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I think the symptoms of the general PATM are already clear.

1. The inflammation causes vasoconstruction, for that reason we can not smell and breathe properly, the throat sometimes burns because the nose does not heat the air, in my case I also have cold hands and feet.

2. There is something called "BIOFILM" OR "MUCOID PLAQUE", that is where the type of bacteria, fungus or parasite is lodged in the intestine, which is throwing the MICOTOXINS into the blood. All people who have some kind of disease, if you check online, have this biofilm. While others are always tired or something hurts, our fungus, bacterium or parasite its Mycotoxin is the reaction that we already know that causes in people, that is the difference.

3.- What is the defense of this fungus, bacteria or parasite? "INFLAMMATION + BIOFILM".

4.- What to do? The "PRINCIPAL" is "REDUCE INFLAMMATION" and at the same time put the supplements that we have already used for fungi, candida, which we already know.

5.- The best products to reduce inflammation and vasodilatation:
     1.-Cat's Claw
     2.- OZONE (Insuflation) This is the most powerful. Not only
          deflates, also disinfects.
     3.-Evening Primrose oil (Caps)

6.- What we need is to find the best combination of these products with others, for example the "GUAIFENESIN", I have used it and I have also seen it come out (BIOFILM). The main thing is to break the "BIOFILM". Others could be enzymes, but I have not seen much result with enzymes.

7.- One very important biofilm disrupter is the "ginger".

8.- Please focus on this and let's forget about suicide, Wifi, video, let's do all of this at the same time let's advance and give feedback.

9.- When you go to the bathroom check what is coming out.

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Вазоконстрикция. Причины:гипертония, малый объем циркулирующей крови. Проверяйте гены гипертонии и NO-синтазы. У ребят родители гипертонии. Моя мама гипертоник-кардиосклероза. Я тоже гипертоник 130/80(140/90)
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You maybe right. I am suffering from some conditions related to inflammation.
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