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Need guidance desperately

Hi PATMbuddies,

As of my car accident in February this year I have been re-invigorated to make changes in my life, PATM being one of the most significant ones. I've suffered from this since 2011 and before discovering this forum in late 2012 was at my wits end. Mass isolation, deep depression were sky-high. By the time I did stumble onto the old thread I instantly found relief. Although temporary. At that point I was getting overwhelmed by the comments. I must admit, like many of you, that I wanted a full-proof diagnosis, solution and prognosis. It seemed everyone was frantic in experimenting and isolating anything from the biological route to (which was most feasible), the electromagnetics going as far as if you will, the 'extra-terrestrial'. By that I mean the ultra-violet observations which bordered on the morgellons, parasitic-fibres under intense magnification, etc. My mind isn't that way inclined so I didn't even consider it being such a realistic theory. Esentially i'd just zap over the comments that harbored on the latter, finding solace in what made sense to me. Non of what I have or am going to touch upon is in any chronological order so please bear with me. So in March i think it was ordered the Ultimate candida book which I received in late april. My aim was to start the Candida diet in May and now look where we sitting. 2 months down the line and now I intend to start in August. Who know's, I may procrastinate it until September with the way I avoid tasks when I'm not good about myself. It's daunting, I intend to visit family in Aus in mid-december and something super-surreal will have to come along to make my vacation bearable. Note: I will start my diet, complimented with all the researched and recommended sups and if things haven't improved come then, ill delay my trip.
I was studying but have just put that and my part-time employment on hold and moved back with my dad. My mom past away last year, we had an incredible bond, I loved her so-so much and she probably even loved me more. She was a Samaritan, God bless her special, gentle soul. In her last days, she mentioned in her frail, waning talk how she feels for me that I have to carry on living. We shared plenty of pains  throughout life She was happy (euphoric you may say) where she was going, It was almost as though a part of mom was already in heaven. Just to inform you all, her passing and the forthcoming anniversary of her passing is not a big factor on my state at this time. That has long-since been reconciled and cherished.
I'm affraid I need to start preparing dinner, so this is just a briefing on me and where I'm standing now. I  will be posting again soon, hopefully, on what you think of my proposed regimen.

God bless everyone of you. That's tough for me to say at this time but so it goes.

6 Responses
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Hey pogo651, here's an explanation from a health website:

"As surprising as it may sound, one of the best supplements to tackle Candida is itself a yeast called Saccharomyces boulardii (S. boulardii). It’s a non-colonizing yeast which means that it will never take up residence in your gut. However, as it passes through it stimulates your gut’s production of an immune component called secretory IgA (SIgA). Greater amounts of this immunoglobulin make it increasingly difficult for the Candida to stick to your gut wall."
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Shot hopeful, says it all.
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Yup, I'm one of the ones not courageous to explain to everyone.  I mean, I've told around 5 people and they either don't believe me or don't know what to say.   And the symptoms blend with other common areas like allergies so can be hard to diagnose or troubleshoot.  

Been actually difficult the past couple weeks.  Feel myself getting upset easily at people or myself or even God.   Anyway, have to strive to be positive and continue praying we stumble on a solution.  
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Hey pogo, thought i'd post since we have a couple similarities! I got PATM around 2011 too (i was 21), and i know what you mean about the isolation and depression you experienced. I never even told my family or any friends until this year, so the anxiety was just killer. That has improved a lot, along with my PATM symptoms. The simplest thing I can recommend is deep, proper breathing. As much as you can throughout the day when you remember.
  Also wanted to post because i finally got off my *** and started the candida diet a month and a half ago. The best part about getting your diet as clean as possible, is it will make you want to make other positive changes in your life too - its just kinda a groove you get into. My candida diet experience: Starting *****. its gonna suck in august, september, year 2036. the first morning for breakfast I made a kale protein shake. It looked like **** and i couldn't believe what became of my life, and I cried. But I drank it. Not bad... Once you start eating well for like 2 or three days it will become like a challenge to eat healthier and healthier. You know now that you're doing what you need to do to beat this damn thing, and trust me, that is motivating as HELL.  i started running too, starting to work out, intend to start hot yoga very soon. Now those Green HellShakes are the tastiest gorddown breakfast i can think of, i get excited for it every morning.  I've been taking a lot of the recommended supplements.
  I'm not entirely sure that candida is at the heart of this for me, but it is not a bad lifestyle to try for a month, thats for sure. I've started eating some fruit, and things like quick oatmeal. Healthy body, healthy mind, that jazz! I think anxiety might play a large role in this for me too so I'm working on that too. My health was always really good, I'd say near impeccable if it wasn't for PATM.
  Again, deep breathing has reduced my patm more than anything. I discovered it while i was STILL eating fast food, smoking lots of pot and tobacco, and drinking pretty freely. and it reduced my patm even while i was doing those things. So yeah! this is the year we're gonna squash that patm bug
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Hi Morty, Yeah I get you. 99.9% on this forum have found in tough plucking the courage to disclose it to anyone. That's where booze comes in LOL. This primarily for insecurity reasons and the fact that sufferer upon sufferer hasn't sold it to the masses - all the way from psychiatrists to the closest of closest family. The thing is we're the furthest from delusional, sanity has kicked that ****** label in its ***. Breathing, mindfullness, meditation plays a big part that I cannot dispute. Breathing properly, deeply and thoroughly has been proven to 'detoxify the physical, mental and spiritual.
Regarding the Candida diet, that's exactly what im talking about. Shakes, shakes, shakes. And 'green' as can be. Kale, Chard, cucumber, whatever you can get your hands on. Ill by a cheapo processor. Those Omega juices way out of my range. I'm bipolar, as was mom, and when i hit those plus times (not manic that's regulated by meds) I get the motivation. It's just the minus occasions that make me think "well what the ****, might as well take up smoking again, drink like a fish..." From being a depressive for over 20 years, once you hit those lowpoints, which i know everyone has to some degree, suicide becomes an outstanding solution. But that is history, Ill pick myself up and push, no matter what effects my PATM still has, it's got momentum now and as you insinuate healthier, proactive and POSITIVITY  is what im gunning for.
I too am unsure whether candida is the root of my PATM. But who cares, it makes sense and sure as hell has to work sometime.
Many of my friends are way unhealthier than I am: overweight, diet, excercise, blah blah and it makes us upset that WE gotta be saddled with this cr7p.
Anyway, so it is and that's life. Everyone gets cursed in some way right.
Another thing I need mention is that my monumental anxieties don't just stem from PATM. Once i destroy this beast there are host of other issues in life which I must overcome. Some might still linger, others get canned for good so I hope for the best. I sometimes wish some wizard would twist and tweak and d%&n well shock the bejesus our of my pituitary gland into geniunely believing in potential for getting over anything that can be deabilitating.
Chow guys, chat soon
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Спасибо за историю
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Спасибо, мой друг
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Many many thanks hopeful
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Thanks for sharing your story; it was very touching.  I wish you the best on your journey -- keep hope alive!!
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One question which someone raised in a previous post. Why Sacch boulardii specifically?. In being a yeast is it not negating the effects of the antifungals

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