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Definitely Liver Related

Anyone who suffers from this would do well to have your complete liver function tested by a naturopath doctor. I had mine tested and it appears mine is not producing Glutathione, which serves to detoxify the body, which would explain why we get such a buildup of gases that come out in our skin and breath. Glutathione can be built up naturally by increasing protein consumption along with staying away from disrupters. My Naturopath has suggested IV injections containing Glutathione, which I will begin next month. I hope this information helps.
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how's it going,my bro.
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Thanks for asking. Due to delays with getting time off from my employer, I will not start my infusions until tomorrow. Hope to have an update for you soon!
Does it work?
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Yes, I agree with the idea of ​​abnormal lipid metabolism, which is closely related to liver problems.

I find that my head sometimes emits a heat wave that smells stuffy, like cooking in a small kitchen without turning on the range hood.Another special situation is that my hair seems to be covered with a layer of grease. No matter how many times I use shampoo, it has a plasticky texture.

My hands and feet are always sticky and the keyboard I use always has a white solid grease on it.The palms of my hands, like my hair, were covered in a layer of plastic-like grease. Sometimes they smelled like a sour garbage dump, but most of the time it just smelled like stuffy plastic.

The grease and blackheads on the nose always give off a strange smell, sometimes like the sour smell of a garbage dump.
Most of the time it just smells greasy, very similar to the greasy smell from hair.

I think it is the stuffy and hot gas produced by abnormal lipid metabolism that causes others to react as if they are suffocating.

The smell of oil on the nose is the culprit why you smell it but others say they don’t.
Spraying white vinegar on your body before bathing and then bathing normally can reduce this plastic-like grease.

Thank you and hope to get further news.
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Thanks for sharing!
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You’re welcome
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Did you took the glutathione IV injections.. there is any improvement in PATM reactions
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I begin them in two weeks, but will start the supplements in between time. Will be sure to give an update!
My Naturopath is an MD as well who has helped me in a lot of other ways, so I will continue to trust her for now. Thanks
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