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Did you have random nosebleeds as a child?

My *new* theory is that PATM reactions come from the body emitting from multiple sources, white blood cells.

Now if you do a little research on white blood cells you will know that there are a few different kinds:

Neutrophil - Targets fungi/bacteria representing 62% of your blood
Eosinophil - Targets larger parasites representing 2.3%
Basophil - Releases a histamine for inflammatory responses 0.4% of your blood.  <-------------- LOOK AT THIS
Lymphocites - These are the white blood cells most people think of, the main fighter cells 30%
Monocyte - Migrate from tissue to other tissue 5.3%

My focus is on the basophil, as it is the primary white blood cell (WBC) that is responsible for the allergy type responses. I believe that we (those afflicted with what we refer to as PATM) are either emitting basophils or something about our presence causes those around us to create an abundance of basophils. This would explain the common seen reactions of coughing, sneezing, itching, etc.

My longshot theory is that we, from time to time, experience 'phantom nose bleeds'. Basically nothing looks like its running out of our noses, but thats because its so microcopic we cant see anything. It might sound crazy, but the fact of the matter is...there's a lot of **** we cant see with our naked eye.

Anyways I welcome discussion and opinions on this, I love to hear what others have to say even if negative. If you think im insane or crazy, please leave a comment!
7 Responses
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Yes I did, sometimes very bad
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And yes this theory is crazy   You however I have no idea.
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I never had nosebleeds as a child.
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Good to know someone else thinking about this is other ways like myself.  I’ve been overwhelmed by people emailing.   I can not believe so many people in so many different countries have this.   What do we all have in common???  I believe this may have been givin to us intentionally.  Man made I mean.    Sprayed from above.  We all have chem trails...   a lot of new WiFi signals and things.    so much to type.  But I know I’m gunna beat the scientists and governments going public because they just want money and population control. They already know what it is.     I am learning to work with this patm thing.    Documenting visual proof.  And an email chain of true patm suffers.   Hope you all have a great day.  I promised myself to take the day off from this but I saw this post and it’s good to know others are thinking
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Also.  Mold yeast parasites ect ect.  All play their part.  But are not the cause.   Just co-infections like lime disease has.   I’m sure of that.  I can predict my reactions well now depending what my body is experiencing.  
Again the main point is this thing travels instantly as some of you know.  Not too many known things able to travel as it does.   The other things “ride out” on the “patm”.    At least mine.  Im am 100%.  
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Cg.   Message me please.  If like you onboard with me on this.    I'm leaving medhelp soon.  Hurry and contact me.  You want to know the craziest Thing I have never posted till now.  I can make the starts fall.  Well not stars I guess but some debris from above.    I smoke and then blow and blow.   The neighbors get mad kids start getting sick and I keep blowing.  After a few minutes there is always a falling star above.   Trip on that.  I am.   I don't know what's up but this is deeper than anyone believes on here.  And my post are censored.  I have videos and I know what patm looks like in the body.  Man I know you know.   Hit me soon.  Reedfamily107 gmail
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During my worst patm i had blurry vision. Went to the eye doctor they were baffled at first then they saw globs  of white blood cells in my eyes. gave me prescription still got occasional blurry vision after.
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Yes me as well
Natural white blood cell reacting/histomines so on
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Yes and still do if I blow nose too hard.
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