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Anyone normal person can get PATM by FMT from PATM donor

Given what we know so far, there’s a high probability that any normal person can get PATM from a PATM FMT donor. It doesn’t have to last forever but they can experience it for a while. To get permanent PATM, they’ll have to take strong antibiotics for 4 days then get 1 or more FMT from us and they’ll struggle with PATM for the rest of their life…lol. Non-PATMers will then understand what it’s like experience it in real life instead of making ill-informed claims in this forum to accept their unproven suggestions.
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A new born baby gets his first strains of gut microbiota from their mum because of the close proximity of the vagina and anus.

Therefore, I would guess perhaps if PATMer mother bears a baby, chances are that child will have patm as it grows up. This shouldn’t always happen with father son relationship because the son needs a dose of antibiotics to intervene.
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Researchers from MeBO said this. If FMT works it would work better with match-eligible donors. They mean same genetics and lifestyle. For instance, a twin brother would be better than just a random donor.
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why would you wish this curse on anybody else?
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LOL…sounds like you’re referring to yourself. Just kidding, you’re ok.

But anyway wouldn’t you want non-PATMers who trolled the PATM forum all these years to have a taste of this problem? It’s only fair if they get PATM and experience it, then try to see if their psychological gimmicks work against a biological problem, wouldn’t you agree that’s fair and justice? I think most patmers would agree. If someone believe AIDS can be solved psychologically and presses his beliefs on AIDS patient despite the lack of evidence, the right thing is for him to get himself infected first and try the psychological treatment on himself before pressuring other people to try it.

Btw, my post was not a wish, it’s a prediction. A theory is more credible when it has so many predictions.
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