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1417952 tn?1282184460

how can I test negative for methadone?! (pain mgmt. not addiction therapy)

I take methadone for pain consistently, not for drug addiction treatment or to ween off.
I am a 100% honest person who has been through nigh bankruptcy, surgical procedures, & therapies galore before finding 30 mg. methadone and 50 mg. tramadol both 2x/day turned me from crippled to able to compete in archery, even after taking for over 1 &1/2 yrs. efficacy is miraculous without increased dosage. Without meds I return to debilitative misery.I have a pinched C8 nerve compressed in the foramen area even after foramenotomy and far too many injections, as well as bulging discs. I have never missed a dose of methadone, but twice now the cup test at the Dr.'s office shows negative for methadone!? How can this happen?? I pray the lab test comes back differently! I took it 6 hours prior and every 12 hours before that for many months! Is my system unique? Is something else destroying it like small alcohol consumption the night before? A multivitamin & 1 cranberry pill? The mix of tramadol, methadone, and naproxen? Has this happened to anyone else? My life as I know it is at stake! I can't afford legal representation and scientific breakthrough pioneer testing to keep these virtual *lies* off my medical record that will distort my reputation into some kind of con! Please do not respond with negative critique of my successful treatment and say I shouldn't take it anyway etc... I know this is the right therapy after everything I've been thru and so do my Dr.'s -- the *point* is that everything is fine, even after over 1 & 1/2 years no sign of tolerance related efficacy decrease or need for increase. The treatment is wonderfully enabling; I have my life back. I am not that young of a man with the miles that are on me & all these injuries and conditions, scarring, arthritis, etc.. I exercise & have a great diet etc. and I just need to gather any evidence I can about how I could possibly show up negative for methadone when taking 60 mg. every single day?! I cannot be labeled some drug dealer or liar after finally getting my life back! Please help if you know something so I can bring it to my Dr. to research and help prove these tests are either inaccurate or there's something I'm doing that's eradicating or changing what the test looks for (I don't know if the urine cup test tests for the actual methadone or some metabolite evidence flag it supposedly leaves like some tests for some things do). Thanks!  :( ???
14 Responses
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547368 tn?1440541785
This is a very old thread. You'll obtain more responses and better visibility if you begin a new thread (question).

I'll look forward to your new post.

Thanks So Much,
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7721494 tn?1431627964
Not all UDT (uring drug screens) are equal.

A fast, in office drug screen detects the presences of opiates, which generally includes only codeine and morphine.

This kind of test is called immunoassay.

A second type of test is more accurate. It is done in a medical laboratory. With this test, the medical assistant (or whomever collects the specimen) writes down the medications you are prescribed.

The test is then run on a machine called a mass spectrometer, that detects the metabolites of those particular drugs.

False negative results and (false positive results) are common with immunoassay. The reason it is used is that it is cheap, and it is fast.

However, for accurate results, a physician must use chromatography (or mass spectronomy.)

Talk to your doctor about your results. Explain that you've been taking your medication as directed, and ask if the testing method may have caused a false negative.
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I'm in the same position I don't want be called a liar I'm in a pain managements program and it works great took all my pains am so scared to be called alias or put in that cat agora of not taking my pills it works great and it has changed my life for the better what do I do I take my ills everyday how can it say negative ,is there something that can block it ,please give me some information ,I went back to my primary doctor and I'm hoping it will be in my blood ,I do not want to go back being sick I'm energetic now i feel like I can be free with my medication and it's so little bit 20 milligrams a day and it completely changed me I went from not being able to get up  to doing everything a person has to do to live ,this can't be happening ,but it is I just have to prove that I'm right and ther tests are wrong,I feel so helpless any information could help
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I am a methadone patient and my DR told me that under no circumstances should anyone take tramadol with methadone. It is deadlier than mixing benzos with it. Please do some research on this, it is very dangerous
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1855076 tn?1337115303
This is an old post.  You would do better to post a new question for yourself;  you'll get better answers that way.
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This is crazy I to am now having the same problem . I have a medical condition that leaves me in severe pain which is why i go to a pain doc and have had a neg test I can't figure out why I don't know what to do I am honest take my meds as prescribed, and am not only being called a liar which hurts me just as bad but i am loosing treat ment wich will make my condition worse and spread please and advice will help.
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I am having same problem at my Pain management doctors office, I have been going for over a year & no troubles reported until my last visit, when I came back totally clean! They said I should not be coming up clean with the meds I am on. My meds are as follows: methadone 5 mg 4 times a day (now 5 x a day - changed at time when USC was performed), klonazepam, zanaflex (generic triazidine forget dosage since they removed me from it on same appointment that buds was taken) *** 81 mg x 1 a day, simivastatin, no alcohol or other recreational drugs, I take melotin 5 mg at night, and was taking theraflu Walmart brand for flu like symptoms,  and I was told by nurse to drink plenty of water, but I drink gingeral with cranberry juice that came out at Christmas and they continue to sell and I like the taste, I was on oxycodone after a surgery on left hand from a different doctor which I took as prescribed until pain management doctor told me not any more but 1 week after surgeries (after having a gun shot wound to hand) they will treat me for it after that, I had a couple of low dose oxycodone left over for prn use if needed - I took one 2 to 3 days prior to this visit that did the uds screening. I went back because they said something was wrong with last uds, and would not explain so I was thinking it picked up the oxycodone - but I advised them of that. I get to appointment and they have an attitude except the nurse - note - I always offer them to do a uds every time just in case they need one and do not use bathroom until after they say yes or no. All my other tests has never had problem remind you. Well at the next appointment, the doctor did not see me, he sends in his P A and explains that the problem is I am clean and I shouldn't be with my meds - either I am selling, giving my meds away or over taking it, then he comes in with attitude and says same thing, I said its no way because I take my meds the way they tell me to (so much that I am unable to go on family functions or evendrive to see my father who is dying of cancer, more to be with him). I said it is not away it came back clean - I take my meds and do not deviate from my regiment, and I asked the tech that did the test was I showing what I normally do and she responded yes. But my wife did notice something that I didn't, but I will say and tell that later.. they said I could have crushed a pill to get it to show, but they ran 3 tests on 3 different machines and all of them came back negative for any meds (also prior to being accused- they took me off the generic of zanaflax and placed me on backloflen) - so now I have to return on 30th of this month and take another test. I do not know what to do, I am disabled from around 10 back surgeries, left facial reconstruction, and left metacarpal ring and pinky reconstruction and constantly hurt and I tell them this they gave me the spinal cord stimulator which helps some, but not much, I ask to see if they would increase my dosage a little and they give me an extra pill a day. They told me that there is no way my system should be clean and they have to mark it as I am taking to much and running out too soon. Now if I have to drive to appointments I will not take my meds night before or morning of - due to I am groggy from meds and do not wish to hurt or kill me or someone else - seen it to many times when I was a paramedic and I told them this - because I have no one to drive me. The nurse and p a agreed it was smart in earlier appointments. But after the appointment I called my wife and told her all this and she said yes I remember, the girl that did the test did not label it until u were finished and also that afternoon I had to go back and get right prescriptions because they gave us the wrong ones and gave the wrong appointment time to us. I been in medical field and I know things go wrong, but to accuse someone without showing proof and knowing I always show my meds in a uds w/o problems before and then threaten me that you will cut me from program if it happens again. They would not say it could have been a mess up on their part - but my wife is going next time w/ me as a witness, she is the one who has tofix my meds because I am unable to do so with the injury on my left hand. Any suggestions? On what I should do or say? Sorry for double post - I forgot to hit refresh and this is encase it shows up twice changing title as well. Sorry for typos, tablet auto correct is messing up and has mind of its on
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I am having same problem at my Pain management doctors office, I have been going for over a year & no troubles reported until my last visit, when I came back totally clean! They said I should not be coming up clean with the meds I am on. My meds are as follows: methadone 5 mg 4 times a day (now 5 x a day - changed at time when USC was performed), klonazepam, zanaflex (generic triazidine forget dosage since they removed me from it on same appointment that buds was taken) *** 81 mg x 1 a day, simivastatin, no alcohol or other recreational drugs, I take melotin 5 mg at night, and was taking theraflu Walmart brand for flu like symptoms,  and I was told by nurse to drink plenty of water, but I drink gingeral with cranberry juice that came out at Christmas and they continue to sell and I like the taste, I was on oxycodone after a surgery on left hand from a different doctor which I took as prescribed until pain management doctor told me not any more but 1 week after surgeries (after having a gun shot wound to hand) they will treat me for it after that, I had a couple of low dose oxycodone left over for prn use if needed - I took one 2 to 3 days prior to this visit that did the uds screening. I went back because they said something was wrong with last uds, and would not explain so I was thinking it picked up the oxycodone - but I advised them of that. I get to appointment and they have an attitude except the nurse - note - I always offer them to do a uds every time just in case they need one and do not use bathroom until after they say yes or no. All my other tests has never had problem remind you. Well at the next appointment, the doctor did not see me, he sends in his P A and explains that the problem is I am clean and I shouldn't be with my meds - either I am selling, giving my meds away or over taking it, then he comes in with attitude and says same thing, I said its no way because I take my meds the way they tell me to (so much that I am unable to go on family functions or evendrive to see my father who is dying of cancer, more to be with him). I said it is not away it came back clean - I take my meds and do not deviate from my regiment, and I asked the tech that did the test was I showing what I normally do and she responded yes. But my wife did notice something that I didn't, but I will say and tell that later.. they said I could have crushed a pill to get it to show, but they ran 3 tests on 3 different machines and all of them came back negative for any meds (also prior to being accused- they took me off the generic of zanaflax and placed me on backloflen) - so now I have to return on 30th of this month and take another test. I do not know what to do, I am disabled from around 10 back surgeries, left facial reconstruction, and left metacarpal ring and pinky reconstruction and constantly hurt and I tell them this they gave me the spinal cord stimulator which helps some, but not much, I ask to see if they would increase my dosage a little and they give me an extra pill a day. They told me that there is no way my system should be clean and they have to mark it as I am taking to much and running out too soon. Now if I have to drive to appointments I will not take my meds night before or morning of - due to I am groggy from meds and do not wish to hurt or kill me or someone else - seen it to many times when I was a paramedic and I told them this - because I have no one to drive me. The nurse and p a agreed it was smart in earlier appointments. But after the appointment I called my wife and told her all this and she said yes I remember, the girl that did the test did not label it until u were finished and also that afternoon I had to go back and get right prescriptions because they gave us the wrong ones and gave the wrong appointment time to us. I been in medical field and I know things go wrong, but to accuse someone without showing proof and knowing I always show my meds in a uds w/o problems before and then threaten me that you will cut me from program if it happens again. They would not say it could have been a mess up on their part - but my wife is going next time w/ me as a witness, she is the one who has tofix my meds because I am unable to do so with the injury on my left hand. Any suggestions? On what I should do or say?
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If you are given the option of a hair test that would be best. Methadone is detectable in hair up to 97 days after the last use. Blood testing is by far the most accurate form of drug testing but hair comes in a close second. Some doctors do not like these test as they can be pretty expensive.
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Our fingers are CROSSED!!!!!

Please let us know the results!!!....Sherry
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1417952 tn?1282184460
Thank you so much for your support, all of you. Jaded -- thanks for the link; I will print out a few copies and keep them with me. It's the first bit of anything I've collected on this frustrating and threatening phenomenon I'd never heard of. Runits & Namnam -- thanks for reminding me of the hair test... no, I didn't think to ask for a blood test at the time. I wish I would have, you know, at the same visit this last time... one thing occurred to me, since this has happened twice now with those same urine cups, I'd like to repeat it in front of him -- let him watch me swallow my pills, remain at the office so they know I didn't vomit or skew the results somehow to provide false consistency, and test 6 hours later like is about how long these tests have been after my last dose. There have been 6 people practically rolling their eyes a me and saying they've never heard of this, but I just pray the lab results come in positive. It scares me how they say how the amount I'm taking is usually 100's of 5 more than necessary to usually show them very distinct positives. I'll go read Jaded's recommended article now. Thank you all and cross your fingers for me :)
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I'm very sorry that you are having to go through this.  What did your Doctor tell you after you had this False negative the First time?  Has he DEFINITELY Red Flagged you or is there still a CHANCE that he will keep you as a Patient?  Did you request a Blood Test?

I'm very concerned for you as the withdrawals are supposed to be VERY hard with Methadone.  I'm also concerned that you were using Alcohol with your Methadone.  I've heard that can be a DEADLY combination!!!  PLEASE if you are taking Opiates or ANY Narcotics for your pain DON'T DRINK with it!!!!  I KNOW I sound like your Grandmother ro Mother but that's because I AM a Mother and a Grandmother!!!  :)

I wish you the best of luck and hope that this works out for you!!!.......Sherry

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I am very happy for you that you have found a treatment that gives you the relief you need to live your life!  That is the goal of pain management and it's great to hear a good story of how someone is able to compete in archery, even with CP.
One of our dear Community Leaders, Sandee1818, has collected a good deal of research about Urine Analysis and the many instances of legitimate, honest Chronic Pain patients who have tested false negative for their medications.  Here is a link to her journal:
I have read that many times when a patient tests negative at the doctor's office and requests a lab test, the lab test comes back with the correct results.
One thing that I noticed that you took that might have made a difference is the cranberry pill.  Cranberries are good at flushing your kidneys and other toxins from the body, however, you only took one pill and I know cranberries don't flush everything out of your body.  It may have been a combination of things, or it could have just been a fluke.  It does happen a lot.
According to a VA research program that Sandee has found, I believe 40% of the participants tested false negative.
I hope that the lab report comes back correctly for you so you can continue with the treatment that is working so well for you.  If you have any problems with your doctor or even if you don't and just want to be throrough, I recommend printing out the research and bringing it to the doctor's office.  Some doctors don't have the time or the interest to do the research and sometimes need to have the info brought to their attention.
I hope it all works out for you!
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Trust me, no one here is going to tell you that you should not be taking pain meds if you're a chronic pain patient. Drug test are far from perfect. And that's really all there is to it. There is no such thing as a 100% accurate test. A lab test might be more accurate and hopefully it will show the methadone but no one can say for sure. Maybe request a blood test or hair test if you really have to.
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