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    Hi, I have been taking fentanyl for aprox. 8 yrs and have been on 150mcg every 48 hrs. I started weaning off at 25 mcg at a time. After getting below 100mcgs all hell started. Then I was so miserable and when I was cut to 50mcg I couldnt stand it anymore so decided to do cold turkey just to get it over with. I was like I wanted to die from all the withdrawal symptons. It now has been 30 days and still feel like ****. It took 3 weeks to finally tell that I started getting better ever so slightly. Still miserable and  but can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I expect it may last for moths.If anyone has been there where I was please let me know how long it took to feel good again. Thanks,
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3112530 tn?1434032033
I realize this may be a tough drug to kick but that is how powerful the drug is. You don't realize it until it is too late. I am not here to lecture, just give my support so here it is:
I was taking both Fentanyl and Morphine for pain issues. What a double whammy!!! After I looked in the mirror and scared myself to death, I stopped the Fentanyl that night. The FEAR is what made me do it!
Yes, it was rough but worth it!!! Yes, I went through the withdrawal and yes, it was hard on me also. Looking at death in the mirror was enough to get me started.
After a few days I called my family doctor to advise him what I was doing. He gave me zanex for the anxiety but told me he is only giving me an emergency short supply and to use it only as needed. That same day, I stopped the morphine (about a week apart from one another)
It took me about three days to feel the full effects of the fentanyl withdrawal and the morphine. Stomach cramps, sleep deprivation etc. I took the zanex only at night until it finally kicked in. Eventually I got a couple of hours sleep and that is the start of the medications looking control over your body and mind. Plenty of water, to clean out my system, vitamins, food and only muscle relaxers for pain issues. I had to sweat it out but withing a few weeks I was feeling better. I could think a little better. That also was an improvement. Since I saw improvement in my thinking, I felt confident that I could do this and stick with it and have for over 5 years now.
I will never go back to fentanyl again. That drug took too much away from me and the deception is that I did not even know it. When I began to think clearer, I noticed an overall feeling of better sleep, wanting to eat and clearly thinking now.
It is a rough road as I mentioned but worth every second invested so PLEASE STICK WITH IT!!!! You will see positive results shortly and understand HOW MUCH CONTROL THIS DRUG HAD ON YOU AND WILL NEVER HAVE AGAIN, RIGHT????!!!!
So stick with it and you will see daylight in a whole different view and I promise you, fear will never take you again...unless you let it, so take back the control and do it!!!
Good luck!!!
29 Responses
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7567066 tn?1392068986
You are SO strong, and SUCH an inspiration to me as I prepare to go cold turkey.  "Normal" people don't have a thing on us!

A few tips/pieces of advice that I have learnt through my own research on how to survive this........
- If you're still experiencing diarrhea, you should pick-up some Immodium.  It's not safe to get dehydrated, and it could further complicate things.

- Have you been taking extra electrolytes in the form of Gatorade sports drinks?  Epsom Salts baths (even just a foot bath if you don't have a tub) also help.

- The diarrhea means that you're not absorbing enough nutrients which are crucial for you to start healing, both body and mind.  Ensure is good for this, as are smoothies with high-quality protein powder (Vega brand is great), though I think that for this acute phase that you're in, Ensure would be the way to go.

- You also need to sleep -- three weeks is way too long to go without much of it.  There is a non-addictive medication called Clonidine that helps with anxiety caused by withdrawals.  You should make an appt with your doctor to discuss the insomnia and anxiety issues.  Getting proper sleep should help this process.

- You can google "The Thomas Recipe" which lists all this info, as well as the vitamins and supplements that are recommended both long and short-term.

These things are really important, and I can't believe that your doctor didn't prepare you for what you need to take to keep yourself healthy.  Remember that you have to be extra good to yourself right now, and that every seemingly small victory is a major accomplishment.

All the best, and keep me posted.
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Thanks so much to everyone that has responded. Just knowing people really care and are willing to offer advice helps a lot. It seems like every day I feel better I get set back for a couple days. I will try the L-DOPA and learn more about PAWS. You people are great cause I feel nobody I know even has the slightest idea what I am experiencing. I spent 2 weeks that I could barely walk or even leave the house. Still have extreme anxiety,cant sleep more than a 2 or 3 hrs.at night. My whole body still hurts and the crying and mental pain is still very bad as is the diahrrea. But I know in my heart everything will be fine with time. My Dr. said to expect 7 to 10 days of feeling bad but he is so wrong. Thanks again to all and hope I can help someone in the future.This forum is great for people to understand the seriousness of addiction.  
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7567066 tn?1392068986
Just one other idea...
The addictions forums have a lot of excellent information on these issues.  I know that, like me, you're a chronic pain sufferer not an addict.  However, our brains all go through similar processes in the presence and absence of opiates.  The addiction forums honestly have the best info that I have found anywhere, and really address the brain chemistry recovery issues.
Hope that some of this helps:)
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7567066 tn?1392068986
I am in the same situation as you, and about to go cold turkey, as well, after tapering down off of Oxycontin and Oxycodone for the treatment of chronic pain (Interstitial Cystitis, Fibromyalgia, and severe undiagnosed GI issues).  I have tapered down to 1/12th of the dose that I was at the height of my illness, and have found the end to be just awful anxiety-wise, as well.  I, too, have decided not to prolong the process.
My doctor has told me that it will take about a year for the Post Acute Withdrawal symptoms (PAWS) to abate, and I think that is what you're experiencing.  This is true for about 90% of cases.  You should google PAWS to see what you can do to try and get through it.  From what I've read, there are vitamins and supplements you can take to help your brain repair and re-set itself.  Also, exercise is supposed to help, as well, as it produces dopamine which is the happy chemical.  I think that you can also take a supplement called L-Dopa which is supposed to help, as well.  Another supplement is L-Tyrosine.  Some people find that they need an anti-depressant during this period to help with serotonin levels.
Basically, when we were taking the pain meds, our brains stopped producing the chemicals they need to function properly and there is a recovery period.
Like you said, reminding yourself that there IS a light at the end of the tunnel is extremely important.  You should be extremely proud of yourself for what you have accomplished.  Stay in touch, if you'd like.  It would be great to have someone to walk this experience with and to trade information on what works.
Love and light.
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I was on Fentanyl patch for many yrs also. Dr weaned me off after back surgery. The withdrawals were hell I agree! I have been on Percocet ever since. Took about 3 mths to feel better. Absolutely the best thing I did. I didn't realize how crappy Fentanyl was making me feel til off of it. You will feel so much better. It is nasty stuff. Hope your feeling better soon!
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