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1187071 tn?1279369698

Back to work tomorrow

Well the day has come that I have to go back to work. Last time I was on medical leave it was when I was getting stitchs and packing in my mouth 1 to 2 times a week and getting put to sleep about once every 2 weeks because it was just getting to painful to have work done and the laughing gas wasn't helping the pain it just put me in lala land. Last time I said I won't go back until I was alteast 85% better and I had to go back even tho I was 0% better. This time when i went on leave I said I WILL NOT go back til I was 70% better I thought if I lowered it that would help but here I am again 0% better and having to go back. They called saturday wanted me to come in and work a 8 hour shift and then again on Sunday. I told them I am sorry but I am not any better I have to go back to working my 4 hour shifts and they said "Well that changes everything" I said well it shouldn't. Anyway they called me tonght and asked me to come in tomorrow to work my 4 hour shift so the computer will start giving me hours in a couple of weeks. So I have to go back.
I really wanted to be better when I went back but that isn't happening. All I can do is hoping I don't have to call off all the time so I won't lose my job. I can only do the best I can and that is about all I can do. Like I have said before my health comes way before my job and they are going to have to understand that. If I would of got into see a good pain dr by now the story would of been so different and maybe I could work 8 hour days but that isn't how the last 2 months have went. I will let everyone know how it goes tomorrow.
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1187071 tn?1279369698
Austin is 7 and I haven't missed any of his games, only reason I have missed my daughters is cause Austin would have a game at the same time but my husband is her coach so one of us are always there.
I would really miss seeing them play, I love to go watch both of them. Austin's team won tonight 28 to 21 so it was a good game.
When I was leaving for work this morning he did cry. But I told him I would be back in 4 hours and his grandpa is taking him swimming so he felt better. I really hate to make my kids cry over anything.
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Jamie, I always put my kids before me.  Except for this year.  I didn't go to any of the games.  I feel so guilty but I talked to them and reminded them of the years and years of sitting through not only games but practices, and I told them I would  be at all next year's games.  (Both boys are playing summer ball, though, so there is a possibility I'll get to one of those.  They were surprisingly understanding.

How old is Austin?  Do you go to every game?  My youngest, Sean, was always okay as long as someone was there, and there was always either his sister, brother or my mother-in-law.  I did miss seeing them play though.
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1187071 tn?1279369698
Right now I have no more days to work, I have to wait for the computer to start giving them to me so if they don't call I won't have to go back for a few weeks and then I will be working 20 hours a week.
If I don't have pain meds there is no way I can do it. Being a cashier and having to talk for 4 hours there is no way, the pain would be too bad. I am glad I did make it thru it.
I wish I could lay around but Austin has a game tonight and it is sooooo hot out, feels like 90s so I get to go sit in the heat and watch the game and take score oh fun times. I just hope it cools down soon. But like I have said before my kids come before me.
Thanks everyone
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Sorry you have to be at work when you're not ready.  I haven't been back in 3 years.  I'm on worker's comp for the last 2.  Financially it kills me and mentally it does, too.  I love my job and most of the people I work with.  But I can't imagine going in every day when I'm like this.

I hope you can get some rest.  I'll have to look up the rest of your story ... I'm still new to this and get confused about who has what and what meds they take, etc.  (Sometimes I can barely stay on top of mine!)

I'm not sure what you do for work, but do you have to work every day?    I hope not for your sake.

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1301089 tn?1290666571
Dear Jamie:  How could they not miss YOU sweetie!!!  Except we miss you being here.  It is really too bad you can't stay home longer.  But you are being so brave and stoic about doing what you have to do.  I applaud you for that.  

Here's to your pain going away!!! NOW!!!

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655875 tn?1295695107
I'm so sorry you had to return to work.  I hope the people at your work do not give you a difficult time.  I'm happy to hear that they are glad to have you back.  I hope your pain does not sky rocket while working.  Take care of yourself.  I'm sure you are exhausted.
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Yea!! I knew they had missed you terribly!!  They love you just like we do.

You deserve to try to relax now. How soon is your next shift? Hope you have some time to relax some!

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1187071 tn?1279369698
Well I made thru the day, My feet hurt my face hurts and my legs and back. I have nerve damage in my legs also from a work injury years ago.
I just have to get use to working again that is all there is too it. I haven't had to stand for 4 hours at a time since I have been off leave, once I get use to it my feet and back and legs won't hurt as bad. My mouth and face is a different story.
Today was like I never even left, I thought I would have trouble getting back into the kick of things but nope none at all. I just took off lol People told me how fast I was and how nice I was so it was just like old times. And people that work there kept saying how great it was to have me back. So it was a good day pain wise not so good but I will get over that soon. Thanks for all the kind words.
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Jamie good luck, I totally understand about you going back to work because I just went back myself three weeks ago.  Just keep breathing to get you through the day.  I'll be thinking of you today!
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1301089 tn?1290666571
Jamie, we'll all be thinking about you tomorrow.  I hope it's not too hard on you.  Just know you have all of our best wishes and my prayers that it goes well.

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1187071 tn?1279369698
Sara you hit it on the nose with life has not treated me kindly lately but like my mom always says if it wasn't for bad luck I wouldn't have any luck at all, gotta love her.
I don't see my pain dr JULY 26th yep that long away!!!! I have to work 10 to 2 tomorrow. when I told Austin I had to work today he started crying, I said what is wrong he said your going to miss my game, I said hun I work tomorrow morning and I willl be here for your game tomorrow night, so he felt better. His grandpa is coming over to watch the kids tomorrow so he is happy about that. I will let you guys know how it goes tomorrow. I have to see the girl in personal when I first get there so that might be fun. I don't think they truely understand my health problems, their thing is to keep the shoppers  happy and that is all they care about.
I do miss my friends at work and the people that shop there or just go to walk around, and I know they will be happy to see me so that is something to be happy about.
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1301089 tn?1290666571
Oh sweetie, I am so sorry this is happening.  Don't they realize that if you could work you would?  I do so hope that this doesn't set you back too much.  I am really sorry.  Life has not been treating you kindly lately.  Surely it will turn around soon.

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1324871 tn?1288981706
Oh Jamie! I am so sorry you are having such pain and for all that you have had to go through.It's really bites that you have to go back to work when you are not better.You are right your health does come first .I hope you can find a Pm so you can have some relief and get your quality of life back You should not have to suffer this way .I really hope tomorrow goes well for you .Try to take it easy. Take care Jamie ! Melissa
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My dear,

You know that I will be thinking of you all day!! What time is your shift?

Don't you go back to the PM on Friday the 25th? Or am I losing my mind again - LOL!

I know that your customers that you have (your regulars) have really missed you. They are going to be so very happy that you are back!!

Please PM me as soon as you get back, because I will be worried sick about you all day.

Be careful...Sherry
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