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Pain on toe after pedicure

So igot a pedicure today since I've been wantin to get one for a while. My nails were a bit short to begin with so when the lady cut them I thought that was weird. The she used that filer which hurt them a little bit. When she used the cuticle cutter that also hurt a little bit but I thought maybe I take pain worse than others so I didn't say anything. Once she put the nail polish and the other one on, all my nails stung and I've never had that happen before. Before she was done, I noticed that on my second to last toe on my right foot was stinging more and if you've ever had this certain pain where you just gently run your finger on something and just the touch of it, stings and hurts well that's the pain I have. I put neoaporin and a bandaid on it. But it's still stinging a little bit. Should I just continue to put the neoaporin on it? It's pain reliever and first aid antibiotic cream. Ugh.
2 Responses
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Hi there,

I agree with Shinty's comments. I think you should let the woman who
gave you this pedicure know that you are in pain. Although free pedicures are good, personally if a woman gives me a bad pedicure, novice or not,
that's the last time they will ever see me. My mom had a pedicure one
time which resulted in a toe intection so painful , she needed to be seen
by a doctor. She needed antibiotics as well as having her toe soaks
in Epsom salts. I'm not suggesting you do this by the way. I once had a
pedicure where I was cut with nail scissors and got an infection.
Good luck. Eve
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1326416 tn?1370927001
I think you got your pedicure by an a novice, or someone really new to the business of pedicures. I'd call them , or stop by and let them know what happened to you so nobody else has to go through what you are going through. maybe you will get a free pedicure, etc. out of the deal?!!! I think you will be okay just keeping it clean and dry until it heals. The pain will subside after a day or two. It is really painful, and you should really let them know to "ward off" anymore needless human suffering! Take care, and happy future (and free?) pedicure(s).
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