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i was looking for solutions for lots of lints in my hair!! that make a lot of electro static in my hair that cause people to rub their and others things and and i found out that a lot of people have lints in their hair like me and thats because of HARD WATER , the place where you live that have hard water,you take a shower of hard water every day and its not good for your hair and body!!!! it contain a lot of mineral/ chlore magnesium etc....Im running to the store to get a filter for my shower !!!!  since I have move into my appartment I have PATM symptoms !! and anxiety and stress make electro static a lot worse !!! if it is really just this???? that is soooo stupid!!!
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I never had PATM symptoms before moving into my new appartment,  I have a lot of electro static in my hair it is crazy and it became worst in winter because cold weather make electro static  lot worse, I knew it was connected and then I became nervous a lot and stress make it worse ,   when I shake my hair there is particules every where and the symptoms are goin crazy in my face !!! hope it is your solution!!!
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If you read a little the previous writings in this forum truthful that tried everything, even commit suicide, I regret, but nothing at all is proven, all the hypotheses are valid until it explains clearly about what is PATM.

In fact there were many writings where some were bathed with bicarbonate, others with marine salts, exfoliation in salt, etc ... there was another experiemnto with the products of removes fleas, etcs all did not work, well, at least that I read .. ...

BE strong, Greetings.
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