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PATM or Hypersensitivity to ElectroMagnetic Radiation?

Hi Guys
I have been a sufferer of PATM for around 2 years and it has severely affected my life. I'm sure everyone can agree the emotional stress that this brings is unbelievable. Through my studies and by visiting 10 different specialists, reading this forum and doing my own research I do believe I have found the answer to what PATM really is.
I have found out only recently that I have had work in an environment that is high in Electromagnetic Radiation this is generated by high electrical currents from equipment which I work close by, its also found in any products that use electricity, high voltage power lines and mobile phone technology.
My theory is that if you are exposed to long term effects of this it actually gets enough into your own body that in a sense you become electrically charge and in a sense your body is contaminated with this radiation then as we walk around this energy is emitting from us.
This energy does dry out peoples throat, mucosa, even intestines and stomachs causing people to rub their eyes, cough, sneeze, scratch etc.
Unfortunately EMR is everywhere but if you do avoid using mobile phone devices and keeping away from high electrical appliances the symptoms can improve but in todays society this is easier said than done.

Can everyone respond to see if you also suffer the similar things as I do gastro issues, skin issues, headaches, muscle twitching if you do then along with others having reactions to you (PATM) if so then we are on the same pathway.

Also can you confirm if either you live near mobile phone towers, high phone user, high voltage power lines, or high current electrical equipment at work or home? I believe these are the triggers to our problems and you have been exposed to those over a prolonged period of time.

Does this theory work for everyone, does this make sense please do your own research around radiation and its effects and check out Hypersensitivity to Electromagnetic radiation there is actually a condition know as this which is not medically accepted as yet in many countries but in some there is momentum for this.

Cheer up everyone half the problem of this PATM is understanding it and putting in place precautions to avoid this going on.
9 Responses
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I agree that there is something to what you're saying. I find that whenever my arm brushes a certain, I feel static electricity. I also notice that I am attracting dust. No matter how much I clean, the area around me is quickly covered in dust. And it's in my clothes. When I shake out my clothes at the end of the day, dust flies out of them. Another thing, I can't wear anything scented. Even a small amount smells like I used a ton. Fragrances are strong and lingering on me and they cause allergic reactions in myself and others.
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This is very close to what I have. Think there is different forms of this crap. I don't make people cough and I don't smell. But I itch and see other people itch around me and in cars around me. I believe it's the metals in cigarettes, work the tattoos I got and electronic devices. Our bodies are like a magnet and dust with a negative or positive charges are a tracked to us. It's some kind of ion exchange and we have to much of something or to little. Ions are not barred by walls or windows that's why people itch on the other side of glass or the car next to you. An ion is fast as electricity can travel and if the right person has that opposite charge of that pitiful are ion that's released its a dominoes effect through out the whole store. I have this and feal it's something about metals inside me or electrostatic redial ion crap. Walk in to wall mart in electronics well I can feel itching getting worse just like using this damb cell ph. My hands and face itch.
Any news please let me know. **** enough to drive you mad.
Tried probiotics and crap no good.my email ***@****
Dust is not what you think it is , a single dust bunny can form slime mold nets. These are the thin line that looklike spider webs but arent. Kepp dust out of your home. you can message me for more info
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Yes I think u are describing my case
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In fact it is a symptom of the deficiency of vitamin B (specifically vitamin B12) and it always join the homocysteine (See my post).

I started the treatment that my doctor has prescribed for me, it's been a dozen days and I assure you that my PATM reduced more than 80%. I work as an engineer in an open space, before it was hell, now I can even do 3 hours without anyone coughing.

I go back to see my doctor on Saturday.
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Hi Antonych.What do you take to decrease PATM symptoms?
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My reply here contains very helpful observations that may help all eventually win this battle.

I don't even know where to begin. So much has happened , so I will be as brief as possible. First of all, I can confirm that I have been battling the exact same symtoms described here and on other forums for one year. In that time, I have lost my job, my home was almost foreclosed on and I lost every piece of clothing I owned. My incessent cleaning and withdrawl from the community and social circle added the unwanted effect of making me look rather odd and suspect. At one stage , I could make an entire train station full of people break out in coughing fits and itch .

By the looks of some of the posts, peole already know that this condition is also percieved as to likely be Morgellons , Bird Mites, Rat Mites, Candida, you name it. As a result I have approached it from all of these different perspectives . The silver bullet solution still eludes me .

I have posted on many other forums and I think this will be my last post because the obsessive investigation and research is a problem in of itself . Frankly, it began to drive me nuts and latching onto too many theories  and treatments that never work.  

Specks and Hair

One certainty I can confirm is that there is a connection between this and tiny to long white hair  or specs that appear to infest or eminate from within my body. These infest clothing at an alarming rate. They appear to be intelligent in the way they float in the air. They are so ubiquitous , I dont know if this is something in the general eco system reacting to us, or whether we are so potently infected , this things overwhelm our local environment so quickly. For example, I have ordered clothes from online that came in a sealed back . Between the time of opening it and putting it on, these things are jumping off the clothes already.

Cold Temperature

This is really the purpose of my post and my latest observation . I have beat this down by a factor of arround 80 to 98% . There is  relatively a few types of persons who will now repeatedly clear their throat upon my arrival . I had other bodily symtoms which have now gone .

After a year of unemployment , I got a new job which required me to move to a really cold country. By this time, my issue was largely beaten back to a degree where life was negotiable . However, the immense psychological impact remains . I was aware that I am still slightly symtomatic and clothing appears to be infested still , so I wasnt expecting any mirracles.

Whilst not an instant mirracle, I  have noticed that bodily exposure to sub zero temperatures slows or kills these things off . If you were unable to see the hairs and specks before, you will see them in very cold temperatures as they become very slow .

I am praying that cold wheather does not simply trigger some sort of hybernation .

My approach has been to quietly continue the fight whilst they are in this weakened state . Every day is better and better.

I am sorry that I  have not included a huge list of products and protocols because quite frankly, in everything I have tried, I do not know what is worked so far. However, I do agree that the key is to aim for extreme levels of immune system cleanse and maintenace and your body will do the rest . I think there is a protracted "shedding"  period where this stuff spews out of you.

I would also reccomend forms of deep layer cleansing of the skin. I think there is some type of film on the skin.

I generally eat clean and avoid Candida bait . This approach is not as strict as it used to be and I notice no instant worsening on the odd occasion I have something bad .

Whilst I have avoided the hyterics in this post, here are some take aways: Yest this is happening. You are not crazy. It is absolutely devestating . If there is any silver lining it is that the refusal of clinicians to lend meaningful help in this means there is no sitgma if you can be discreet enough . I know that is hard when you are a walking napalm shower . Only those who have had it will know its you.

I reccomend that as soon as you sense doctors about to throw their hands up, dont fight them. This will earn you the further lable of crazy and again, drive you nuts in of itself. Take it as an awakening : yes, in this world, there are things you will go through. If it violates the reality people are conditioned to accept (like Doctors never lie and are never wrong ), you are entirely on your own and you will not be the one to lift the veil from a grateful public .

The ease at which I either infected others or brought them into discomfort leads me to believe that this has to be rife and matastercising out there in the wider world . Nothing we can do but quietly fight, win our own battle and then do all we can so it never happens again.
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"Yes this is happening. You are not crazy.  It is absolutely devastating". All three sentences absolutely true.

And also true that doctors are of no help and may try to put you on anti-psychotics.  As I sit at work and the napalm bombs, as you say, are going off, I just tell myself that "I tried" and all it got me was a prescription for an anti-psychotic I refused to fill.  

I have a severe form of the electric type of PATM, different from the specks/hair (Morg) type but just as cruel.  
I think that we have to think in that way-first we need EMF protectors.I ordered antiradiation stickers -I don't know if they works but at least I can try.We are like positive electrical charged people.So we need more anions.Things like anion ozonizers are good I think.Ozone therapy helps about our situation.Mineral water is not good-it has "+" and "-" ions.We need only "-" ions.There is an article named I'm no longer electrosensitive.She said that she cured her electrosensitivity  with 4 liver flushes and she pulled out gallstones.Does that mean that we have  also gallstones?She thought that chronic candidiasis(mycotoxins) was the reason for her electrosensitivity.
Wow, yours seems to be extreme or something different. Because I did not read a case similar to yours. White thread infested garments? Mushrooms? Bad smell? Look; I was wondering like a thousand people and no one noticed or felt an odor, In fact, I also experience in the high and low temperatures and the problem of PATM is still present, I live at 3600 km above sea level where the climate is cold and Follows the PATM, at night it freezes and follows the PATM, it rains and follows the PATM, the wind blows to the contrary and the PATM follows constantly in the place of always in a perimeter of 50 meters in the round, In addition, it is incredible the Speed ​​you have, how do you explain that it fills the fungus "spores" in milliseconds a gigantic theater? Everything you wrote seems a very different case to yours. What gas travels so fast that it approaches the speed of light? I currently control in moments, but I have to be very focused and positive, when I neglect the PATM. Another thing, in my work I left my clothes to see if they felt the PATM when I was going since I assumed at first that it was Fungus-spores where my clothes would be also infested and that even if I remove my clothes there would cause PATM, but Did not happen that, I left all my dirty work clothes in the office and I left leaving a recorder, it turns out that no one felt PATM, but when I came back the PATM was present, how do I explain? Mental problems? I repeat, the speed is incredibly fast.
I'm not sure who you're responding to, this is an old post that mindspace bumped up...but yes, the speed is pretty much the speed of sound.  The fungal spores in your clothes, if indeed they were the source of the PATM, still need an electrical signal i.e. the nerves in your skin, to send the soundwave out, so interesting experiment leaving your dirty clothes at work, but I'm not surprised at the results...
neurotransimission. patm causes other creatures to become overactive. not fungus only cause patm
I remain baffled, no one defines that it is in itself PATM, nor do they explain the speed with which it travels. In fact, chemical weapons do not have that speed, so a gas traveling at that speed will need another component that is nothing more than another type of compressed gas that creates excitation between atoms, then, our body that they have in them? How do you travel at these speeds?

Sumo other experiments more that realize; My PATM does not discriminate against the climate; I travel with motorcycle and against wind, but the PATM continues in the constant and constant range, if it were gas this PATM would travel towards where the wind blows, but such thing does not happen. I also checked that you pass window-panes over and over again, change the types of glass in my window, and the PATM effect keeps coming out onto the street. Buy new clothes to experiment with and cut my hair flush with the skin and the PATM continues with the same effect. I do not explain how, the doctors do not explain and send me to the psychologist, studies both blood, urine, ultrasound tomography liver, intestines, nothing, everything comes out Normal. By last; Those who comment here experienced? Were they wearing an aluminum suit or something? I think more than one shot all the clothes I had and washed with baking soda and other liquids to know if the fungi were on your skin or clothes. I currently do not have any problem on the skin, I do not hurt anything, I only have stationary allergy, just that, then, again, how do I explain what the PATM?

I do not want to win with my writing, I simply look for a coherent explanation to explain.
right...all the medical tests come back fine (except I was originally diagnosed with SIBO and then TMAU2 and then high titers for certain molds)...and yes, nothing on the skin (no rash, etc.) but the nerves in our skin are amplifying/broadcasting whatever is living primarily in our gut/intestines and secondarily on our skin.  and like soundwaves, it travels fast and in all directions...i believe these soundwaves are on the infrasound spectrum (below audible hearing)
that causes others sweating as well
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Is there a solution to radiation besides staying away from devices
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I think we are finally onto something. I have had this going on for 15 years. Way before I remember there being a name for it. I've researched this for a very long time, and have always thouget it had something to do with a gas we are releasing caused by some type of bacteria or a parasite. I have had these symptoms forever and didn't think it would ever be figured out. I actually think that this does make some sense, as this is the first time I've ever posted anything about it online. My symptoms: gastrointestinal problems, itchiness, burning eyes, yawning, attracting dust anywhere I go, can't go anywhere without causing these reactions from others. Another thing I've noticed is that every place I've lived, my home ac/ furnace filter gets extremely clogged really fast. Especially the electro charged filters you can buy. Also bought an ionic pro that removes electrically charged ions from the air and put in my room and it's always dirty. I'm a very clean person, and my clothes are always dirty smelling from this. I have to buy new clothes all the time. It's funny how fast the reactions are for people around us. I've eventually just laugh about it everyday just to deal with it in my own way. I have also noted that if I smoke a cigarette it makes my symptoms and others alot worse, and the cigarettes stink so much worse than I remember. Something I've been thinking it was here lately was excessive carbon dioxide in our bodies, because it can be an irritant. Anyways seems like there is a ton of information about patm now days, and I hope we can get this figured out. By the way, I have had probably 15 or more xrays,ct scans,mri. So I know I have been exposed to electro magnetic radiation excessively. We need to figure out how to fix this if this is what it is. Maybe iodine tablets could be a start and maybe find some way to decharge us!
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Yes!  Heavy metal toxins would make sense to me. If these toxins are amplifying the effect of electromagnetic fields, this would be the missing part we were searching for. Also I've heard of Candida being released by the body because it binds heavy metals. In addition the body is able to deposit heavy metals in the fat storage so this would explain why it often becomes stronger if we are losing weight.
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Whats the solution to radiation
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I have heard that heavy metal toxins can make EMF sensitivity up to 600x more noticeable. Maybe we are only sensitive because were poisoned with heavy metals?

But, i agree mainly with what you're saying. There is definitely an EMF component. Do any of you guys find that your body produces this vile, potent, burnt wood smell especially around your face? I cant wash this smell off, its like some chemical compound. Smells similar to ammonia, hydrogen sulfate or something toxic
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This supports your thesis. And sometimes people very far off react so it must be some kind of radiation.
My bdy heats up around computers, stoves, and I dont ave menopause. Would this oxy owder help
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Know here's on thing I was sleeping around a high wattage power lines when this happen and when I first came around I always started to smell a smell but I guess it was light when I told people they act like they couldn't smell anything but it was also around a big sewer like layer but I get static shocks a lot at work throwing bottles for disposal it feels like electricity is all over my body or something but it is something on us
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Love the details, it was the plastic grocery bags that surprised me most, in their ability to shock me when I was full-blown. I worked on a computer 80 hours a week back then...
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*I meant brush my arm against surfaces.
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Chelation therapy has anyone tried this. I was reading up on metal toxity. Some people are alergic to nickel that's in cell phones computers, flat screens excetra. I make others itch, not cough and I don't smell like farts, think that's a different form of this patm.
Anyhow I am gonna look into getting this done, I guess a doctor hooks up an iv on a drip and this is supossed to rid the body of toxic metals.I believe we have or been exposed to much metal. In cigarettes in water ect. Now that we have all this crap in us it's so hard to get it to stop. Metals have a positive or negitive charge and we are like magnets and keep pulling in metals from are bodies. For instance I take a shower clean up real good. Go for walk with no wind and come back and take alcohol swab and wipe my skin, that swab is dark as dirt. Or I walk in wall mart in the electronics I can feel and see others in a icing frenzy. Some people are worse than others. My son can't stand to be in the car with me, he goes into a itching fast bad.
Anyhow while I write this my hands and face are itching from this damb cell ph.
My email is ***@****
Please let me know if anyone has tried this Chelation Therapy. Good luck my fellow people.
Oh I've had this for 4 months now and I had this 4 years ago.
4 years ago I went to jail about 18 days in jail I noticed it was gone. The food not being able to smoke no electronics anywhere and not being exposed to sun. Something about that being jail isolated what was causing this and allowed it to go away. I think but who knows.
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