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Large cyst removal in 2 weeks, what to expect during recovery?

I'm having my 20 - 17 - 13cm cyst removed the week after next and want to know what to expect AFTER operation?(lap)
What can I expect on a day to day basis?
Will I have pain inside swell as shoulder & outside?
Do I have to go back to doctors/hospital for check ups?
Will I have 'periods'? Or after op bleeding?
Will going to toilet be painful?
Will I need to stock up on ANYTHING?

Anything u can tell me about the recovery stage will be appreciated! I just want to know what to expect so I can prepare myself so I can cope better.

I'm starting to feel nervous again but also feeling a bit left in the dark with regards to information!
Iv looked on other websites and read "statements" but they all seem to be "guidelines" written by a robot :-/ that's why iv come back here because it's real people thank you for reading

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Yes, that will be the time to tell them all of those things, they'll need to know that. We'll if they do the laparoscopy, you should be home the day of or day after, so thats good. Not much time left now before this is all over for you!
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Thank u for ur thoughtful words of reassurance,
I'm thinking that will be a good time to tell them things like being allergic to penicillin & being rheses negative & having underactive thyroid too,
Wow less then a week to go now until my op, I just knew time was going to whizz by! Here's hoping I come out of hospital the same day as op? Or atleast the day after :-) xx
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Pre op is pretty standard. Will take your vitals, blood work, make sure you're blood counts are good, etc weigh you, ask medical history, go over procedure, answer questions you'll have. It'll be fine! Means youre getting closer to the end and almost into the recovery part! It'll be okay, im sure you'll find a lot more comfort from the pre op and the forum. :) good luck
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The pre-op is probably just blood work and basic stuff to make sure you are good for surgery etc.  Its normal.  Good luck!
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Hi thank u :-)
I'm really beginning to stress now, I got a phone call from the hospital yesterday to say I need to go for Pre op assessment which I didnt realize I needed to do? But hey ho! No doubt I will be looking on here even more next week for advice :-)
I would still appreiciatte any advice that anyone can give me tho, surgery in 1 week so looking forward to getting rid of this ache that the cyst has been causing
Take care everyone K
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Good luck with your upcoming surgery, and thank you for the information you had provided me while I started on this wonderful ovarian cyst path I'm on.  Even though mine is small at 2cm, with the symptoms I'm having the Dr. is wanting to do a laposcopy and get it out and explore everything.  I find out more next 2 weeks when this cycle ends..I will probably be going in in June from what they said. Not excited..but i do want this thing out.  

anyway, good luck to you..and i hope you feel tons better after your surgery..keep us informed!
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Hi thank u for ur response, I'm hoping to be home same day as laposcopy.
The lifting stuff is already a problem for me I don't know why but when I push a shopping trolley round the supermarket it causes me to ache the next day & cause blood streaks etc so today Im feeling really rotten as did shopping yesterday, tbh I'm fed up with feeling achey, bloated, tearful all the time so am really hoping that things will start to get betr soon after op, one other thing I'm not keen on is after the op I don't wanna stay upstairs in bed for first day or two coz that will drive me nuts! So will be making my self comfy on sofa and going upstairs of a nighttime.
Also how big is tummy after op?  Because I have been told it will be massive BUT mine is already huge ( look like I'm 10 months pregnant!!!! But I'm NOT) so will my tummy be bigger afterwards or smaller? Or same size?
Thanx again take care K
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Also, I was instructed not to lift anything heavier than a dinner plate for 4 weeks. I thought I could squeeze a little sympathy and help from the family but by 2 days I was fetching my own dinner and folding laundry (not carrying it of course) Life of a mom.
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I had my left ovary and a 10cm cyst removed the last week in March and was back to work in 7 days. (I sit at work). I was driving in 7 days. While I am sure each surgery and person is different I will tell you that yours can go as well as mine or not, its up to the Doctor and the patient. I was home within 24 hours after surgery. I did get a bedside tray that was on wheels (kind of like the hospital) to set up meals, magazines, medicine water. Have a little pillow in the car to place between you and your seat belt for the ride home. I was given very strong pain killers from the hospital mixed with acetomeniphen and I did not like them so I stopped taking them and my doctor had me alternate acetomeniphen with ibuprophen (as directed by physician only) but that was all I needed. They did tell me to take a stool softner for a few days as to not strain from going to the bathroom plus the anesthesia can make you constipated. (Again go only by your doctors orders and what they tell you to do but you can mention it to them if they don't mention it to you.) Also, I had anesthesia when I was 13 and vomited after it, this is important to tell your anesthesiologist because they can give you something to prevent vomiting.  I made the mistake of watching my favorite comedy while recovering and the stitches hurt everytime I laughed. I felt absolutely no pain inside at all. I had a fabulous doctor and his team was awesome he was a Gynecologist/Oncologist in New York. I hope your surgery goes as well as mine. God Bless
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Thank u so much for info, it's good to know all of this, especially as I don't have sanitary pads as I have only had a couple of periods in 12 years! So that's something that I will defo need to stock up on!
I'm having a laposcopy but I'm a little worried because of the size of cyst. But doc knows best, they have told me it's blood filled with some "echoes" whatever that is?
I'm lucky I have my fiancé & 2 daughters to help me around the house so won't need to worry about housework/cooking etc
I was wondering if was going to be like when I had my appendix out?
That caused loads of problems & I was only 10 at the time :-/
Thank u once again for advice and if u remember anything else I need to know I would be very grateful :-) take care K
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Having something to hold against your stomach will help for moving, any coughing, sneezing, etc. Or simply holding your stomach with your hands. (its been 3.5 months since my laparotomy and i find i still sometimes need to hold my stomach to cough etc)

expect to move slowly! Are you having this done laparotomy or laparoscopy?

The best thing you can do when you're able to be out of bed is walk! Even little walks, cause yes you will likely have the pains in your shoulders/ribs etc from anesthetic. Moving and walking, making sure you breath deeply will help get more oxygen into you and get the gasses out.  

For both of my surgeries i had a post op check up. Laparoscopy it was about 2-3 weeks post op just to check to make sure im healing, go over surgery etc. For laparotomy it was 6 weeks post op, to check how i was healing, go over surgery, and clear me for work.

Expect to be tired! And that you need to listen to your body, no heavy lifting( for almost 3-4 weeks i didnt dare lift more than a jug of milk), no real house work etc. I find even now, if i do too much, my body knows and i get tired, its surgery, abdominal, you dont realize how much you use your core muscles til you really cant.

Abdominal swelling/bloating, can take a couple weeks to go down, and for the "heavy" feeling to go away.

You could have post op bleeding. I would suggest if you can get some of the mesh undies from the hospital, they were so much more comfortable, sit high enough, breathable etc. Stock up on pads, cause you wont be allowed to use tampons( and face it those things they call pads in the hospital are the most uncomfortable things ever!), i still have not returned to using tampons just yet.

Oh, also if its a laparotomy, expect your immune system to be down, i didnt expect that for me, and i got sick twice in the last month and a half from returning to work!

No, going to the toilet will not be painful. Youll want to take docusate sodium(colace) to help keeping BM's easy and soft, make sure you eat and drink lots of fluids.(especially because with narcotics, anesthetic etc can make your bowels a little slow going and dont want to get constipated, and make sure to avoid gassy foods( cabbage, popcorn, broccoli,etc) High protein, high fiber diet for the first little while

And whatever you do, whether you feel you need it or not, for the first little while, make sure you keep up with pain meds the first few days, dont wait til the pain starts, otherwise by the time the meds kick in, itll be out of control and its hard to get it under control.

oh and ice packs! I found having ice packs on my stomach after surgery totally helps too. or alternating heat/cold

Hope that helps and didnt totally overwhelm you!! Good luck with upcoming surgery!!
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