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Itching after bath or when the body is wet

Hi patmddies. Does anyone else out there experienced an abnormal itching after bath or when the body sweats? Im a sufferer since 2006, at first i thought i was going mad or something. Cos whenever i talk to doctors about this they ask me funny questions like they talking to someone that is mad. An my patm start a wrong time i must say, i was doing my high school an i i was about to write my final exams. It ruins everythng, cos i ddnt concentrate after than. Patm sufferers understands that. Now my question is, there are a lot of people suffering out there by patm, though doctors dont want to beleave its a real thing, they think its cama in our head. How about we try to come together and discuss this. We are a lot, but if we keep on just say maybee thy doctors will find us cure, we are just wasting our time. Lets come together an atract the attantion of doctors and proof out to them the thing is real nt in our head.
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No issues with itchiness here.   I exercise a lot and sweat often and no itchiness.  
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Hi Morty123, thanks for the advice. But i dont think being positive will releave us or make us patm free, we just get a positive mind but patm will still be present in our body. I tried it, but it ddnt help much but im glad if its working for you.   We cant heal ourselves, not until doctors find the main cause of it. But some stated that blood transfusion works.
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Hey painkiller, I don't really itch too much myself, but at the height of my patm 2 years ago I was chilling in the sun shirtless sitting on a patio chair, naturally sweating some. My roommate (who sneezed and cleared throat around me everyday) sat in the chair later on, and he got a very itchy rash, i think from me sitting there earlier. Seems entirely possible to me like sweating is a good way to detox this stuff from our system, just be hygenic about it unlike me aha.
  I don't personally think investing too much time into convincing doctors will help us the most - the good ones would just want you to live as healthy (body and mind) as possible (without whatever unnecessary meds) because that's ultimately the best bet.  You can start doing that right now!
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