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laparotomy 9 days ago...

I had a laparotomy 9 days ago for a 23.5cm cyst. Everything went really well, they removed the cyst whole which the surgeon was happy about and didn't have to remove the ovary! I was in hospital 4 days... I got half the staples out on tuesday and then the other half out today which is great! The incision is really neat and clean!

Anyhow, my question mainly is cause i sneezed 2 days ago and since then i've had pain in the same spot (it comes and goes and is in the same spot where it hurts when i laugh) so i'm assuming it's muscular. Could i have done damage? It isn't getting any better, actually tonight it was so bad when i was walking but slightly relieved after emptying my bladder.

Also, over the last few days my whole stomach region is getting more swollen and tender to touch... Is this normal?

And... is it normal to get short of breath when walking around for a short amount of time? I think it is because of the way i'm walking... probably is...

I may be trying to rush the whole recovery process... I'm a 20 year old who is used to studying full time and working multiple jobs as well as coaching and participating in gymnastics! I am finding laying round the house all day is driving me nutts. i just want to get up and go for a run (which i usually don't like doing) but thats not going to happen cause i can barely walk let alone run :)

Anyhow excuse my ranting and raving... anyhow my main concern right now is that the pain has got worse the last 2 days not better but its not unbearable... just take panadol and don't move so much!

Thanks for all your help
5 Responses
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1329156 tn?1275407357
I was just advised that I have a cysts about the size of a jumbo gum ball.  I have had a partial hysteromy already, but my doctor has put me on birthcontrol for 8 weeks unless I have worst pain.  He's advised me of having the laparptomy surgery.  Should I just go ahead and have the surgery instead of praying it'll be reduce and finally gone?  
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You just had MAJOR surgery. I had a laporatomy and I am on week 4 and STILL feeling pain, out of breath. ect...Yours was much more intense than mine. I would think it's safe to say that it will take 5-6 weeks to heal and even after that you will need to take it easy. I am the same as you. I am always doing something. I have been forced to read books, watch TV and "hang out." You can do it though. Whatever you do...don't stand for too long or lift anything over 3 lbs. I made this mistake and it took me 4 days to recover from this. Also, when you think you are good to go....your not! Make sure to go VERY slowly to make sure you are perfect!!!
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Thanks for your replies. I'm feeling much better today. Hurts a little but its ok! I suppose all these things take time and i need to remember that! I'm just going to try and enjoy the time to do nothing while i've got it!
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It sounds normal. I can totally relate to you. Last week I had a large cyst removed from my ovary. I'm still recovering and am getting quite stir crazy. A typical day for me usually starts with a 3 mile run so this laying around is driving me crazy. I had a couple of days where I did push myself a little too hard and I have the same symptoms as you. Swelling, pain and fatigue. Hang in there and soon you will be back to your old self! =)
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it is normal.. i had laparotomy almost five weeks ago.. there is a spot that hurts a lot more than other area, and it did not disappear until maybe week 4. i tried not to watch comedy to prevent laughing, i sneezed a few times, too. i do not think it will do any harm unless you are really having cold. im on week 5 suffering from cold, have been sneezing a lot.. im so thankful i did n't get it earlier on......... geez, did i say thankful?

good luck
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