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Is there not an actual Pain Management Dr. on MH?

I was just curious about having an actual Board Certified Pain Management Dr. to post on a few threads once in awhile...

No offense to the other Drs....but I see that their backgrounds are things like Pediatrics or OB/GYN....so it seems strange that they are the ones answering questions on here...

Obviously I also enjoy the other members and their thoughts...but I think that many come on the boards to ask an actual Dr. a question that refers to Pain Management specifically...
31 Responses
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is it just weathergirl and omhome who are concerned and desire more of a group feel---peer group--more sharing of personal experience--etc.. Are you tired of seeing one after another dr. posts lined up bumping the rest of us off or do you care?
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ok now just a thought---a possibility---a fantasy-------
    Why don't all of you guys (i am there already) come on over to our very comfy couch and join with us in trying to get a cohesive permanent (!?) effective --everything good----etc---and so forth---and all that----with some humor--popcorn- and- movie-couch!----free!
    C'mon   it's a couch for god's sake! What do you guys have? Hmmmmm!?
     I am joking people don't get upset (sometimes my humor sorta misses the mark and i get in trouble over it--but just can't stop doin' it).
     Reality:  Let's see what can be done if anything---i tried to say hi to the drs. but no response!!!!   Omhome
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And wanted to add...the reason that the answers by the Dr. doesn't foster a sense of community is that most everyone who gets an answer by the DR. on the first post...they are not likely to return as they think that the board has done it's "job" and they got what they wanted.

So....ANYONE from MH.......could you PLEASE come and answer this once and for all for us?
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thanks and well said weathergirl----alright group does someone have an idea or a way to change this or should we just allow it and pretty much ignore it. And i do agree it is "dangerous" so perhaps we shouldn't just let it be.  OK? Any thoughts you guys?  om
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Yep.....Almost every day we still see the same two Drs. come on and blast a bunch of answers...It seems very "mechanical" in that they aren't really paying attention to details like right now there are two identical posts from the same member and the Dr. answers both identically without a mention of this....

I don't understand why this keeps happening if this board is truly a "peer" group board.

That's why I keep saying that it's way too confusing for so many who come and post (that are new) as they want an answer from a DR. and DR. only and they see others getting this so it doesn't foster a sense of "community"...

And my first comment was that IF a Dr. is supposed to be on this board...then it seems it should be an actual PM Dr. and someone who is qualified and trained in that area.

I just think it's dangerous actually for people to see the Dr. designation by these two and will take anything they have to say as gospel....

It seems it is a losing battle as we haven't gotten a comment from anyone at MedHelp on this:(
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again our community must see all the questionable posts answered clinically  
and impersonally. We are a peer group and relate personally----why are they at this place? Thank you for the question weathergirl!  omhome
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1855076 tn?1337115303
Personally, I've been sort of overwhelmed for the last year with my dad's health issues and haven't been as active as I was previously.  Breathing techniques are certainly a part of my regimen in dealing with my pain.  Breathing and distraction are two very useful tools in dealing with chronic pain. Maybe some times we forget  because they are so simple!

I don't know why this forum has become less active and doesn't have a good group of participants.  I know there are other pain management forums on other sites and maybe they're more active than this.  It really is a shame as
i think MedHelp is overall a great site and seems to have good members in the different communities.

Maybe if we keep posting on a regular basis we can get a number of regulars posting and it can veer back to the type of forum this used to be.  I'm not sure really what we could create a post for or about to get people more interested.  I may check to see if I PM some of the members that used to be here if they're interested in trying to get this forum more active.  Maybe if there are regular posts regarding general pain management issues it will entice people to post their own questions and their own experiences.  It seems like a lot of the questions ask are very general without giving much specific information about their chronic pain history and experiences.
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it is looking like everybody is "forgetting" about the couch. I think it is just that there is not interest in doing what i ask members to do. I think perhaps you or someone else could start up a different focus with a new thread that more would find inspiring and would then participate.  Participating is the name of the game here online as the energy has to keep current and has to be of almost instant gratification.  I have been asking too much i guess!  Well---to tell you the truth---it isn't working. Nobody is even doing the preliminary breathing meditations. And they work and all of you know that they work but as far as doing what is required to make them "work"  well---a different story.    
I love you guys and want your suffering to stop or at least lessen and you could do that if you would.    Why Won't You??!?!        om  shanti
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1855076 tn?1337115303
I keep forgetting about the Couch!
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i am thinking that it is time---it is your turn ---you are definitely qualified from what i have read--to take on one of those roles that you miss. We all learn more when we teach or share what  we can. So Marycarmel you are now one of those "core members" for others will that come after you.
     You can do it and it will energize and "re-spark" your inner fire!!!  I look forward to it. Please consider the Couch for a future home base---i am trying to form a cohesive and lasting group there---see whatcha think Mary.  omhome
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1855076 tn?1337115303
I would just like to chime in that not all that long ago, this board was very active with chronic pain patients and the leaders, Tuckamore and another person I can't remember, had excellent advice and were very knowledgeable.  There were "core" members here and it was more of a support board and also directing people to where they could find information regarding a particular procedure, medication, etc.  We would get the odd question from someone who wasn't dealing with chronic pain issues and they would be directed to a more appropriate board.

Personally, I would like to see the board return to that type of board.  I think a lot of us have decent doctors but chronic pain is very difficult for other people in our lives to understand.  I find myself very frustrated  because, for example, my sister just can't grasp my limitations.  

I have been in a big funk lately.  I've been a bit depressed but I'm starting to feel a bit more hopeful and hope I can be a bigger part of this community.
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3112530 tn?1434032033
After reading some of these posts, I will admit, it is easier to ask questions then it is to do your own research. I still rely on the old method of researching and then calling the facility to ask questions. Recently, I have found doctors NOW in my area that are treating issues of my pain management that was never done before. Finally they are educating some of these doctors to recognize issues of pain without the use of drugs. As always they recommend a physical therapy program but I constantly remind them, that I can't do a pt program when I am in so much pain. The Botox injection helped and I have returned to Pilates stretching program for the first time in years.
Doing research may be tiring but worth it when I find a doctor who can actually treat my issues. My current pain management doctor and I are constantly fighting to get me treatment. She recommends one thing and then rescinds her decision. She has proven to be questionable at best and that is enough for me to go to another doctor for treatment. I shouldn't have to fight with a doctor to get treatment but all she recommends is refilling morphine. That is not the answer! She needs an education in how to deal with pain management issues and patients who depend on her medical expertise.
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i agree----i don't get it either.  Wrong place for it and mh hasn't told them? I'm with you on this one weathergirl!   Omhome
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Nope....no one seems to respond about this and as you can see on this page....the same two Drs. who are both non PM Drs. or have any background to chronic pain (that I can see) continue to blast the page with responses.

I found one response that was completely off base with regards to the Fentanyl patch so this goes back to my concern that people coming to this board think it is a "Dr. centered" board and will accept their "advise" as gospel and follow to a t.

So...I just don't understand why these Drs. keep responding here?

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did you ever get any answers or hear from drs. weathergirl? In notes---other threads etc.? om
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hey weathergirl :  sorry to go way off track here ---i seem to do that often--0---
    I get your point now and i can see how if a new person saw all the dr responses stacked up they would think we are dr place.  
    Something else is afoot though. Everytime i have asked a dr or one of the posters of an "iffy" question to share more about themselves etc. they never Never have responded! I even ask hey prove to me you are a real person and nothing.   I don't know. Seems suspicious and i wish they would just come clean with the good old truth.
   Alright---sorry again weathergirl.    Omhome
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3112530 tn?1434032033
I have got to admit, my orthopedic surgeon has the 'God like complex' and I was rather surprised but his bedside manner was great and he never mentioned the word 'paralysis' He did not feel that was an issue. That caught my attention and although I could see that he was full of himself, he built up confidence in me and did the surgeries I requested. Two surgeries failed but the third helped and 5 years later they had to take out the metal implant due to nerve impingement which was a good thing for me (I didn't want that damned thing but agreed it would help and it did for a time but had to be taken out because my nerves were growing back) This was all explained to me along with scar tissue and the like. This doctor would not operate on me unless medically necessary and I trust his judgment in spite of his 'god complex' he did a great job. I give him credit and trust his judgment and would return to him in a heartbeat. Every other doctor I had been to said I could wind up with paralysis.
My orthopedic doctor is a VERY friendly man who is honest abut what he is going to do, what the side effects can be and what future treatments are needed including the physical therapy which I am finally doing almost 5 years later.
The pain management doctor he recommended turned out to need more patient direct care on handling her patients. It seems I have intimidated her with my questions and she called me up to ask if her and I would be a good fit together. Any doctor worth their salt would not be intimidated by a patient who knows the medical field. I worked in this field for 11 years at an ER and see what doctors do on a day to day basis. Apparently that is what intimidated this pain management doctor when I asked her how many times she has performed this procedure and questions like that. I finished my treatment with her and it will be the last time I trust her 'ego'. I can now move on to someone who knows how to treat patents with procedures instead of drugs and I know they are out there.
Now I am doing physical therapy and moving on to the second stage of accomplishment and let me tell you...I have the EGO now and the devil with the doctors.....!
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ok--so i am not being paranoid---or i have a lot of company! HA!  
     thanks    you folks are awesome.
Now. How is your practice of breathing and focusing going or did it get lost somewhere. If it did someone please take responsibility for putting the instructions together so all can see them and start doing them. We really could build something of value for all of us here. But we need all of us.
Please help me get this going---i have been trying for months (that's right --months)  to energize this baby---and baby it is=---and it takes a Community to raise it!!!HA!     Omhome      
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875426 tn?1325528416
I do see that some post with hopes a doctor will answer and they don't want to hear from others.  I guess it's up to those members of a community who don't hold a professional status on Medhelp to tell them it's a patient community and there is no guarantee any doctor will respond on here.  And if they desire a doctor to respond, there are doctor forums here on the right:

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4190741 tn?1370177832
I like the idea of community helping community....I have seen a few " Ask The Doctor" web sites where you ask a question and the doctor replies via the forums  and it is usually so busy there, I have very rarely even seen a reply from a genuine doctor in a timely manner.  No doctor worth his/her  salt will try to diagnose someone that writes them a letter in a public forum.

You can go to a few sites on the Internet that have info on many illnesses or conditions....One of the sites is Web MD and another good one is the Mayo Clinic and Wikipedia is also got great links for a person to be pointed to.

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My point was that I see certain Drs. that will take a large chunk of posts every few days and respond to them so it will appear to most all new members that this is a Dr. oriented board. This usually ends up pushing all the other posts to the next page.

And the confusing part was that the Drs. that do respond here do not have any specific training in pain management.

Even right now at the top of every page there is a link mentioning "Dr. Garth Nicolson is now answering your questions at the xyz board"....

So I think many new posters here think (mistakenly) that this is a Dr. centered board so they keep waiting for a Dr. to respond to them and seem to dismiss anything that many of us as other patients would have to say.

Case in point a thread about giving a gift to a new Dr....the member directly asked a poster..."Are you a Dr.?"....

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875426 tn?1325528416
Before I was disabled, I asked for help with my own taxes- you're on your own there! ;0)

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madman----i have had the same good experiences and always it is a Woman Doctor---really---they don't seem to have the God complex of many male docs i have seen over the years. My daughter is one of those good ones who seem to care and keep up with research etc. for the benefit of their patients!! Maybe the male docs are more interested in golf! HA! That should get me some "mail"!   Love you guys---=omhome
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3112530 tn?1434032033
I read your original post and let me offer my experience with drs. that answer. I asked a specific questions one time (I don't remember on what post) and got an answer from an obgyn female doctor which surprised me so I asked about her credentials. She responded to me by explaining that she stays on top of medical information and any updated information she can pass on to her patients which really surprised me but nice to see.
WISH MORE DOCTORS WOULD RESPOND LIKE THAT!!! At any rate it was nice to learn something positive from an obgyn doctor who showed she cared.
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