654396 tn?1237508912

Large ovarian cysct

Hi, I belong to other communities in this web site....but I had a question that I thought would be appropriate for this forum.  My husband and I have been ttc, I recently found that I have not been ovulating.  My progesterone levels at 21 days are less than 1.0.  So, my doctor ordered some blood work (beta, lh, prolactin) and that all came back normal.  Today I had an ultra sound (including a transvaginal) and they saw a big cysct.  To me, it looked as big as my bladder.  (i don't know if that's possible, but that's what it looked like to me).  I don't have a history of ovarian cancer or breast cancer in my family.  What is considered large?  The tech wouldn't tell me anything except that it was a very large cysct.  She said the doctor would call me.  It looked like a big black spot and when she did the blood flow, it had some in/on and around it.  I'm just a little freaked out and surprised.  Can anyone enlighten me?  Thank you.
9 Responses
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654396 tn?1237508912
You are so sweet.  Thank you for your insight.  I really appreciate it!!!  My husband and I have been ttc, which is how this all came about.  I am shocked still, but I know it will all be ok.  I'm having surgery on the 24th of this month.  I'll keep you posted.  :)
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Yep mine was the size of a cantalope according to the doctor.  I actually had no symptoms that I recall, just irregular periods.  They removed the ovary and I had three kids after that, with one ovary.  They told me the remaining ovary was full of cysts too but they left it due to my age.  I was in my teens.  
I did have cysts off and on for years until had the works removed at 48 due to complex cysts and enlarged uterus..
I am sorry you are going through this, you will need lots of help and child care when you recover!  It takes quite a while and you want to heal properly.  Try not to read too much on the internet and scare the heck out of yourself.
Best wishes.....
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356929 tn?1246389756
That's a good sized cyst!!! And yes, there are ladies here that have had similar experiences. I'm glad you're having it taken care of.. and please keep us posted !

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654396 tn?1237508912
Ok, I just heard from the doctor.  She said that I have a tumor aprox the size of a baby's head sitting on top of my uterus.  She said it's at least 10cm.  She won't know exact size until it's out.  She said that it used to be my left ovary, but the ovary has turned into a tumor and grown very large.  She said that she's pretty sure it's benign, but will have it checked just in case.  So...I will be having surgery very soon.  Her nurse will call me Monday to schedule.  Just thought I'd give you an update.  Anyone ever heard of anything like this, and this big?
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356929 tn?1246389756
Don't forget.. keep us posted.. And, if I'm not mistaken, I think the type cyst you are speaking about is a "Dermoid". You may want to google "Dermoid Cyst" and check the Health Pages at the top right of this page for more information.

Good luck
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654396 tn?1237508912
Thanks Sharon.  I appreciaqte your response.  I'm mostly in shock because this is totally unexpected.  The reason i'm concerned at all is because it looked to be the same size as my bladder...now, i'm not at all familiar with u/s and i'm sure in my mind it was that big, but to the dr...i'm sure it's not as big as i thought.  Anyway, I just pray that this doesn't result in any kind of surgery...It's quite large and from what i've read, it may result in removal.  I will wait patiently and pray that this will all be resolved with no other action required.  It does explain a lot though, so that's good.  Pelvic pain, lower back pain and fertility issues.  God has blessed me with two children who are amazing, so whatever the case and the outcome, I AM BLESSED!!
have a great evening  :)
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543028 tn?1282428826
ditto and i had very long periods of infertility my whole life
and just recently had cysts discovered / removed  .. mine were
borderline cancer and only stage 1C (probably because i had
them for years and just didnt know it) i had a total of 13 and yes
it is their nature to have blood flow on the left i had 14.5 cm and the right
was 8.9cm ... my first symptom was a missed period and i thought i was
they offer fertility sparing surgical options for women who are ttc
god bless u
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654396 tn?1237508912
Thank you Sandy.  I don't have an appointment yet, but the tech told me that the Dr would probably call me soon.  I will be very happy to hear from her.  I'm really not worried, I guess i"m just puzzled.  My mom had one when she was younger...it was the kind that had hair??  I can't remember the name of it.  Anyway, they removed it...and her left ovary and her left tube...it wa benign.  Cancer does not run in our family (at least not that kind)  We've been trying to have a baby and had a micarriage earlier this year and that's how this all came about.  

I'll keep you posted..also, do you know if cycsts are herediatry?
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356929 tn?1246389756
Well, first of all try not to worry.Cysts are very common in younger women. You may want to check the top right of this page-- "Health Pages". You will find lots of information about cysts and some can become quite large. 95% are benign.

Usually they monitor it for a period of months to determine if it shrinks or enlarges . When is your next Dr. appt? If it does not resolve itself, than surgery may be indicated. Sometimes a laparoscopy or laparotomy depending on the size of the cyst...

Let us know what you find out from your Dr. as to what his treatment plans are and as I said, try not to worry..

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