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PATM Trying to figure it out

Hi everyone! first of all my enligsh is not the best but anyway, im a patm sufferer for 7 years and lately ive really tried to fix this BS situation but with little or no progress at all. First i was thinking it was all in my head, Then later on tought i had a bad breath or that it was just my clothes that smelled bad.. causing the usuall reaction you know from people , sniff sniff* cough cough* rubbing nose etc.

Then i started doing reaserch about it. And thought i had TMAU but i don't think thats the case here. Because no one has ever told me that i smelled bad thou it can seem like it from peoples face they are making sometimes you know and my friends wants to be around me but they never say anything it's just reactions and i mean they can be really bad reactions too like my closest friend he sniffs like a mfer around me non stop but i don't get it why isn't he saying anything is he aware of it self? i have been trying vegan diet, eliminating diary, coffee, sugar, along with that i tried liquid chlorofyll , Reservastrol , Pau de arco tea , Beano tablets, Colon cleanse etc. At this point it seem hopeless and sometimes i really starting to just think its all in my head and i wish it was lol. And its mentally exhausting.. it seem to be something that is odorless or sometimes a odor but where does it come from? and why did it start all of a sudden? so many questions but so little answers. Tired of spending money honestly, Also lets say im standing beside someone that is smelling reallllyyy bad i don't sniff or cough do YOU? i just hold my breath and walk away thats what i don't get. Do you agree? WT* is this ..Spiritual and energy? the mind? Have a good day!
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No your English is very good PATMmm. I don't know what country you're from but you do mention that your friends don't see it as an issue. That is the same with me, friends, family and others will rather spend time with me (and i know they uncomfortable) then risk hurting my feelings. Some never even seem to be uncomfortable. it's got a lot do with tact and manners - respect for other people. I hope that wherever you are from you are treated the same. Some of the stories i have read on the previous site were dreadful. How could people be so hurtful.
I've also gone through all the expenses of buying products and trying not to eat this and that and i'm just over it. It makes me look unhealthy, lacking nutrition and just seems weird to others when for instance i would go to a BBQ and just have a raw salad. Well, I've given up, i for one am sure that I have TMAU as emitting egg-like odours from anywhere after eating happens often. No matter what I eat.
I have also wondered what you say. Would we cough, choke, sneeze around something that smells bad. No, we just cup our noses. It also makes me think when i watch a movie and see a detective investigating a decaying corpse, sometimes people do vomit or choke in that scenario so it must be really really bad if we're causing reactions. That unnerves me. Some past members on this forum say some people have PATM that smells and others say the opposite.
Sorry buddy I gotta run chat soon. Stick in there. I've also had PATM for 7 years so we share that in common.

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Thank you for your comment! i'm from Sweden how about you? Yeah i mean no one is like coming up to me and say it to my face, Maybe they talk behind my back who knows.. it's really frustrating especially when you try over and over again with diets and supplements and spend alot of money without any real success and like you say about looking unhealthy,
lacking nutrition and can't enjoy a good BBQ with friends because you are afraid that you will produce a smell after eating haha im laughing at it it's so stupid.

i Think i got less 'Reactions'
when i elminated Diary and started taking Oxypowder you should try it!. So i only drink Rice milk , And i also think Protein from meats and alcohol is the biggest trigger but i don't know, This is driving me insane because for one day i can go without non to little reactions at all and then all of sudden i get reminded how is it for you? all the time? and what kind of reactions?.Oh can you smell yourself btw? i can't. Take care pogo651 don't give up!
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Ive been trying to tell people that the source is the nose.

Ive done many many many tests of this, with my own mother as a test subject.

I sit in a room with her and within 10 mins shes coughing. I started this experiment due to one day getting REALLY fed up with the coughing non stop, I hear it at work and come home and hear it from Mom. So I decide to wear one of those medical masks, the kind that sick people wear. I notice her coughing was not as severe, and that it was actually beginning to make ME cough.

So I tweak the experiment a bit...

I take some wet (NOT DRY, DRY WILL MAKE IT WORSE) tissues and plug up nostrils, after a few mins the coughing stops and she doesnt cough at all (you wont believe how much of a relief it was).

If I remove the tissues, as expected, the coughing resumes. Ive actually narrowed it down to a single nostril too, the right nostril. If I plug my right nostril, ill can actually  feel the throat tingle sensation that other people experience, it makes ME cough.

How else can you explain this? Maybe everyone's PATM is different and comes from diff sources, but ive tried this same experiment many times with the same results.

The only way ive found to reduce symptoms is to try to plug my left nostril (using my hand) and snort as much mucus from the right sinus as much as I can. It actually works, but it needs to be done regularly. If I hear my coworkers start to cough, I get to snorting. Not the most graceful solution, but id rather excuse myself to the bathroom for 5 mins and clear my sinus then sit around feeling guilty while 5 other people cough all day long. Do not use a saline nasal spray, they literally just dry out your nose and irritate it more.

I will not discredit those who recommend a diet change, I personally have given up majority if not all fast food and have found that my PATM has improved quite a bit since doing so.

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ok im listening ! Hmm i will try it out, But as you said everyones is different i think. But it's worth a try ! Anything to get rid of this at this point.. Don't you go crazy trying to find the source?
for me i think its my breath but i don't know for sure. Im so happy that i have a job and can make some money with this 'disease'.  Thanks for your comment cg !
I’m going to try this today.  I have ran similar tests with a mask and still got reactions.   If we are not methylating properly than different poisons will be released different ways.   Thank you for posting your results.  I believe it is this way we will find some answers.   If we work together we will find out what we need before the medical field will tell us I mean “sell it to us”
i tried to plug my nostrils with wet tissues to test, But i still got reactions but i if it works for you it's all good ! i believe we all have different sources
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My hypothesis is that the PATM is in the larynx and trachea, somehow or other it is infected and this releases the toxic allergens either by our breath or breathing, but it also has your logic, long ago in this forum a PATMer recommended to be made a surgery in the sinuses and that the cause of the PATM was there.
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Yeah i get the feeling it's something toxic and odorless , But sometimes it can be a odor too this remind me of mold? iknow that my breath is way better if im on a diet so in my case i think it's coming from my gut. That is why i take oxypowder it helps
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I believe it could be related to methylation and gut problems, but I also notice people over video conference at work have the same reactions to me. How do we explain that? It is truly unbelievable.
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I think you are right ! that is my 'gut' feeling to lol. Wow yeah that is weird.. you know what sometimes i feel like we are creating all of this with our mind* i mean is that possible?? i'm kinda spiritual and also an empath, can you relate?.. Thanks for your comment patm2324.
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Hey bro i have the weird PATM too and i am here to tell you a bad news :( but its good that you know because PATMers including me tend to 4* or even 5*  increase odors so the people that you actually find smelly maybe the Bad lacked people that emcountered the PATM. and we increase tempraturea too.Btw I am Religious too
(jesus my way) i even believe this is his choice of journey for me. I also am VerY empath. Bye and God bless u
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