

I have a 15 year boy that has always been a picky eater.  Last year, I took him to the doctor for a physical and explained my concerns. She said as long as his weight is normal (it was in the low percentile for average) don't push food on him anymore.  To be honest, it was a relief not to argue over meals anymore.  I told him to eat when he wants, what he wants and take a daily multivitamin.  He's tall and very thin, to the point he is aware of it and tries to hide it under bulky clothing.  He has expressed he would love to gain weight, that I should buy protein drinks or anything high in calories.  My question is:  Is there a condition where someone is rarely hungry and has an aversion to most foods?  He says sometimes he gets hungry, then it passes and he's not hungry anymore.  He wants to change, but nothing looks good to eat.  I would like to add he does eat cereal and pizza with no problems and never gets tired of this diet.  He has been this way since about 2years old.  I can't seem to find anything on the internet except about anorexia, which doesn't seem right because he wants to gain weight.
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I am also a 16 year old girl. I have always been on the thin side and I used to eat all the time (not even kidding, all the time). Recently I haven't been as hungry and when I do get hungry I'll only have a small amount of food and then be full. I am 5'4" and have stooped back down to 79 lbs. I would love to gain weight. It's not that I hate my body so much as I would like to be less thin. People often give judgmental looks and sometimes I find out people say I look anorexic. I often get asked by people close to me "why are you so thin?". Do these things happen to you? My mom is concerned about my weight and allows me to get whatever I want from the store but I hardly ever get more than a few items because nothing sounds good. Does this happen to you? I hope you do respond. Perhaps we may be able to help each other.
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I have similar problems. I am a 16 year old girl. I have never been a picky eater In fact about a year ago I could eat everything and still be hungry. recently I have noticed I am never hungry and if I am it lasts a very short period of time and the only thing that sounds good to me is cheerios. I am learning about eating disorders and don't feel I fit into the categorize because I am thin and want to gain weight. Food just doent sound good to me anymore. I am asked at a returant what i want to eat and cant seem to pick anything because everything makes my stomach hurt. I would love some ideas to make food sound appealing because my parents are starting to catch on about my little eating and are getting worried.  
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Sounds like you are writing about my 11 1/2 yr old son - to a T! 70 lbs and holding for a LONG time.  He gets straight A's and is a superior athlete, but I have NO idea how.  He's never been a good sleeper (since before he was born) doesn't eat much at all (prefers sweets, pizza, chips, etc).  He used to LOVE fruit, so I try to keep as many kiwi, strawberries and mangoes in the house as I can.  I also make him milkshakes w/ice cream and Instant Breakfast added.  He's 3rd percentile for height (down from a high of 10%), so we're very worried, of course.
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Re: marijuana for appetite stimulant. BE VERY CAREFUL!! l The use of marijuana has been linked to cyclical vomiting syndrome (CVS). And trust me it is worse than being a little under weight and having low appetite.  CVS  Ia horrible non curable  hard to control disease and IT IS 100 % linked to marijuana usage.  Read about it.  Come out of no where.   And after an episode my teen/adult child  loses upwards of 8 -10 lbs!!   It takes days and  days to get back onto solid foods. and months to make up the lost pounds. Then another episode. Vicious circle. PLEASE try other routes.  I wish I had tried harder to get her off marijauna. now its almost impossible.  Sure it helps the appetite temporarily but the end cost .....  
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It is refreshing to see so many others with the same issues we are struggling with in our 14 year old son. But was hoping to find answers. Has anyone on here found something that works.
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Have you looked into food allergies? They manifest in strange ways. Even if they aren't full blown allergies they could be good sensitivities. My husband never cared for milk and found out he is highly allergic to it, both in long term and short term allergy tests. I also read a book about Chrons disease. They man could not gain weight. He found out when he was in his 20's that he had Chrons disease and when he modified his diet, he had a better appetite and was able to maintain a healthy weight.
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