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Analysis of patm from a logical perspective(Multipart Post)

This will be a multi part post because this is too long for one post so im going to go over everything that i could think of when it comes to patm so
-All my past and current theories on patm
-How patm affect people around me
-How i got patm
-My thoughts on common misconceptions
-How i reduced patm significantly
-Other types of patm
-My thoughts on “cures”
-Closing remarks
When i first thought i had patm I actually had tmau and tmau is an irritant so i thought i had a lot of accumulated dust in my hair and my clothes so people started scratching their nose when i was near them. My second theory was when I actually got patm and i thought patm was me just smelling bad until about a few weeks after that when i thought it was probably a combination of bacteria and oil on your skin that caused patm and that was my longest lasting theory and my current theory is that its a mix of tmau and another chemical which produces patm and a byproduct that turns into a gas because of the low evaporation point and since we hace a body temp of around 98 it slowly evaporates throughout the day and explains many things like why patm gets worse when you sweat or are nervous or embarrassed, its because your body temp increases thus evaporating patm quicker. I think that its the oil on your skin because i have always had dry skin and when i had patm my skin became oily for the first time and i even had a dry scalp but now its just really oily and when i reduce the amount of oil on my body another reason this could be the reason is because when i dry my hair people dont get runny noses as much and they instead just have an itch in/on their nose and lastly i made my hair oily on purpose to see if oil was the determining factor and it was because my reactions were at their absolute worst. I notice that if i set my shower head to its highest pressure then i cup my hands to get the water bouncing off my hair it turns grey or white and this also happens for my body so that might be the byproduct of tmau and the chemical or it might be patm but i cant tell because i am resistant to patm so the diluted amount will not be noticeable enough for me to tell. I do think that there is a possibility that there different types of patm so if the water thing doesnt apply to you, you might have a different form of patm than i do but to try to verify that, i will go over how patm affect the people around me.

I will go through the affect i have on the people around me at different stages of my patm experience. When i first had patm i only affected people super close to me like maybe 1-2feet(0.33-0.66m) but it had a lingering affect so even if i was already pretty far from someone they would react because i had been there and i had the ability to affect people from around 15 feet away and people during this time would be scratching their noses a lot or would have a really bad runny nose or for a tiny group of people they would have a cough. When my patm was at its highest but not at its lowest i usually affected people within 6 feet but it would be occasionally and it would be very dependent on if i was calm or nervous because at the slightest movement towards their nose i would start getting nervous and like a chain reaction i would realize im getting nervous and then get even more nervous because people were gonna start having reactions. People during this time were split between either constant clearing throats, constant runny nose or a mix with occasionally clearing their throats and runny nose. Currently i affect people if i get really close to them like 3 - 6 feet but they only have an itch and a very slight runny nose or clearing their throats once every 3 minutes? Im not sure on the exact time but around 3 minutes for around 30minutes and i recently dried out my hair even more and possible my scalp to a certain degree so it might be even less now.I got patm after i came back from mexico and after i started using body wash for the first time and in mexico my showering got really messed up because i didn’t shower with hot water and the body wash made my skin really oily and i really scraped the body wash into my skin and it made it so bad i had pimples but i thought i smelled bad for a long time so i thought that it was worth it to not smell bad but i guess i was being dumb because i didnt smell bad but after this i got tmau which then transitioned to patm after i stopped the body wash and i scraped off the weird stuff left on my body and then i had patm but weirdly it was only on my hair because my hair was super oily as i was massaging the shampoo in my hair really roughly and i know i only have patm on my hair because people shorter than me dont have any reactions to me unless they are sitting down and even hugging is no issue.
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11174952 tn?1461874487
I think PATM might be fungus or mold and the reason why we have no success at getting rid of it is because of these reasons:

-Cavities are not just “bad bacteria”, it is also caused by fungus resulting in decay. We usually treat just bad bacteria cause that is all is advertised to us from toothpaste companies.

-"Citric acid" they put into everything from canned foods and household cleaners to skin care and body products is actually from black mold.

-Antibiotics come from mold, that is in our meat and dairy products

-Inflammatory foods induces fungus in the body

-Antibiotics work to overpower mold, a true antibiotic is oil of oregano or even healthy good bacteria. The presence of good bacteria can over populate a shared space with bad bacteria causing the bad bacteria to die off, thus it is an antibiotic. However the antibiotics we get from doctors is derived from mold.

-Some people cannot remove mold from their bodies efficiently, so they  have to rely on binders.

-Pesticides contain mold.

-Milk is a perfect food in nature, but commercial milk is toxic. Milk is a complete food and grass fed milk is higher in sulphur which is an antifungal it also has a balance omega 3&6ratio,  commercial milk is pumped up will antibiotics, which is fungus, and the milk has an imbalance of omega 3&6 so it causes inflammation.

-Nuts like peanuts (not a true nut) is high in fungus.

-Seed oils are inflammatory foods which induces fungus

-Different cheeses uses different fungus.

-Benign yeast can become pathogenic fungus, maybe due to toxic conditions

-Mediterranean Sea salt is a balanced salt and salt prevents the growth of mold and helps stimulate digestion.

-Sugar cane is feeding fungus. Honey is fine because it breaks down to hydrogen peroxide and other stuff apparently. But some honeys have antibiotics in them

-minerals salts are toxic and prevents proper bodily functions ( my experience, please contact your salt provider/company and ask them for the mineral content).

bitter herbs helps to stimulate digestive acids to help with smooth digestion which helps with efficient removal of toxins.

powerful antifungals are Thyme essential oil (number one for thymol), Oil of oregano (powerful antibiotic), Cinnamon, Clove, blackwalnut, wormwood (powerful parasitic and a great bitter herb) <-------- powerful biblical herbs

Psalms 51:7 Purge me with hyssop ( apparently wild oregano) , and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.

weak antifungals tea tree, lavender you know the ones most advertised that barely help

symptom of mold/fungi is much like symptoms of parasites, these are the lists:

itchy skin, dry skin, visible fungus on the skin, nails and scalp, dehydration, constipation, hormonal imbalance, skin crawling feelings, allergies, lack of concentration, brain fog, memory issues, bad dreams, hair fall, bad smell, teeth decay, spore releasing, poor gut health, skin issues, some even say ADD and ADHD

All that we have tried usually helps with removing mold from the body, for  example, high amounts of vitamin D, saunas, tea tree oil -weak antifungal, ammonia, apple cider vinegar, fixing cavities, sulphur soaps (for mites) , bleach baths, diet change, going to the beach where it is high in salinity, getting out of the environment that could be causing mold, better breathing, parasite cleanse...etc.

make sure you check your homes for mold, I saw that people used ultra violet flashlight to see mold on surfaces. maybe you do not know you have a mold issue in your environment. some are not visible although it usually has a smell.

to clean up mold in the environment, you need a HEPA vacuum or fan, wash clothes daily with hot water, possibly stay away from laundry detergents with citric acid, clean with 10% cleaning vinegar or sodium percarbonate.

sodium percarbonate works wonders on mold, great for cleaning bathroom grout. Make sure your shower curtain is changed or washed regularly. The most important thing is removing mold for your environment.

so this is why I think no one really is  successful, because fungus is constantly in our daily life. And we have been gaslighted to think this is in our minds- it really could be since mold can living in the brain. it would be great if people tested blood for fungus or have skin samples tested for fungus.

some people may have leaky gut if they suffer from food allergies. it is important to test your blood for those allergens so that when you change your diet to eat foods that are not hurting you, you can recover properly.

not everyone can make these changes but do the ones that you know would benefit you the most if you think you have mold.

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I disagree, i dont think that patm is fungus or mold because the things that have helped me have seemingly no relation to fungus or mold. I cant say for sure if this is the case for all patmers since there might be multiple types of patm, but at least for me the things that helped me was getting rid of sebum and not fungus or mold. I think that even if patm was mold or fungus, it wouldnt matter if a lot of things were derived, contained, or are mold/fungus because it wouldnt affect the specific type of mold that causes patm. I do like that you presented a lot of different instances of things containing mold but at the same time there hasnt been any evidence that proves that mold is the cause of patm and some things that helped patmers have less reactions have no connection to mold or fungus so there is a huge hole in this theory. In order for this theory to be convincing there needs to be an explanation for: things that have no connection to mold helping patmers, how patmers are the only people affected by this, where is the evidence for mold in our body, why doesnt patm spread to person to person. Before these questions are answered then i would be skeptical of this theory.
The information I posted may not help everyone, but it is something that I noticed and I thought I should share it. It won’t hurt people to have their blood checked. Also, different fungi feeds on oily skin. Unless you have your skin tested you won’t know for sure.

I do not believe this is genetic. If it is parasitic, bacteria or fungi , it is important that we take care of our digestive health because a lot can be destroyed by our stomach acid before it can reach our small intestines then into our bloodstream then in and on our skin and where ever else. If people are releasing something from the skin then the issue is either on the surface of the skin or in the blood, imo.

What examples do you have of things  that helped sufferers that is not related to mold or fungi?
Sorry i didnt see this, so far i dont think anyone has tried anything that ive suggested even my patmer friend hasnt tried anything i told him lmao. Whenever i post something that might help different patmers i always write "let me know if this helped you" and so far no one has said anything so its whatever. If i were to suggest one thing to try it would have to be the lime water thing i was recently posting about so if you want to try something out then try that out and if you do then please let me know if it does anything at all because my goal is not just to help myself but others as well.
I remember someone sharing that when they put hydrogen peroxide on their skin, it started bubbling. This is what happens when fungi is present. Has anyone tried an apple cider vinegar and hydrogen peroxide scalp rinse? Also with all the static that we produce it is also related to mold. Apparently that is what happens. I was looking into different fungus and there is one called cob web mold, it can be found really any where, it webs possible causing the white fuzz balls we see, it spores really fast, and the only thing that is a “natural treatment” is hydrogen peroxide.  Has anyone tried any treatment with hydrogen peroxide? I have not tried any yet. If you have what were your results .  
You might be right about using lime. However for someone who has PATM on their scalp, maybe 100% lemon juice to the scalp because it has a pH of 2. This high level of acidity will kill lots of mold. Apple cider vinegar is not strong enough, and I do not think lime either.

In regards to my earlier post, I have recently tried hydrogen peroxide on my scalp. I used an applicator bottle and poured it straight on my scalp and messaged it in for 1 min then rinsed, I did feel some bubbling while it was in. All I can currently verify is that I don’t seem to have any dandruff anymore.  Next I’ll try  straight lemon juice .
I think people who want to get rid of the fungus from their nose and where ever else should have a look at the comment section of this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=vldZn1BQz0k

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I have a shockingly similar experience with patm. I never thought of patm in the way that it was something that evaporated throughout the day until i read your post for the first time but it makes a lot of sense. When you said "weird stuff left on my body" is that in reference to a substance that dries your fingertips and is kind of black when you scrape it off? I think that even if there are different forms of patm, we have the same type because i only have patm in my hair too and i also have the greyish water.
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How about you tell us your lifestyle. That's what we want to compare to our own.
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