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So I just got a call from my doctor's office confirming my appt tomorrow.  They then proceeded to notify me (with less than 24 hours notice) that my doctor's appt is going from $150 a month to $175 and that the roxicodone 30 I am prescribed and have filled at thier office has gone up to $6 a pill.  To spare you the math, my prescription (as it is, although he is tapering me down) would be $720!
My husband immediately called them back to ask why the dramatic increase in price (it was previously around $200) and if another pharmacy can fill it for a decent price.  They confirmed what we already know, that it's nearly impossible to find at any pharmacy here, and they said they assumed that the other pharmacies in the area the do carry it probably use the same distributor (which is the reason for the increase in price).  I am just floored!
I have, although, been wanting to talk to the doctor about switching me to something more long acting.  I am going to ask if maybe oxycontin with percoset for BT would work, or if not, something else.  I'm pretty sure my insurance covers MSContin and I think it covers Fentanyl.  
I am just so shocked and dismayed and I'd like to know if anyone has some advice for me?
30 Responses
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1187071 tn?1279369698
I can't believe they call you the day before your appt to tell you this, plus your pregnant they have to know what kind of stress that one phone call would make for you. I can't believe the price went up so high. I would do what you said you was going to and talk to the dr about putting you on something else that is cheaper for you.
Hope everythign works out for you hun.
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82861 tn?1333453911
I am thunderstruck.  There is no way I could be in PM at all with that kind of pricing.  I hope your doc will change you over to something cheaper, and more important something that will at least work as well for you.  I wonder how long before the government decides to "regulate" the fentanyl patch and MScontin?  What a world we live in.
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356518 tn?1322263642
I know I have the same problem, My oxycodone 30 use to cost 120 and last month it was 370!!!
The pharmacist said it is because the government is pressuring the drug companies about the amount that are producing!
The price is the same everywhere I have checked every pharmacy between Lake city and Tampa.
This also happened when the shortage was in effect about a year ago!
it is terrible!
I hate to see the price when I have to go back!
I was looking into a cheaper alternative myself and will talk to my doctor.
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The baby is doing great.  Very active and seems happy.  You know, I didn't realize who you were until a few days ago!  You must have done the name change when my internet was out.  Thank you, it's good to see you too, by the way! :)

My only problem with the percoset is that the dosage only goes up to 10/325 and the oxycodone I'm on now is 30 mg.  So it would take 3 at a time to equal what I take now and that would be waaay too much acetomenophen.

I was looking at the preferred drug list of my insurance company and it covers MSContin, Fentanyl, and nearly everything else.  The only thing it doesn't cover is oxycontin, it requires a pre-approval and there's no telling how long that could take.  I only have enough medicine left until mid-day tomorrow, basically my appointment time, and won't be able to wait the weekend or anything.

We're also in dire financial straights right now and are counting on a deposit tomorrow to pay for my appointment.  If that doesn't come through we will have to sell something or pawn it to pay for my appointment alone.
The stress of this is putting me in so much pain!
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I'm so VERY sorry that you are no FACED with this TERRIBLE obstacle!! Just when you had EVERYTHING going your way!!

Hang in there Sweetheart and see what you can find out by calling the OTHER Pharmacies. I DO know that I think it was Sandee that was talking about the HUGE increase in the price of Percocet. I don't have to pay the price because of my insurance FORTUNATELY!! I wouldn't be able to afford it if I did.

OH - I just thought of something what about the Mail Order Pharmacies? They might be priced differently. Why don't you try them and see what the prices are.

Please let us know what you find out....Good Luck....Sherry
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OMG, why is is so expensive?  I hope they can change your meds.  I remember my friend that was pregnant she had some sort of medical condition and took percocet the whole time she was pregnant until a few days before she gave birth and they tapered it down a little.  So, I feel confident the percocet will work for you.  How is that baby of yours doing? I'm so glad to see you on here, my friend.
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