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I was just needing some advice on my medication

Hi i have been going to a pain clinic for the past 3 years,last month my dr decides he dosen't take my insurance as a secondary payment.Every time i have went every month i have passed all drug tests and all pill counts,i have at least 2 to 3 injections every month which i was told was too much.I am a 52 year old woman have been disabled for 13 years,i have a degenerative disc disease,post tramatic stress disorder,depression and severve panic attacks.In 2007 my husband shot me with a long colt 45 point blank in my shoulder which busted it up very painful,then he killed himself in front of me with a sawed off shotgun really disturbed me and still does not counting the pain.i have nerves around bullet fragments and a torn rotary cuff,plus my back problems.I went yesterday to see the new dr that my dr that i have been seeing for 3 years sent me to.I have been on fentanyl 50 mg patches,plus percocet tens 4 times a day which last month they wrote them out for just the oxycodone 10 mg.I have been use to taking the other but the pharmacist says it would work better for me,anyway to make a long story short this new dr tells me hes taking me off my pain meds cold turkey,he wrote out my script for my patches and i have to go next week for a nerve injection,I am terrified of being drug sick,can he take me off cold turkey like this,shouldn't he taper me off or something,i have read bad things can really happen when you are withdrawing from pain medications and i don't want to do that i am sick enough without that pain.Anyone out there please i need some advice on what to do.I asked him twice are you sure i won't withdraw from not taking this medicine after taking it for so long,he says no you will be fine.I am scared,i have enough pain medicine for 6 more days i have been breaking them in half anything i can do.Well this is my first time getting on here and asking anyone for help but i sure do need some advice as to what to do.Thanks for reading this and may you have a Blessed day!!!
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I'm so sorry about everything you've been through.
Did your Dr even give you a reason for taking you off of your break through meds? It's very common to have these when you're on a long acting med like the Fentanyl patch. It sounds like this Dr needs to learn a great deal more about pain and pain medications.
Would it be possible for you to see a different Dr?
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What your doctor told you, in my humble opinion, is medical malpractice.  I took 40 mgs a day of oxy, and when I stopped, I went through a LOT of withdrawals. Now I don't want you to panic.    It wasn't life threatening, just very very yucky.    But my doctor was there for me for support, supportive meds, and also to learn...because he too thought it "wouldn't be that bad."  He know admits he was wrong.

Just to be clear:  He DID refill the patches, but not the pills, right?  Is he going to have you stay on the patches?

There is a huge move amongst the medical profession to get patients off pain meds...it's reactionary to the opiate epidemic sweeping this country and the world.   And a lot of doctors are making knee-jerk decisions like this...as an physician, he took an oath to "first do no harm."  I think he's violating that...

You need a plan to get off the meds besides just stopping them cold turkey.  Again...I'd either find another doctor, or go back to this guy and take another run at seeing about a taper.    Don't let him talk you into methadone...PLEASE.  From what I've read on here, it is a horrible drug and worse to w/d from than opiates.

Good luck...we're here for you if you need support...

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To Kristen:From what I read he's givin Her both. She said she's got 6 days left of meds and she's breaking Her pills in half to make them last!

to Lakota: this doesn't sound right?? You really need to talk to your doctor about tapering off your meds,especially the fentanyl! That's a lot of drugs just to say "no I'm cutting you off c/t". It is doable,and we will be here to help as much as possible! You really need to check out some N/A AA Meetings. You've been on this drugs a long time and your emotions have been through a roller coaster ride! I'm so so sorry to hear what happened to! I couldn't even imagine. Please stick around this site and like I said we will be here for you as much as humanly possible! <3 <3
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He still gave you the fentanyl patch just not the pills?   Wasn't clear on that
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Hi and welcome! IMO, your dr is outta his everlovin mind if he thinks your not going to have withdrawals from these meds. Have you discussed with him your fears and concerns about going cold turkey?? If not, then I surely would, maybe he'd consider some sort of taper. But, if he still wants you to cold turkey it, I would suggest looking up the Thomas recipe. Some folks say it works, others not so much, just depends on the individual I guess.

Btw~ I'm so very sorry for what happened to you. Nobody deserves to have that happen to them. God bless...
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