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scared to eat - long term problems

i have an eating disorder caused by extreme emetophobia, ive hardly eaten for 3 years. in this time i have only eat my "safe foods" which are tuna paste sandwhichs, toast, breakaways (chocolate buiscuits) and only drink fresh orange juice.
This has caused me to feel ill all the time, i'm always in pain and discomfort and regualry feel light headed and sick.
I know my eating disorder has caused damage to my body and has weakened my teeth and causing me to feel ill but my boyfriend and i are really worried about the long term effects this is doing to my body and if it will have any serious effects?
please reply, thank you
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a diet like this will without a doubt cause a long term decline in health, which will in turn make you sicker.  The best way to achieve your goals (stop feeling sick and lessen the chance of throwing up) would be to wean yourself back on to a healthy  varied diet containing all of the essential nutrients the body needs to function in its correct manner.  
If you have not already had therapy with a psychologist because of your eating disorder, I suggest you do so as they could seriously help you overcome this issue.
Good luck and all the best.
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It might help to seek the help of a mental health professional, or your pastor, rabbi etc. Also you are not getting the proper nutrtion you need and are developing the symptoms of defencies. Also over the long term you can develop allergies to foods if you eat them every single day in copious ammounts.

Never be afraid to seek help.
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You should stop it immediately! I did something stupid like that for less than 6 months and today I'm dealing with the results, more or less. I'm 24 and I have to deal with things that elderly people have to deal with. I feel so stupid and guilty for having done something so terrible to my body. And I wouldn't have stopped if I hadn't come to the lowest point. I wasn't able to move, had so much pain and I wouldn't share it with anyone -although the docs understood- I had numerous tests, including cancer, lupus, aids till they got to the bottom of it.

You'll feel very sorry! And it was noone else but my husband who got me through it!

Love yourself!
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