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Top 10 things I have learned from laproscopic cyst/ovary removal

It's been almost 2 weeks since my laproscopic surgery, I have learned alot both from experiencing it and talking to ya'll here on the forum. Time to share, because just maybe somebody is about to go through the same thing and has questions or needs help. It would be great if everyone added their two cents and we will have a nice "what to expect when your expecting laproscopic surgery" list...lol

1. Don't be fooled, this is major surgery. You could be having body parts removed. Don't plan on doing much for at LEAST a week or two. If you are lucky like some, you'll be up and at 'em. But if you're not, then you won't be disappointed and frustrated.

2. Make or buy muffins. Especially bran. You will need them. Don't ask me why. Ok...why? Because your meds will constipate you and make your stomach hurt. AND you will be too tired to make food. You can buy stool softeners too, but they don't make for a tasty breakfast...

3. If you can, shop for or prepare food and stick it in the freezer. And be REALLY REALLY nice to your friends and neighbors before your surgery. They may offer to bring you food. Don't be silly, say yes. You will be glad you did!

4. The CO2 gas may bloat you up. It might not happen for a day or two and you will laugh and say "I am SO lucky!!" and then "POP" You are the now the Pilsbury doughgirl. Only not as cute. But it hurts...not just the shoulder, could be all over. WALK, WALK, WALK.. around the house, it will go away. Could take a week or more, but the worst is the first few days. Try beano, mylanta, etc. too. BEST cure: Massage. Takes away all the toxins, pushes out some gas. Can't get one?... be REALLY REALLY nice to your spouse, significant other, children, whoever.... they may take pity on poor ol' bloated you and help you out.

5. Get one of those beanybag things that you put in the microwave. Put it on where it hurts. Warm feels nice and you can't get in the tub for two weeks. Your body might hurt all over. They say they don't drop you off the stretcher while you are unconscious, but I personally don't believe it...

6. Enjoy your downtime. Remember all those busy days you wished you could lie around, play on the computer, read books, organize your photos, google your old boyfriend,  write that novel? Well, do it. Or sleep. Or both.

7. Sleep. Sleep some more.

8. Driving sucks. Try and avoid it until your incisions/stomach muscles don't hurt. (and you're not on happypills anymore...) It's illegal in most states to drive lying down, I believe...

9. Drink lots of water. Flushes out all the stuff they pumped into you during surgery. Fluffs out the sleep wrinkles in your face..

10. Get on this forum when you can. You will find wonderful women with supportive notes, messages, laughs, and you can read others stories to know whether you are "normal" or not (in terms of your surgery - if you want deeper analysis, try the psych forum...)

That's MY top ten, I hope you all can add a few of your own! Thanks everyone for ALL your help, info, and especially the friendship and laughter.
Have a great day!
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12845574 tn?1427483259
I am scheduled to have combined laparoscopic surgery in 2 1/2 week's time .The first procedure is to remove 3 cysts of varying size ranging from 3-5cm ,one cyst inside the left ovary, the second cyst inside the right ovary and the third (the largest of the 3 cysts) near the area of the left ovary pelvic/uterus region and the second procedure is to remove a cyst found in the bladder The two procedures will be coordinated at the same time with a urologist and gynaecologist oncologist .
I'm not sure whether any ovaries, fallopian tubes or other will also need to be removed as I have my first gynaecologist appt. in a few days time.
I was wondering whether anyone has had surgeries coordinated together as I'm guessing recovery will be slightly longer .Are sutures 'glued' or typical suture type?
I will require a catheter for aprox a week and plan to stay in hospital for as long as I need .:)
Thank you for all your comments and wishing everyone speedy recoveries:)
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Hello fellow CyST☆RS!  I am so happy to have found this forum and this thread in particular.

Today is Monday, March 16, 2015.  I went in for two Laproscopic surgeries on Saturday morning, and got home yesterday (Sunday) late afternoon.  I currently live in Europe, and the language barrier made it diffucult for me to understand all of the answers to my questions, so I have posted them below, in hopes that any of you can shed some light on them for me.  ♡

I had a 34mm cyst removed from the side of my right ovary that had been growing there for seven years, plus two smaller cysts on the same side removed.  Endometriosis  was found and removed also.  At the same time as the gyno surgeon operated, a second breast surgeon Laproscopically removed a fibroedonima from my right breast.  I have three incision points on my abdomen and one on my breast.  

My surgery experience went like this:

I had a severe reaction to the bladder catheter, and had it removed immediately.  It burned and hurt for two hours after only being in for about 4 or 5 minutes.  I was very scared that the nurse did something wrong, tore something, or that I had an allergic reaction. I felt like I had to pee every 2 minutes, and when I did it burned like hell.  It felt worse then the worst Urinary Tract Infection I had every had.  I still am unclear as to why this happened.
*****QUESTION:  Has anyone had a similar experience?  Do any of you know why this happens?

The surgeries went well.  All of my reproductive organs remained in tact, and my breast implant was not damaged at all.  

After surgery, my blood pressure began dropping rapidly.  from what I recall hearing, it got as low as 60/40.  There were at least 10 nurses and doctors in the room by then, and I was terrified and going in and out of consciousness.  They gave me something, and my blood pressure gradually got back to a healthy state.  They monitored my blood pressure about every 20 minutes the rest of my stay, so I got very little sleep.
*****QUESTION: Has anyone had a similar experience?  Do any of you know why this happens?

I am doing okay today.  Very tired, achy, pain, bloated, nauseous.  I woke up many times from the pain last night.  But I am very very happy to have it over with.


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Hello, I had the same experience with the low blood pressure.  For me, it was all about the aesthetic. As I go in for another surgery to get rid of the endo the Dr. asked me about my last surgery.  I discussed the aesthetic - how it gave me horror films in my head and thus my blood pressure went really low.  I have a different person this time administering the aesthetic who gives a better tonic. It's how your body reacts to the aesthetic?
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Hi recovery question, how your follow up? I just got same surgery done  last 3 days.i read your post and really want to know how your follow up.i got 3 incisions on my left side and pain on my left but got right ovary removed .my surgeon left before I woke up so I have to wait until next 6 weeks for the follow up appt. to know the answer.
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I had laparoscopic surgery to remove a 5cm tumor along with my ovaries and tubes. The surgery went well every thing came back benign I was sent home with dilaudid pain pill, I kick them the next day made me feel bad. I used a walker to get around to do things and move the gas. I was good with the pain it was 2 to 0 by the forth day not constant pain, turning in bed or coughing yes. Two weeks later I am starting to feel this sharp pain that comes and go I also feel it lying down. It will be 4 weeks in 2 day we had bad weather so I had to reschedule my appointment,
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Love the DONT BE ALONE suggestion. I am a homeschooling mom of two. ( this means my children don't leave my side. EVER.). My husband works out of state. I am 9 days post op. Cysts removed from both ovaries plus d&c with ablation. Strong pain meds helped. Now Tylenol is my best friend. If I ever have to do this again, I will hire live in help for 2 weeks.SERIOUSLY.  Children(7&11)  are not able to truly understand. Sometime, love hurts. Especially when it is a spirited hug across those pesky cuts. The emotional toll was enormous. Hubby was home for the first three days. Thank God!  Unfortunately being home alone after that was a failed experiment. I just had NO PATIENCE. He is Back home for the holidays and I feel like we need therapy or something from the emotional drain. I think the fatigue and irritability were my greatest challenge. Also, I naively believed I would be back to myself in 4 days.  I'm better but not quite back.
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Sorry you had your ovaries removed but glad the cyst was benign. Mine were also removed for a benign cyst and my abs are also "deformed" looking :( Hoping your recovery goes well.
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