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left Ovarian dermoid measuring 6 cm diameter on MRI


I am 25 year old, unmarried, Indian software engineer. Tow months ago on a routine pre employment medical checkup, I was diagnosed with a left ovarian cyst appox 190 cc on Ultrasound scan. This finding was more of an accident as I have never had any such symptoms. I have a normal 5 day menustral cycle once every 28 days. The Gynec advised an MRI. The MRI report confirmed that it was a left ovariam dermoid. My Gynec is now insisting that I get it removed as soon as possible ( when the dermoid is not interferring). She hopes that it can be removed through laproscopy, but is hesitating to confirm on the same stating that it is too huge and may be she will have to cut open to remove it.

Can this dermoid not be removed through laproscopy?
Do I indeed need hurry? Can I not wait? Is this am emergency?
Will it hinder my fertility?
What symptoms do I need to look out for?
What are the chances of another such cyst comming up in the same place?

Please suggest at the earliest,
66 Responses
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483733 tn?1326798446
Get a 2nd opinion.  Extreme pain can happen with very small cysts while no pain can occur with very large.  It is very individual and depends on the makeup of the person and how the cyst is situated in the ovary and as it presses on other organs.  I had a doctor tell me that a 16 cm cyst and a 7 cm fibroid shouldn't cause me any pain.  Bull!

Good luck with everything!
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514293 tn?1281462119
I am so confused I was diagnosed with a dermoid tumor.  10 years ago I had 1 removed at child birth and everything seemed to be going fine until I started having pain during my periods and ovulation.  All the symptoms went straight to OVC.  My mom had OVC so I knew all the symptoms.  My ultrasound shows an enlarged ovary 5.0 X 4.7 X 5.5. cm.  Compared to my right ovary that is 2.6 X 3.4 X 3.4 cm that is a big difference.  The dermoid or mass is 3.5 X 3.6 X 4.7 cm with central necrosis.  The doctor does not want to remove it because it's not bigger than 5cm.  Am I imagining the pain.  So basically I have to live with this pain until it gets to 5 cm.  Has anyone removed theirs before it reached 5cm.
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i am 32 years old and was diagnosed with enlarged right ovary (15 cm) a couple weeks ago. I am having my surgery in a week. The doctor will cut me open, since the mass is too big and has separations in it. My tests, so far, show that the walls around the mass are smooth and I have no family history of any kind of cancer. Despite I am terrified and the news about the enlarged ovary came as a shock because i never had any pains of whatsoever. The mass was discovered during my PAP testing. As long as the mass is a cyst and not anything else and as long as i can have a baby, I guess I can live with the scar.
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Hi, everyone I am 31 years, and have just been dianosed with my second dermoid cyst. First time round ( 4 years exactly) i  didn't have time to dwell on it, I was to and from the doctor from feb 04 with diferent problems, unbeleivably painful periods, constipation, loss of feeling in my legs, back pain, frequent accidental overdoses, as I was so desperate to cure the pain, couldn't eat felt so tired and week I lost inches ( size 12 down to an 8! ) but couldn't work out why I had gained 2 stone! So I threw my scale away, they had to be broken I told myself! Doctors prescibed all sorts, told me all sorts, allergic to ibuprufen, constipation ,cyactica, run down even depressed! The closet anyone came was a nurse at my surgery. All the doctors were to busy to see me and she kindly agreed to see me I needed reassurance. I'm my own worst enemy though on 2 occations in those long 9 weeks I was bed ridden couldn't move crippled with pain because I didn't want my husband  to call an ambulance as it would of ment missing 2 of my daughters birthdays (18 and 20 April) insead I chose to stay in bed preying for the pain to go but it didn't my heart was breaking I needed  to leave the girls but i couldn't i wanted to be with them and couldn't spoil them. Anyway back to the nurse she said to me to go back in a week if there was still no change she would sweep my tubes.
I was rushed into hospital on may bank holiday my body had had enough, first it was appendisitus, then i was 9 months pregnant about to give birth, a scan finally showed I had a large cyst it had wrapped itself around all my internal organs and what i wasn't strangling it was crushing. It turned out to be the size of a rugby ball. just imagine somthing of that size in a small frame it scares the hell out if me. I had my left tube and ovary removed my surgeon was great as he said an older woman or a different doctor it would of been an hysterectamy!
Any my new one is 5cm I had a lot of similar feeling I had for probably a couple of years before the removale of the first, so discided to get it checked out I couldn't bear to get to that stage again, so the result  has came as no shock really so why do I feel so scared, I have 4 daughters, my youngest 2 years old born and conceived in between cysts.
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I have also been diagnosed with ovarian cancer based on an ultrasound and a cancer marker, but haven't had any symptoms like cramping, bleeding or bloating, but I am scheduled to be operated ASAP.  I have had ovarian cysts for a few years and since they didn't bother me the doctor didn't do anything, but on the last ultrasound they had grown so he says I need to have surgery, a laparotomy to take samples and rule out any malignancies.  It's scary since I will not know the outcome of the surgery until I wake up and I haven't had any kids.  I have done research and talked to other doctors who believe it's benign and I am praying that it is.  So, my advice is preferably to get checked regularly before it's too late.  Best wishes to all.

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My mom was diagnosed almost 2 years ago with epithelial cell ovarian CA.  She had a total hystorectomy and double oophrectomy as well as her omentun removed.  There were residual microscopic cells in her abdominal washings and she ended up going for chemo.  She has since been okay although we jump at the prospect of any symptom or complaint she has..(which aren't many as she is a tough lady.)  They give you half in half survival rates for 5 years.

As her daughter, I have been checked via U/S fairly regularuly.  I had one in November and got a call from the dr. wanting me to get another one a few months down the road as they had seen a normal ovarian cyst on my left ovary but with another echogenic focus (Unknown and undetermined tissue)  I went this past Monday for another U/S  It took forever.  Then I get a call from my own doctor 48 hours later saying she is sending me for an urgent MRI.  She says it may be a dermoid cyst but with my mom's cancer history she wants to get it taken care of ASAP!!

I work in a hospital with the newborn babies and mom's.  Lots of access to the OB/GYN's so I will hopefully be able to get a doctor to see me and do surgery soon.  I have 2 beautiful kids and am done with childbearing.  Just whatever isa safest to live a great deal longer and be there for my kids.

I have heard that ovarian dermois are quite rare.  SO is ovarian cancer.  Make sure you all get checked regularly....  It is known as the silent whisperer as it has no symptoms until it too late.
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