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Anyone in Bay Area open to a meetup

I am a middle aged programmer by profession suffering from this illness. Just want some friends who are in the same hole as me
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I know this is a patm forum but just wanted your opinion on how i should go about figuring out if i like front end, backend, or full stack development. I am pretty new to programming but i solved https://leetcode.com/problems/max-points-on-a-line/ in my first month of self taught programming so i dont know if thats any indication of how good i am.
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Honestly I learnt it pretty much the traditional way, going to a uni and getting two degrees. The problem with self taught programming is always going to be about convincing future employers that you are good enough to work.
Leetcode style is pretty much backend work. Algorithms mainly come to play in the backend. Front end has a different sort of complexity
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I'm not from the Bay Area (I'm in Illinois actually), but I've been dealing with this condition for a number of years, so I understand what you're going through. If you ever need someone to talk to, don't be afraid to reach out to me. This condition doesn't only do a number on your body, but also it breaks you don't mentally from people's reactions to you. I'll be starting cdl school soon, and am thinking about being a long distance driver.  Maybe we can meet up sometime.
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