468832 tn?1324348961

can a person be affected by ptsd in their day to day lives

hi my father has PTSD and its a chronic case he has all the sypmtoms and things like that... but what my question is, is:

can a person suffering with PTSD be affected in their day to days lives so much that they have lost interest in doing normal things such as taking care of themselves and keeping their house clean and holding a steady job things like that... would it affect them so much that they wouldn't do this or become obessive compulsive of it?
30 Responses
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471949 tn?1236904026
I've had PTSD for over 15 years.  I'm just shocked each time I read this Doc on here even suggesting that it can be "cured" by merely a dx of sleep apnea!!

I have to ask this Doc for his credentials.  This is very upsetting to me that he believes that PTSD is really cured that easily.  No, it's not.  Believe me, I wish it were.
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535822 tn?1443976780
What happened did evryone fall off their perch? no more PTSD sufferers , wher are you all,??
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468832 tn?1324348961
i wouldn't know  what he's been treated for for sure. all i know is that he has had several different perscriptions for sleeping pills and different doctors have examined him and things and he says nothing has changed.. i donno maybe he's being stubborn ( runs in the family) but i know that he's been treated and nothing has been working for him so far.
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535822 tn?1443976780
Would you say that I would feel better if I took sleeping meds, I have tried the OTC ones but they do not work,I am lucky if I get a couple of hours a night , I do agree with you regarding your post about sleep apnea having an effect,I dont want to go to nay sleep clinic ,could you advise any sleeping pill I can get from the Doctor.
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I have successfully over come the depression, thank god!  But I get panic attacks which I am on medication for. Weird! They came out of no where and for no reason! I would head out to the store, get halfway there, freeze, turn around and come home! I also had bouts with severe irritable bowel for a few years which is now under control.  I am fine now, unless the unexpected happens without warning. I am not much on the labels that define each mental disorder but I sure do know how I feel! Margy, I gonna get some of them capsules. lol
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535822 tn?1443976780
I have had loss of sleep since my Trauma and many other Physical symptoms I did not have before a few days after the incident I broke out in Hives, and head aches and dizziness , aches and pains , so it isnt always anxiety and depression, there are Physical symptoms also. I have found help from taking Adrenal support capsules ,they have considerably improved my mood and also the hives are easing up, What has been your experience of this I never hear much about it, would love to know if survivors have the same.
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