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Am I the only one with PATM who since having it has lost the ability to concentrate?

Since the middle of my university career, I have had PATM, and since that day I have realized that my ability to concentrate when studying, taking exams and performing at my job, are much worse than before, the doubt is, I don't know If it happens to all the PATMERS or just me?
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I have the same problem as well. If you look up Candida it's one of the side effects, as well as fatigue. I notice when I am on the Candida diet that those side effects improve, but I have never disciplined myself to stick to the diet and see it through to the end.
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I thought I had a systemic yeast infection. But the stool test was negative.
Candida may be a factor but it's not the cause. I think it has to do with low Serotonin, because this is also involved in immunity, plus low Serotonin = depression.
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Yes it is called brain fog, your ability to think is gone
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And the worst thing for me at least was that even when i got rid of my brainfog is that PATM reactions still exist.
How did you got rid of your Brainfog ? I implement a keto diet but even after 4 weeks it is still there
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I've had it for years (and years). I really feel (my  own situation will attest to this) that it's a reaction by the nervous system to anxiety or flat out fear. I get waves of it, particularly released from my feet that even I am allergic to. Every minute of my life now is consumed with this crap. Debilitating? That would only begin to describe it. I do know that, in my case, smokes, caffeine, any stimulants make it much worse. If I have a hangover, and I've had coffee and a few smokes. I could walk in to a gym and some would start sneezing. My Dr. doesn't know what I'm talking about.
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